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[FOF] Mastermind
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Ravaryn Citizen
Montgomery Rizal
Montgomery Rizal
[FOF] Mastermind EcT5I7j
[FOF] Mastermind 1bFl83S

Character sheet
Age: 29 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Consulting Detective
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
At tea time, everybody agrees
The Twilight Ball was an absolutely dull affair, Montgomery thought. He didn't enjoy the babbling with fellow aristocracy, nor did he enjoy mingling with the many 'regular folk' in attendance. They were even more simple-minded. If he could choose he wouldn't be here at all. He'd be at his home practising the latest eccentric hobby he had taken up. Either that, or he'd be solving one of the irregular cases on his plate. Anything was better than this.

Yet the tall man found himself in the grand ballroom anyway. It was for the mere reason that his brother had asked him to be here, and Monty knew it would result in his sibling owing him a favour. He was dressed all in black, nothing too extravagant yet his garments were well-made nonetheless.

With his hands folded neatly behind his back he faced the crowd, as he kept himself on the side of the room. He had no desire to be amongst the crowd of the shallow-minded. So instead he just watched them with his blue eyes, keenly observing every little detail he could find. However, even though there were many little things to see, it remained a bit.. boring.


& Adaliah Ylindar
Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:41 pm
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