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Leander Eldrin
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Lemuria Citizen
Leander Eldrin
Leander Eldrin
3x raden
Leander Eldrin  8TEW7kj
Leander Eldrin  PYLpH4B

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: being a pretty boy

Leander Eldrin
I am just a kid never use my brain I only use my heart
And my imagination
Gender Male
Age 19
Species Moon elf
Magic Moon magic
Occupation Being the families heir
P.O.B Silvercrest
Residence Silvercrest
Height 1.77
Build Lean/Slender
Hair color Dark Brown
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Fair


Leander isn't your typical Moon elf. Don't get me wrong, he definitely has some qualities one would associate with the race. He has his pointed ears, white skin. And blue eyes. Yet, he also has brown hair. Something that can be explained by his lineage; since he is descended of moon elves. Yet, he is the only one in his close family with such a hair color. And that makes him rather self-conscious about it. As a child, he was frequently teased about it by his sisters. To combat this; he started taking pride in his hair. Wearing it at shoulders length and often styling it. He does this in hopes to take back the insult. Yet this is all mostly a facade-since his insecurities about it have never actually gone away. Leander is also on the rather short side, despite being fully grown. Nothing too noteworthy- but just enough for him to wear shoes with heels attached to them. To give him just a little, but more height. It is also the reason why he often wears feathered hats. The clothing Leander dons is a clear style 16-17 century. With heavy detailed coats made of rich and light fabrics and many other accessories. He wears these to show off his wealth mostly, but also he hopes that it makes him look older than he is. 
Constellation The Twins
Alignment Lawful Good

Leander usually tries is best. To appear the perfect nobleman. Like his father is; to which the young man looks up to tremendously. He often mimics his father in his behavior. Though is still rather young, having only just turned 19. Because of this, he is rather immature. He often doesn't think things through completely. Or doesn't fully understand the consequences his actions can have. He thinks very simply, not always understanding that the world doesn't work like his brain does. Yet, he doesn't do this out of malice; for he actually doesn't have a bad bone in his body. Though, he can act a little haughty and arrogant at times. He usually only does this because he feels that he should, being a noble moon elf. He doesn't actually believe the convictions he claims to have. For he really has a good heart. And very eager to please, usually those higher up. But also people who he is impressed by. Something that isn't very hard to do. Leander is rather quickly enthralled by people. He isn't particularly dumb, but also not always the sharpest tool in the shed. Making it rather easy to trick him. Though, if he finds out about it; he'll be very hurt. While gaining Leander's favor is rather easy. When it's lost, one may never get it back. He even acts a little feminine at times, placing great importance on his appearance. And loathing stereotypical manly activities. He is despite this not a coward though, and will through himself not danger when he feels like he needs to. Completely disregarding all the things he would usually worry about. He can also be good company to have, being fun and friendly when he wants to be. If you can look past his boastfulness. And very trustworthy, I don't think he would ever betray someone with a very good reason.
Family Tree


father Calarel Eldrin
mother Lymseia Wysaris {Eldrin}


{Elder} Sister Dasyra Eldrin
{Elder} Sister Saria Eldrin
{Elder} Sister Maylin Eldrin
{Elder} Sister Liluth Eldrin


Uncles Morwyn & Fëanor
In-laws Arwyn & Evilia
CousinsSephyr -Selys -Serke
Cousins Liliandil Eldrin

The branch to which Leander belongs is seen as the "main" branch of the Eldrin family. They own most of the riches and the property the family has to their name. Now, Leanders father is seen as the head. Though, they mainly focus on their own branch, and don't exert much influence over the other lesser ones. Leander is the heir, though, being his father's only son. He is currently not ready to handle all the responsibility of his father. Something Leander knows deep down, yet he often boasts about his position. He as 4 older sisters, who are all much older than him. Calarel works directly under Andreas in the Silvercrest government. Most of the families wealth comes from the many properties they own; they often rent these to others. Leanders mother is also a popular socialite. One who has several salons, that are frequently visited by other high standing ladies. The family is noble and respected, and rather close with the Aerendyls. Bonds that will only strengthen with the upcoming marriage of  Liliandil and Evandyr.
Magic type Moon elf
Expertise Average

Leander has an affinity for illusions, it is his main focus. Neglecting many other forms, his magic can take. Though he does do a little water bending on the side. Though, it's weak and needs a lot more polish. His illusions are rather good for his age, but since that number isn't very high. Neither is his skill. Though he practices often. His main downfall when it comes to his illusions is the fact that he cannot hold them steady for very long. They start out perfectly well, but the longer they go on. The more cracks start to appear, until the mirage is completely lost.
After having 4 daughters, the family was relived to finally welcome a son into their midst. For this reason, he quickly became the apple of his parent's eye. And was a little spoiled by them. They gave him everything he could ever want. The best tutors, clothing etc. It was enough to turn any child into a brat. But Leander had the fortune, or perhaps misfortune. Of having 4 older sisters. Who humbled him pretty considerably. They still love each other though, the family despite being upper class is rather tight-knit. But that didn't stop the elder Eldrin girls from teasing their brother. And playing tricks on him. A trend that continues even to this day. Leander had little to vex him in his life besides that, though. Until the day his father decided it would be a good thing for him to attend a boarding school in Moonbright. Leander didn't like the idea, Not liking the idea of being alone in such a strange place. But always out to please his father. He agreed to it. He went at the age of 15, and was signed there for 4 years. It was tough for the young lord to adjust himself at first. And he quickly became homesick, he even started missing his sister's taunts. But over time, he found his place. Making friends and growing as a person. He was taught a great many things a nobleman should know, like horse riding fencing etc. Though, Leander was never able to truly master those things. He visited home whenever he could. Until the day, he didn't have to return to the school anymore; for his time there had ended. He was 19 now. And his father decided to school him further himself. For one day, Leander is expected to follow into his father's footsteps. Something he knows, and he tries is best to make his father proud of him. 

His favorite color is pink no its not a girls that color thats a myth
His father is his biggest role model
He only recently returned to Silvercrest when his semester at the boarding school ended
He follows his father around almost everywhere
Mimics him even, like how he walks speaks and his posture
He hopes the clothes that he wears makes him look older/more mature, they don't
Loves his sisters despite the teasing
Also, really a momma's boy too
When he was younger, he used to preform at her salons for her friends
Was forced to do ballet once, but he hated it so much that he never did it again
Kinda bad with money ngl - if he sees something he likes, he will almost immediately buy it
Has a very dedicated hair and skin routine
Wears perfume
Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:16 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Leander Eldrin  XuTWurPc_o
Leander Eldrin  MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Mon Jan 23, 2023 7:10 pm
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