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Created in harmony
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The Winter Family
Louis Winter
Louis Winter
Created in harmony Untitled
Created in harmony 2ebe1b66939081dfab389df90a317937

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Human
Occupation: Assistant professor

❝ I never asked to be like this ❞
When he was done with Zoey, he stepped away. He felt embarrassed, because he had danced with her. And the dancing had been awful, like always. Everyone could see that he didn't have a feeling for rhythm at all. And in the back of his mind all he could see was them laughing at him. He had felt so bad when he had stepped away from everything just because the pressure was getting to him again. Leaving his wife on the dancefloor to fend for herself. It was an awful something to do for any man. And he was one of those awful husbands. He sighed, taking off his glasses slowly as he pressed his other hand against his face, rubbing his eyes. A complex matter if you asked him. He would have preferred to return to his room right now and just get to some of his studies with another glass of whiskey. But he knew that that behaviour wouldn't be appreciated, especially by his parents. And like always the blonde man simply obeyed and remained where he was. As he slowly removed the hand from his face, he let out a sigh, placing the glasses back on his nose and adjusting it so it sat right. He slowly blinked, lifting his gaze. He needed a glass... With just something in it.

He stepped forward, towards the bar and ordered a glass of whiskey, which was swiftly prepared and returned to the man. He grabbed the glass, looking at the liquid inside before slowly moving it a bit as to swirl it around. He held his breath, thinking over what he had done today and what still had to be done. It was no secret that he was a workaholic, and he knew that this kind of lifestyle would eventually burn him out. But he couldn't help himself. This was the only thing in his life that he could control. After all, everything felt like it was just planned out for him or just written out the way he was supposed to live. He sighed, finally letting loose of some of that tension that was building up. As he turned around he took a sip of his drink. His eyes scanning the ballroom, not really looking for anyone in particular. That was until his eyes met the ones of his sister. With the drink still at his lips he almost choked on the liquid. Quickly he pulled it away from his mouth, placing it down and covering his mouth. As he softly coughed he averted his eyes. Dear Renestrea, of course she would be here. He just hoped that she hadn't seen him, because he wasn't really in the mood to mingle with her... Or for her to comment on his awful dancing. He was already feeling enough like shit.
Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:46 pm
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