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A new year [FoF]
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Governor of Sleetspire
Erek Trygg
Erek Trygg
A new year [FoF] Banner12
A new year [FoF] Gif_sq10

Character sheet
Age: 51
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governor of Sleetspire

The markets were always a sight to behold and this year they seemed even more vibrant and packed with people. The new year was nearing and Erek hoped it would bring back a light that Vikar’s death and the aftermath of it had extinguished. He wished bright futures for his nephews and nieces, and hoped they would be able to fix their bonds as a time of rebirth and renewal arrived, and for his own children, who were somewhere at the market while he looked at the stalls on his own.

There were people everywhere, but it was still a nice type of busy where you could look at the stalls and have a chat with the people around you without being swallowed by the mass. Erek stopped at a stall with local foods: pastries, fruits and types of meat, all typical for Ishgard, lay displayed. He smiled as the vendor recognised him and struck up a chat. The people were what made Ravaryn and Erek was always happy to spend time with his countrymen.
Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:30 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Hunter Clavon
Hunter Clavon
A new year [FoF] 53zL75vk_o
A new year [FoF] TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 y/o
Race: Druid
Occupation: Troublemaker
Hunter walked around the market and tried to act nonchalantly as he looked around, but in fact he was quite surprised with everything he saw. These busy streets were nothing compared to Avalon and Hunter had to get used to the sounds, his ears hurting from hearing so many people talk to each other at once. He wasn’t sure if he liked it, but one thing he did like was the food that was displayed all around the markets. But you needed money to buy them and while Hunter did have some money thanks to Sorin, it wasn’t all that much. Sorin had also sternly told him that he should spend it on things that were actually important and which he needed to survive on the long run, like warm clothes and the likes. Hunter looked with a pout at the few coins he had gathered in the coin pouch that Sorin had given to him, then looked at the prices of the food. Yeah, that just wouldn’t do.
And so Hunter felt like had no other choice but to stea… eh, gather some food. Sorin would understand surely? Hunter quickly averted his eyes from the left to the right. One positive thing about a rowdy crowd was that people’s attention were fixated on each other and not their surroundings. Clearly they hadn’t learned to keep their eyes focused on everything all the time. It was a huge relieve that Hunter knew exactly what to do here, quickly snatching away some food while the vendor was busy and others weren’t looking. And his plan would have gone perfectly had it not been for the gentleman standing next to him, to which Hunter ran into. Hmm. Maybe he wasn’t so perfect at it as he would like to believe.
”No, I just bought those with my last coins,” he spoke dramatically, turning the corners of his mouth down so that it would look like that he was pouting, which wasn’t actually far off from the truth as he looked at the food that had fallen to the ground. His eyes slowly traveled up towards the man he had ran into, almost looking shyly towards him. He had to act out of character for this one or he would be in a huge amount of trouble later. And he was also getting quite fed up with people ruining his plans, so he was hoping with his act that the man would feel guilty and buy him something. That would be a win-win situation for him. 
Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:59 am
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