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Some mistakes get made
Time will tell
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Louis Winter
Louis Winter
Some mistakes get made Untitled
Some mistakes get made 2ebe1b66939081dfab389df90a317937

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Human
Occupation: Assistant professor

❝ I never asked to be like this ❞
A couple of days had passed since the wedding of Matthew and the brand new Winter, Victoria. And finally, the peace seemed to return to the upper ring. Or, for as much peace the densely packed city could hold. Louis had found himself retreating back to the university, spending time on some of his research and classes he was preparing for the upcoming days. It was going to be busy, but he didn't mind. The work was a welcome distraction from the chaos that was his life. Secluded from everyone, a social life and his family. It was how he liked it, like the true introvert he was. He barely showed his face around the castle. He had become more of a unit of the university then something else. And people had tried, they really had, to mingle with him. To get to know him. But he was a hard nut to crack, as the years had just made him tougher and tougher. It was funny, because as a kid he had been such an open book. People could easily get something from him. Such a simple minded creature. Where had the times gone...

He sighed as he stopped writing, tilting his head a bit as he flipped through some of the pages of the book that was open next to him. He was going through some physics notes of his mentor, trying to compare it with some of the finds he had done earlier. But as expected he had, of course, forgotten about that one book. He rolled his eyes as he placed the pen down, taking his glasses off with his one free hand. As he rubbed his eyes slowly he sighed once more. Alright, that would be a trip to the library. Well... It was quiet on the schoolgrounds today, so that was a good thing. As the man removed his hand from his face and placed the glasses back where they belonged, he rose to his feet. He stepped away from his desk, grabbing coat from the rack and put it on, before finally leaving the study. But not before putting out some of the candles he had lit. He didn't want to start a fire while he was gone. It would be a huge catastrophe if such thing unfolded. The blonde man locked the door behind him, checked one more time if it was really locked, and finally left for his destination.

As expected, the library was quite empty at this hour of the day. The man lifted his gaze as he looked over some of the bookshelves, before finally turning to the row he needed. As he walked past some cases, it didn't take long for him to reach the place he needed to be. His way of going straight to the right case... It was apparent that he knew this library inside and out. And that wasn't really something took look up to or find strange. For the past years he had spent more time here then anywhere else. The university, and the library specific, were like his sanctuary, his safe haven. It was his only escape from this awful life he had. As the Winter carefully looked over the books, he squinted a bit. Where was it?
Wed Feb 01, 2023 2:07 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Grace Syder
Grace Syder
Some mistakes get made 53zL75vk_o
Some mistakes get made TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Law school
Grace sighed. One thing she really appreciated about attending law school was the amount of time she had to spend in the library. While most of the students wouldn’t associate that with being a good thing, Grace felt lucky for whatever time she didn’t need to spend back at home, whatever excuse she could have for not being alone with her father. It seemed these days that everything she said or did was enough to enlighten a spark of rage in the inside of his stomach, taking it out on his daughter. If Grace wasn’t secretly scared about receiving another beating, she would have not bothered anymore with covering up the bruises by using make-up. But her father was all about status and if word would ever spread out what he did to her at home, it could be a catastrophe. And that was why Grace was working so hard attending law school; both to escape her father’s business and to figure out how she could escape his wrath in the best way possible.
Grace felt like she knew the library in and out. She had spend a lot of time since attending law school and while it could sometimes be a bit of a hassle to find what she needed, it was still good to provide herself some more knowledge. As she rounded the corner, she squinted her eyes in surprise at the sight in front of her. The Winter’s weren’t unfamiliar to everyone who lived in the Upper Ring, so Grace recognized the man instantly. She wasn’t sure what to do or to say. She wanted to stay away from rich, known families like this one, but she knew her father would kill her if he would find out that she had encountered someone from the Winter family and not acknowledged their presence. Stupid wedding. Stupid reputation.
”Congratulations with the newlyweds,” she spoke politely, hoping that she was saying the right thing. If she was right, it was his uncle that got married, but she was so unsure to speak out the facts that she didn’t bother with it. She felt like acknowledging would be enough. Just be polite and then she could be well on her way. No need to involve herself any further, especially not with the likes of him. 
Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:26 am
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