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Target practice
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Lemuria Citizen
Meleys Aerendyl
Meleys Aerendyl
Target practice  Fqffi26
Target practice  RvhG1VK

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Government Job/pro uncle simp
Fallen from the sky with grace
﴿﴾ ”Pull!” Meleys' voice echoed across the open field. Seconds later, three round clay balls were hurled high up. Long before they hit the ground, however, each one of them had been shot out of the air by one of her arrows. A smile played on her face, almost smug, as she lowered her bow. One of the servant boys, operating the sling at the other end of the field, ran down to quickly collect her arrows, while the other filled the sling with new clay balls. ”Make it four!” She yelled at him. She needed a challenge, and this was getting way too easy. Once the field was clear again, the moon elf waited for the perfect moment. ”Pull!” Meleys took a calm but deep breath. She noticed any and every little detail in her surroundings. The slight shifts in the wind through the tree tops, the weight and direction of the slung clay balls as they made their way through the sky. The servant boys, silent as mice, held their breath in anticipation. Knowing better than to make any sound. The first three balls were easily shot down again. Each one broke apart with that satisfying sound as the clay particles scattered around. She quickly nocked an arrow for the last clay ball. When she drew the string back, she suddenly heard a twig crack behind her. In a quick motion, she twirled around on her feet and locked her eyes on the person who had stepped on that twig. A twinkle shimmered in her eyes when she let the arrow fly at the person. The last clay ball fell with a dull plop on the ground, behind her, at the same time as the arrow grazed the top of the person's hat.. or whatever they called that thing resting on their head. Exactly where she aimed. Consequently, it fell from their head. ”You made me miss the last clay ball.” She tilted her head slightly as a smirk formed on her beautiful face. Raising an eyebrow in defiance  ”And I lost an arrow because of you. Are you going be nice and get it for me?”.

Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:34 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sansa stark
Target practice  JFPPGto
Target practice  Fw45sC4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being a shady man
We are slytherin
sons of venom, serpents of night.
He had observed her, a safe distance away. On the back of one of the many horses he owned. The creature didn't even have a name, or perhaps it did; but Sylvar didn't know it. For him, the animal was just a vessel to get him from point a to point b quick. His fiancé, Meleys, was quite the archer, he had to say. Being able to shoot those objects out of the air like she did. Though, it seemed that she could only do so with the utmost concentration. Since when she aimed, everything- or well, everyone around her went completely still. And when they didn't- hmm, well, perhaps it was more a preference thing after all. Since she clearly didn't seem to like the fact that one of the servants made noise when they weren't supposed too. Sylvar took the opportunity this presented, however. To approach her. The elf urged his mount forward.

When he had caught up to her, and her party. He got off the beast and bound it to a nearby tree. His eyes had been on Meleys the entire time, though, so he hadn't missed the fact she shot at one of the servant boys. Shooting his headwear clean off, if she had aimed any lower... Sylvar grinned at the thought as he walked closer. "Are you going to be nice and get it for me?” Were some of the last few words he was able to catch. The moon elf's grin only grew wider as he leaned over the now, rather frightened servant boy. "I'd do what she says." Sylvar's voice was low and sharp, but his eyes sparkled when he looked up at Meleys hoping to catch her gaze. "Before she decides to shoot at you again," He was chuckling now, like this was all just a big joke. Though to him, it was. "And actually hit more than just your hat." He patted the boy on the shoulder. And shoved him forward a little. And that little nudge was all the boy needed, to start running to retrieve that arrow. Sylvar  watched him go before he turned his attention back to his intended. "I didn't know you were so accomplished in archery."

Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:51 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Meleys Aerendyl
Meleys Aerendyl
Target practice  Fqffi26
Target practice  RvhG1VK

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Government Job/pro uncle simp
Fallen from the sky with grace
﴿﴾ The boy stood frozen. His eyes, big like saucers, stared at his mistress, who had just fired an arrow at him. No doubt he had seen his unimportant, sad little life flash before his eyes. It was highly amusing to Mel, as always when she made someone fear for their lives. Purely for her entertainment. In those moments she made the other realize that she, Meleys Aerendyl, was in controle. Sadly, she couldn't pull off such antics anymore. Not if she were to maintain her carefully build reputation. So it was a good thing nobody was around. Except.. for her betrothed? Meleys had already nocked a new arrow, while toying with the servant boy - cat and mouse games, what a joy – when Sylvar appeared. She didn't know why he was here or for how long. For a moment, the smirk on her face faded a little, unsure of how he would respond to this game that many would deam unbecoming, unfair, or even cruel. But the handsome elf had a wide grin on his face as he started to play along. Her own grin widened as well, hearing his threatening words. Their eyes met, only for a moment, but she could feel an unexplainable attraction to him. She was still unsure what to make of him since they mostly met up in public. Under the watchful eyes of everyone and anyone. They hadn't really had a moment in private, and she knew as well as anybody how different a person could be in different circumstances. Potential masks and acts could fall more easily, making her wonder what kind of mask her dear intended, Sylvar Aerendyl, was wearing. She'd decided to trust her instincts and lean into the attraction she'd felt for him since the first time they laid eyes on each other, but she'd take her time figuring him out.

While Sylvar spoke, Meleys pulled the string of her bow back again, aiming at the boy who was all but peeing his pants under Sylvars breath. Underlining the sharp words of the moon elf. She let out a soft chuckle when the boy started running. The boy was young and slender. Highly uncoordinated as he ran down the hill, tripping over his own feet. Like a young deer. Like prey. For a moment she stared at him like a predator would. She snapped out of the trance, once Sylvar spoke, with a look in her eyes that could only be described as mysterious and maybe even seductive. ”I'm sure there are many things you'll come to discover about me, my dear. As I, no doubt, will about you.” As she smiled up at the handsome man, her soothing voice dripped with obscurity and intrigue, raising an eyebrow in a teasing deviance once more. The snapping of a twig down the hill turned her attention back to the prey.. I mean, the boy, who was now frantically looking for the arrow. And something inside her pushed her to aim at him again. Pulling the arrow back, until she felt the fletching against her cheek. She held it there, only her eyes turned towards the moon elf beside her, judging his reaction. Testing him almost. ”Do you want me to do it?” She could, if she wanted to. And deep down she wanted to. She wouldn't hurt the boy.. much. And if he was going to make trouble … Well, witnesses were easily silenced. But she decided it wasn't up to her as she patiently awaited her fiancé's response.  

Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:06 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sansa stark
Target practice  JFPPGto
Target practice  Fw45sC4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being a shady man
We are slytherin
sons of venom, serpents of night.
The man hadn't expected that his intended liked to play these kinds of games. Prey and predator- it didn't really fit in the perfect little image. Meleys had crafted for herself. It was, in fact; the very reason why Sylvar had chosen her. He hoped that her squeaky clean reputation, would rub off a little on his own stained one. Yet, like so many things in life; things aren't always what they first appeared to be. And while Sylvar hadn't expected this, he wasn't in the least put off. In fact; if anything; he was more intrigued than anything. More curious and invested in his fiancé, than he ever had before. The pair exchanged glances and smirked at one another, while Sylvar took over; he spoke at the boy; his voice dripping with venom. And then sent him on his way. The lad wasn't very graceful in his quest to retrieve his mistresses arrow. Tumbling down the hill. Sylvar took the opportunity to position himself next to Meleys. He mimicked her, earlier heard a chuckle as he watched the boy struggle below. The moon elf then addressed his intended then, telling her; that he hadn't yet known of her affinity with the bow and arrow. And when he did so; it seemed he had brought her out of her own mind. Since, she all but snapped back to reality. Sylvar examined the woman, and noticed an inexplicable emotion in her eyes. ”I'm sure there are many things you'll come to discover about me, my dear. As I, no doubt, will about you.” Sylvar slowly bowed his head at her when her remark, echoed through his head. "No doubt." He reaffirmed. As he continued to watch her closely. When she raised her eyebrow in a teasing manner. He had wanted to strike back- and tease her in return. But before he could, the attention of his fiancé was diverted away from him. Sylvar followed her gaze all the way down the hill to- the boy. Who still hadn't found the arrow. But also didn't give up in searching for the damned thing. The man huffed in annoyance, the incompetence of that lad was seemingly endless. It was a sentiment; Meleys seemed to share. As she aimed again at the boy. Drawing the arrow all the way back. As it was now brushing against the delicate skin of her cheek. Sylvar's gaze narrowed, as he met the eyes of the moon elf standing beside him. She asked him if he wanted her to do it. If he wanted her to shoot. But her eyes had already betrayed that question to him long before she had even put it into words. Sylvar moved his ice stare across the field, away from Meleys and to the boy. Who had no idea of how much danger he was in. "He does deserve it." He mused somewhat nonchalantly. Since surely with such a punishment, the boy was bound to learn to be better. But then again, they could always do that later. He really wanted to use the boy for other things first. "But it would put such a damper on the nice time we're having." He said with a smile when he turned back to his fiancé. "So later, perhaps." Sylvar moved away from the woman as he went to fetch himself a bow and arrow. Since there was a second pair laying in the grass not far from where they had been standing. "For I think; it's high time for me to show you my own, rather excellent archery skills." He went on as he shot her a challenging glance.

Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Meleys Aerendyl
Meleys Aerendyl
Target practice  Fqffi26
Target practice  RvhG1VK

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Government Job/pro uncle simp
Fallen from the sky with grace
﴿﴾ She held her breath in anticipation of the answer to a rather grim question. To maim or not to maim? The boy, unaware of the precarious situation unfolding, finally seemed to have found the arrow, pulling it out of some shrubbery. Meleys had turned her eyes back to him as well, feeling her excitement grow with every passing second. Sylvar's smooth voice was almost carelessly ruminating on her simple question. She almost let her arrow fly when he noted how the boy deserved it. She felt teased by him, but in a good way. Making her play with her food almost. Hearing him talk like that almost made her sure of his answer. So when he decided it was best if she didn't, she was a bit disappointed. Finally she let out the breath she was holding in and lowered her bow once more, freeing the built-up anticipation with an anticlimactic sigh. ”As you wish,” She turned to him, answering his smile with one of her own. The promise for later was satisfying enough for now. Something she'd certainly remind him of when later would inevitably come.

Meleys had followed Sylvar with her eyes, wondering what he was up to when he stepped away from her. She couldn't help but let out an unimpressed, sarcastic snicker, crossing her arms in front of her chest. ”That's cute. Are you feeling threatened?” A charming chuckle rolled off her tongue. She had a reason why she was out here training by herself. The amount of men trying to one-up her every time they saw her shoot was getting a bit old. To be fair, most of the time, it was rather amusing to emasculate and humiliate them. But mostly it was just distracting, and it did nothing to improve her own skills. Sylvar was a different story, however, and even though she found it awfully boring that he reacted as all men did, she was actually curious about his skills. Meleys walked up to him, leaning closer to his ear. ”Alright then. My turn to spy on you and your excellent archery skills.” She waved at the other servant boy, still waiting at the sling, as a sign to get ready. ”But I have to warn you, it's rather hard to impress me, so please... do your worst.” She ended with a whisper in his ear.
Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:51 pm
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