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Christina Astalli
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Ravaryn Citizen
Christina Astalli
Christina Astalli
Christina Astalli H0mzcaZ
Christina Astalli FaxCtWv

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Noblewoman

Christina Astalli
soon it’ll be spring, and everything will look different then,
Gender Female
Age 24
Species lycantrope
Magic None
ReligionThe Odirian Deities
P.O.B Ravaryn
Residence Ishgard
Height 1.77
Build Slender
Hair color Dark brown
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Deep blue
Skin Tone Fair


Christina has changed a lot in appearance since her husbands' death. Before his passing, she used to have light blond hair, that usually flowed freely, and if it ever was done up; it was usually in rather loose styles. And the clothing she wore was light, both in the way it fitted her. And the colors. However now, the woman has dyed her hair a dark shade of brown. Almost black in some lights. Her garments are heavy and full of somber shades. The woman also wears much more jewelry than she did before. She was once content enough, with wearing only her wedding ring. But now she's typically decked out in all sorts of accessories. She is, for example-never seen without some sort of headwear. Something her hair allows for now. Being done up in tight and intricately braided ways. The darker shades of her garments, however, does contrast her pearly white skin. Making it appear even lighter than before. Christina, posses sharp cheekbones and large doe-like eyes. Which are a striking deep blue color. Her lips are soft and often painted in a light shade of pink. Together with some blush; it is the most she wears when it comes to makeup. Christina is also a remarkably tall woman, (helped by the fact she likes to wear high heels) causing her to tower over most other ladies, and even some men too. Despite the rather drastic alterations, she's made. There's no denying that Christina is still very beautiful. 
Constellation The Twins
Alignment Neutral good

She's rather somber now, the person she was before seems all but gone. Or buried at the very least. Buried under a mountain of grief, and insecurity. Christina, is a rather cold and distant woman now. At least to people she doesn't know very well. She's not hostile, (But she can be if she wants) though, just very neutral. That doesn't mean she is, though; Christina often picks sides. Often of those she trusts or is on friendly terms with. Even if she knows they are wrong. This makes her very loyal, which she definitely is. But she also hates confrontations with those she cares about. So regularly does, or says, things just to please them. Christina does have a soft side, one that is caring and kind. It is one she regularly shows to her family and friends. Though the woman does it in a much quieter and muted way now than before. Being; not a big fan of grand gestures of affection. She is very trustworthy, though, when someone takes her in confidence. They can rest assured that their secrets are safe with her (most of the time.) Being a noble lady, she does have a certain sense of self-importance. Especially now, being very rich and owning properties of her own. It can sometimes make her come across as haughty. But she usually only acts this way because it is expected of her to do so, and not because she thinks herself to be actually better. In fact, Christina doesn't think a lot of her self at the moment at all. Doing so often makes her feel even worse than she already does. So the woman makes it a top priority to keep her mind occupied at all times. Busing herself with those around her; and their lives. The education of her son, the managing of her properties. Or her many artistic endeavors. All these things, go together perfectly with her intelligently mind. Making her rather cultured and skilled in many aspects. 
Family Tree


father Nikolai Destra
mother  Margaret Destra

Close family

Husband Fenrir Astalli †
SonFinnian Astalli
Ex-father-in-law Gustav Astalli
Ex-mother-in-law Hedwig Astalli


Aunts & Uncles A few
Cousins Several
Christina is the only child of the wealthy, Destra family. Because she was an only child, the girl was spoiled heavily from a young age. But this never caused her to act like a brat. Well, she had her moments naturally; she was a child, after all. But despite all the pampering, she grew up to be a real kind girl. One who cared about the feelings of others. And knew that she couldn't have things always done her way. She was patient and understanding. Even a little shy sometimes. Though this was quickly overcome when she met a young boy her age. He was the son of a family; her parents were friends with.  His name was Fenrir. And ever since they first met, the two children, became inseparable. They taught one another, valuable traits that they lacked. Christina smoothed his excited and hyperbolic personality. And he pushed her to be more social, and confident. When their parents noticed how good they were for another. It was swiftly decided they should marry when the time came. The children, however, weren't told of this immediately. Since they were still too young to think of such things.

Christina was a teenager when her parents first told her of the plans. I'd say she was about 16/17 when she was told. It didn't come as a big surprise to her then, yet she was happy it was finally official confirmed. She started to dream about the life they would have together. Until all her hopes came crashing down the day he told her; that he was a gay man. It shocked her; since she never even noticed his choice in men. But then again he had hid it away from everyone, being afraid to be judged. Though, he couldn't lie to her anymore; he needed to tell her the truth. Seeing the fear and raw in his eyes then. It moved the young woman greatly, though And she promised to help and support him in any way she could.

When they were finally married, they looked like the perfect couple from the outside. And while they had retained their close bond. It was a Platonic one. Fenrir, found love elsewhere. Yet he, always, paid close attention to his wife. And put her feelings above everything. Always respecting her wishes. And listening to her advice. Christina was never jealous, however, she had long accepted who he really was. It was expected that they would produce a child, though, both the family lineage depended on it. It was difficult for Fenrir at first, but quickly Christina fell pregnant. And at the age of 20 gave birth to a healthy baby boy, named Finnigan. Fenrir was often by her side, and helped her greatly during her pregnancy. He was also a devoted father. Caring deeply for his son. While Christina, stayed a little more in the background. Preferring to focus on other things instead of her son.

Her boy was only two years old, when Christina was bitten by a lycan, the details are fuzzy and she herself can't really remember much of it. But she became lost during a hunting expedition she had taken with some friends, and-when she woke up again. She was in her home, in bed and covered in bandages. She had been attacked. But no one knew that she was no also cursed. Not until it was too late. Her first transformation was brutal and sudden. But at least she was out of the house when it happened, and with her husband. Who managed to track her all night, making she sure she didn't attack anyone; or was captured.

After that, he told her about what she was. And it devastated her. But he promised that they would get through it together; and they did. A special room was built in their home. One she would stay in during the full moon. With him close by, sitting just outside the door. Watching her, talking to her, when she was still able too. And supporting her in spirit.

Thanks to this, the experiences they both been through together. They almost became soulmates of sorts, in a platonic sort of way. So when he suddenly did during a terrible illness. It was a devastating blow for Christina. It shook her to the core. And thus she changed drastically. Since now, she had lost her rock. She inherited all his wealth, and businesses for herself, making her a very rich, and well-connected widow. Though, it did little to soften the pain of her loss.

It's been a year now since his death, yet it still feels very fresh to her. Christina still struggles heavily with his loss, and managing everything by herself. She focuses mainly on her son now, but that is hard for her as well. As she doesn't have the best bond with him. 

-gives a lot of money away to charity
-despite the fact, her relationship with her son it a little strained
-she does care deeply for him
-i headcanon her husband to have looked like this
-didn't go back to her old family name because she genuinely feels like a part of her husband's one
-because she has a very good bond with her ex-parents in law
-stands to inherent her parents' wealth when they die
-her parents live very close to her and often visit
-owns a large town house in Ishgard
-and a mansion outside of town
-she often stays in the townhouse in the winter and only goes to stay in her mansion in the summer.
-Besties with ada<3
-those close to her often call her "chrissy"
-because she is a lycan, she hates dogs and can't stand to be near them
-despite this, the family does still have a dog, though she only keeps it because it was a gift from her husband to her son. Who adores the creature.
Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:22 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Christina Astalli XuTWurPc_o
Christina Astalli MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:30 pm
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