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That's all there is to it
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Grace Syder
Grace Syder
That's all there is to it 53zL75vk_o
That's all there is to it TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Law school
Grace sighed softly as she made her way through the back alleys of the Upper Ring. She had attended law school and was now on her way back home, but she knew she wouldn’t arrive there until it was late in the evening. She didn’t want to see her father and avoided being in his presence at all times. Studying out in nature wasn’t a fun thing to do, but at least her mind would be more at ease if she did that then if she would go back home. She could still remember how much her cheek had stung after the palm of his hand had collided with it, right after she had told him that she never saw herself as his successor. She didn’t care about all the financial things he dealt with, nor did she care about the rich people he surrounded himself with. Yes, it was fun to be rich and to wear expensive clothes, but it wasn’t everything in the world. Especially not when she had to kiss someone’s ass for it.
Grace gave a foul side eye as she heard someone whistle towards her. It was someone younger than her along with his friends. Ah. Typical. An alpha male who thought he was everything just because he was surrounded with followers. Grace didn’t give a damn about all those things. She didn’t care about status, didn’t care about having many friends and the likes and… well, she just generally didn’t care about anything, she guessed. Her father had beaten that out of her a long time ago. She just wanted to stick herself to law school as long as possible and then pursuit a career which would either work out for her or fail. Her grades were good; at least she had enough intelligence to understand what she was learning and how to deal with the pressure of having too much homework.
As she heard footsteps behind her, she knew she had pissed off the guy. He was probably used to getting attention and not receiving a “no” for an answer. Grace already had enough on her plate; she didn’t want to deal with little rich boys as well. ”Get lost. I have no interest in saving your reputation or giving you more attention than you deserve,” she spoke over her shoulder to the boy, not even bothering to glance back to see who it was. They could all just disappear from the world for all she cared about.

@Ketiga Aphelion
Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:46 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
That's all there is to it PM7s1T0
That's all there is to it D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

Ketiga had stationed himself right outside his apothecary, simply acting like he was mending the wood that held the window. Some splintering of the wood had happened and well, that was something that needed adjusting. Since before he knew it, a customer could scratch themselves against it, and then it would be even more trouble. So with the right tools the man was working on that said area of the window. While keeping an ear out for anything interesting that was happening on the streets. In times like these, with the kind of folks that were passing his stores while chatting to friends, it was crucial for him to pick up on certain matters. Mainly to see how the citizens from the Ring were feeling and what they were talking about if it had anything to do with the Winters, that kind of stuff. so yes he was actually working double time. Not that anyone knew about that little fact.

When someone came out of another street, he could spot her being followed. Though it wasn’t quite clear to him what was going down in general. Yet it didn’t really matter, if anything the woman herself seemed quite agitated with the whole situation. Which could prove interesting in the long run for him. However, he didn’t speak up after hearing her words and the boy that was walking behind her didn’t seem to back down. What a shame, really.

Waiting until she passed, Ketiga simply went through his knees, tying his shoe. Or acting like it at least. Instantly putting his elbow against the foot of the younger gentleman and making him fall. Before readjusting himself and continuing to work on the window. Hearing a bunch of curse words fall from the guy that had taken a tumble. Poor thing. But he remained rather stoic under it all, eventually straightening his back when the other had seemingly crawled up again. Towering over him. One glare instantly shut the other up and made him around to storm off in the opposite direction. Perfect. Now the day could continue.

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.

Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:53 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Grace Syder
Grace Syder
That's all there is to it 53zL75vk_o
That's all there is to it TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Law school
Grace sighed in annoyance as the footsteps behind her continued, meaning that her words held no valuable to the scumbag. Of course they didn’t. Men, or rather stray dogs, like him didn’t learn until they learned it the hard way. Grace was having none of it and turned around, ready to give him a good hard slap against the cheek, only to squint her eyes in surprise as she saw another young man bending down. To anyone it would seem that he was tying his shoes, but Grace saw how he put his elbow intentionally on the foot of her pursuer, successfully bringing him down. It was amusing how the man fell to the ground, cursing his bad luck. It was even more amusing to see how he would try to intimidate the man who had helped her by towering over him, only to turn around and hurry off as the man seemed to glare back at him. As if nothing happened, her rescuer turned around and continued on with his work, clearly not expecting anything from Grace.
It would be easy for her to continue on her way and just be done with it, but while she felt a stab of annoyance that someone had intervened while she hadn’t asked for his help, she also felt grateful. Not that she would ever show it to him. She held her head high as she approached him, recognizing him instantly and also vaguely understanding why the man who had pursued her had run off like that. ”Not that I asked for your help, but thanks anyway,” she spoke almost nonchalantly. ”I would’ve been able to take care of him myself if it would have come to that. I’m not some damsel in distress.” She fixated her three different colored eyes on him as she clutched her books tighter to her chest, keeping in mind that no one could be scary compared to her father.
And that she also shouldn’t ran off if he would glare at her next. 
Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:46 am
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