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rugzak rugzak
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
rugzak rugzak 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
rugzak rugzak Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
Of course he would be a good fiancé and get Alison her things from the barn. Why wouldn’t he? It became clear once more that all she had to do was bat her eyes at him and he would do anything she wanted him to do.

So he made his way to the barn where he knew her art supplies would be, since he had helped a servant take them there and had spend some time with the blonde there. It was mostly just Alison talking and Faolan reading from the book he had brought, but he enjoyed the time he had spend with her either way.

He opened the door when he arrived and wanted to make the best of the last hour of sunlight that he would have to gather all her things. It was too much to carry all by himself so he had hoped one of the servants would arrive shortly to help him with the cavas or the easel, but as the minutes passed he figured no one would come to help him and he would have to walk twice.

Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:47 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
rugzak rugzak 9J7lqbMa_o
rugzak rugzak 2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
Apparantly, fetching supplies was part of being a guard. Wasn't that more of a servants job? Perhaps, it wasn't just about the supplies, though. She had been sent to help out the scrawny brunette, wondering why they'd even pick out a fiance who couldn't carry some art supploes back to his wife-to-be himself. There wasn't much meat on those bones, after all. The guard softly chuckled at her own thought as she shook her head. Maybe this could turn into a fun, little contest even. One that he certainly wouldn't able to beat her in.

And so she made her way to the barn in which the Heiress stored her art supplies, greeted by the sight of the brunette who had grown to be a familiar face, seeing the time he spent around the Heiress. "Need a hand?" Her voice echoed through the barn as she neared the entrance, announcing her arrival without further greeting.
@ Faolan Pyrrhos <3
rugzak rugzak SdxS4JA8_o
Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:25 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
rugzak rugzak 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
rugzak rugzak Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
Faolan didn’t like the guard. Not one bit. He was too confident and way too small to actually protect his fiancée from any kind of harm that could come her way. Not that he could do a better job, but honestly it was embarrassing to have the tiny human being with them every step.

”No I don’t need your help.” Faolan grumbled under his breath as he tried to fold the easel together to make it easier to carry. When it finally did what he wanted it to do he made his way to the door of the barn, placed the easel and the three canvases down on the ground to open the door, only to find that the door did not want to open. Slowly Faolan turned to face the garden gnome, an irritated and angry look on his face.

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:46 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nyx Xiaoyu
Nyx Xiaoyu
rugzak rugzak 9J7lqbMa_o
rugzak rugzak 2298b4fa430cf7223f34228405403539

Character sheet
Age: 23 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard

as long as we don't die
this is gonna be one hell of a story
The guard scoffed at his reply, leaning against the inner wall of the barn with her arms crossed as the door closed beside her. If he truly wasn't in need of any help, she wouldn't bother to hold it open for him on his way out. "Are you sure?" She asked him once more, watching the boy struggle to carry all of the supplies at once. Foolish, truly.

Her eyes remained to follow him as he put down the supplies in an attempt to open the door. The door she could have easily held open for him if only he'd ask nicely. "What's wong?" She asked, trying her best to suppress a smirk. "The door's quite heavy, I know, but I'm sure a strong lad like you should be able to open it with ease." Though she enjoyed teasing the young man a little, she still couldn't believe the choice of fiance for the Heiress. If he wasn't trying to fool her and truly couldn't open this door by himself, Duke Winter might truly have to reconsider his choice in son-in-law.  
@ Faolan Pyrrhos <3
rugzak rugzak SdxS4JA8_o
Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:52 pm
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