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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Octavian Aetos
Octavian Aetos
11:11 7bca3d04846a60644f338d9b8ca1885a
11:11 D7b34d3c0582e2c9d5bf4667529afe5863b41853

Character sheet
Age: 32 y/o
Race: Druid
Occupation: captain of the royal guards

and so artemis
turned him into a star

a constellation to show her the way in the middle of the night

and to be reminded of him and their story for centuries every time she looked up at the sky as a way to keep him close to her heart when she couldn't hold him anymore.
"Is it late?" A woman he had never met asked him, twirling a strand of blonde hair around her finger whilst batting her eyes at him. "Eleven minutes past eleven>" Octavian replied, shooting her a smile. His hand rested on his sword that was strapped to his hup where it usually was, his hair windswept from training.

"Nothing to regret, the rest just might be heaven, you're always but never really mine." He hummed softly as he made his way through the garden. The moon hung high and thousands of stars shone down on him almost as if they were saying 'good luck tonight' by how bright they were shining. It made a smile creep up on his face as he watched the last thin sliver of a cloud being blown away by the cold breeze, a breeze Octavian didn't feel because of the nerves and adrenaline.

When he finally reached the castle, more specifically the window where the crown princess of Ravaryn would be sleeping he wiped his hands on his trousers. That morning he had hidden a guitar in the rose bushes so he started with pulling that out of there. He picked a few pebbles from the ground and threw them at her window whilst clearing his throat. Octavian didn't wait for her to open the window or for her to respond at all, who knows maybe she wouldn't even be in her room, but he didn't care. So, he started to sing.

"You stopped my heart from fifty feet. It pumped and sang and skipped a beat and when I sleep my soul you keep. I wish for you to be happy, I wish for you to be free, I wish for you to be fearless. That's wishes one, two, and three and I won't wish to be yours or for you to be mine, but I'll wish them all for you every time"

Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:00 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
11:11 9s9opHd
11:11 Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
It wasn't particularly late in the evening just yet. Yet after a long day of meetings filled with court politics there was nothing the Crown Princess would do rather than rest. While she had become so adapt at guiding the council meetings if her father allowed her so, she couldn't deny that it could be rather demanding. Everyone had their own will that they wanted the rest to adhere to, their own demands to push forward. She stood in the middle of it, the one with Ravaryn's best interest at heart.

The princess was already falling asleep. The book that was beside her was of no use, as she was too tired to let her eyes cross the page. So she slept comfortably, for a time. A tapping sound made her eyes flutter in confusion. Again, another tap. It took her some time to wake up and rub the sleep out of her eyes. The candle on her bedside table was still burning sotfly. It must have been nothing. But another tap followed, one that made her neck snap to her window. With a frown on her face she lept out of bed to the grand glass window. She opened the curtains, ready to face whatever had disturbed her sleep.

Or whomever. Because her eyes fell on a figure standing underneath her window, guitar in hand. She could hear him, his song. A sigh rolled off her lips, not now. But he must have seen her, and if she did not face him now she knew he would wake up the entire castle. She opened the window, feeling the cold breeze on her skin. Her hazel eyes found his, clearly curious if he would continue his song. Perhaps she was a little intrigued too.


Fri Mar 24, 2023 6:01 pm
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