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Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Sunflower 8o00lah
Sunflower 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron
If there was only one solution to every problem,

A wedding, the wedding from a friend. A relative of sorts. After everything that had happened at the dinner, the man was conflicted with himself to say the least. If anything he had never wanted to hurt Luca. That boy deserved more. But, in the end the choice wasn’t his to make. Nor to decline. It would’ve hurt Matthew and that was one thing he couldn’t do. There were too many factors that were involved and he simply couldn’t risk it. Though what had been said by both the Duchess, Jane  and Matthew himself it lingered in his head to say the least. So the last couple of days were a bit of a haze to say the least. It was Charlotte, who stood by him though. She supported him in whatever his choice was, and he was more than grateful for her support. Which would be exactly the thing he’d focus on today. His soon-to-be wife.

A smile lingered on his lips as he had gotten ready. How very unlikely it was for him, today he had chosen for the color blue. With some silver accessories that was: a pin that resembled a stag on his vest, a little silver chain that kept his vest together. The brooch that actually went with it, he had decided to leave it in his room. This would suffice. Victor had done the honors to actually get something for Charlotte as well. But that was safely tucked away in his vest. When he figured out what he wanted to do with his hair, it only took a matter of moments before he was ready. Soon heading out to see if Charlotte was ready.

The ceremony came to a conclusion, as did his role as the best man for whatever that was worth and as the couple left towards the castle again, he couldn’t help but give a soft squeeze in her hand. A smile on his lips. She looked stunning, no, she looked even better than that. With her in a room, the rest of the people seemed bleak. She truly was radiant in everything she did. Like the sun, having her own light and energy. His heart made a little jump, and in that moment he looked down at the ground. Trying to keep the slight hue on his cheeks from being spotted.

Once in the room where the party was being held, he gently swooped in front of her. A bit away from the dancefloor so they could have a moment to themselves.  

’Charlotte, you look.. Wait, I think I might have something that will make your ensemble even more radiant. If I may?’


the world would be insanely dull
Sun Jan 22, 2023 3:11 pm
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