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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
After another rather eventful night, she had slept in until midday. Well, she had kinda needed it badly after all the bad nights that she had had the last week. And she had come to the realization that the time for self-pity was over. The wedding was soon and she would not be some crybaby about it. She would not let them get to her. But she also recognized that she had some talking to do with one particular person. She had thought about it for a while know, still curled up in the sheets of her bed. Yes, she was still mad at him, but it all had been one big misunderstanding. Alex was fine, Luca was fine-ish. Not everything had went to hell. She could still patch things up. And she would have to do it behind her father's back, which she hated even more. But this web that she had spun for herself was complicated. Stil; she would manage. She would have to.

So, first things first: her brother. Maybel got out of bed and got dressed quickly. When she walked over to Luca's chambers, she still had no idea what she would say. She was proud. And she still thought Luca should have handled the whole situation differently. But maybe, maybe he had been punished enough. She bit the fingernail of her thumb as she stood in front of his door. Was he even in here? She suspected so, with that ugly gash on his chest that their father stitched back together. Then eventually she knocked on his door. ‘‘Luca?’’ she softly called. ‘‘It's me. Can I come in?’’
Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:51 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

After the whole ordeal with his father and Maybel and him passing out due to whatever it had been, he had been prescribed bed rest for the time being so he could strengthen up. Apart from a few walks through the gardens, he hadn’t done much more. Knowing well enough that he was being watched. But being cooped up in his room for a small amount of days. It drove him crazy. Out of boredom maybe. But this wasn’t something he thrived upon. He could sleep all day if he wanted, but it wasn’t who he was. So after having breakfast in the kitchen, he went back to his room. Annoyed. Because he wanted to go out. Just breathe in some fresh air. Talk to people.

The man had sat down at his piano, fingers stroking the wood. But before he could start, a faint knock resounded on his door. Which made him frown. Who on earth? It wasn’t Clarence, he knocked differently. His father, well, he simply didn’t come to his room. Which left him with his sister or someone else. But as he heard her voice, a soft sigh escaped him. Slowly getting up to his feet and moving to the door.

Taking a deep breath, before he opened it. Wondering which storm he’d had to face today. ’Off course.’ He softly spoke, biting on the inside of his cheek.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:05 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Luca opened the door himself. Maybel looked up at him, feeling suddenly really really small. She really had done him a bit dirty. But he did had it coming. And also, she had been a bitch. Ugh, it was just so complicated. Maybel just simply smiled and glanced once over her shoulder before she walked in. She had been a bit cautious since the whole past events, and then to read it in a pamphlet just days later. ‘‘Thank you,’’ she said when she slipped in the room.

And then. She stood in the middle of the grand room, not knowing what her plan was at this point. Maybel did not know if she should sit, or just.. start talking. And she had not decided yet what she could say. Was Luca even worth trusting enough, after what had happened? Or if this was able to be fixed still? Or that she had messed up so badly, that her brother would rather throw her out of the window at this point. ‘‘Shouldn't you be resting?’’ she asked him when she turned around. Oh, wait, bad start. This was her usual tone that expected no talk-back. So she tensed her jaw for a second before she looked back at him again. ‘‘I mean- how's your-’’ She gestured vaguely at her own chest to indicate the wound at his. ‘‘-you know?’’

Did she still think he deserved it? She had been so angry at him, for he had ruined everything. And she desperately wanted to blame anyone but herself. But as she had time to think and think and think, she was also to blame. But seeing Alexander again had somewhat bridled her anger. He was fine, everything was okay, it was just.. blown out of proportion. And now the only one who was truly suffering was her brother. And it sucked.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:20 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

As she walked in, he noted on how weird she was acting in this very moment. Making him frown shortly. But he let it be. Closing the door behind her and walking back to the piano. Sitting down on the black bench in front of it. Looking up at his sister. She looked better than last time he’d seen her. Though, he could still feel the tension between them. Honestly he hated it.

Shortly he tilted his head at her words. A frown on his forehead. Right. If this was the kind of conversation they were going to have, then he’d rather be excused entirely. Glancing back down for a moment. Ready to make a remark about it, though soon enough she changed her tune and he looked up once more. Confused. ’Healing. Thanks to Matthew.’ He hummed softly. Not expecting those words to ever role over his lips, but well here they were. How funny life could go. His hand shortly reached up to his chest. The infection seemed to be taken care of. And he had a doctor check up on the stitches each day. So, it would be okay.

’How are you? If I can still ask that.’ He looked at her, scratching his cheek for a moment. Leaning back against the piano. ’Maybel.. I.. I don’t like this. Us going against each other. I’m partially to blame, but I’m sorry okay? After seeing you two.. I assumed, well you know.. I flipped out and fucking hell. I’m sorry really.’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:53 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Luca went to sit down at his piano. She had forgotten he played. There was so much she did not know of him. It was like they both had seperate lives, living in the same house, and sometimes their paths crossed. Like they were not family. It was not far from the truth, because she always saw where Luca's place was. Maybel was lucky and she would not apologize for being so. But she could apologize for when she was a bitch.

Maybel stayed put in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do with her hands, so she just held her own fingers in front of her body, feeling very awkward. And as Luca called their father by his first name, her first reflex was to correct him. "You can call him dad", she could here herself say it. But after yesterday, to witness how their father had treated him while he was out. Calling him stupid, an idiot, she could kind off imagine why Luca would refrain from using the word "dad". Maybel did an awkward shuffle and looked at the ground. “Yeah... right,” she murmured. And then more silence.

Luckily she would not have to start this conversation, as Luca was the one to pull the thorn out of her side. An apology, that was all she had wanted to hear a few days ago. But now it had almost lost it's value, because why..? She could laugh and cry at the same time as she looked at him. “I don't want us to be like this too,” she said in a wobbly voice. Then she started to laugh, because all the tension just fell of her shoulders with those words and relief flooded over her. “I'm sorry too. I messed up, badly.” She shook her head, somehow still chuckling. It was not funny, was it? She went over to him, sitting next to him on his little bench, just space enough for the two of them. “Thank you for not sending dad.” The laughter was now gone from her voice and she just looked at him with a grateful smile. He could have uttered those words before passing out yesterday. But no, he wanted to go with her. To help? Or maybe punish Alex himself. Anyway, everything was better than dad straight up murdering him.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:26 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

She stood there, in the middle of his room. Looking awkward as hell. But honestly, if he was in her place he would have acted the same most likely. His gaze was focused on her, and for a moment he raised a brow once more. She was holding herself back from doing something, which made him bite his lip for a moment. What she said was soft but he certainly picked up on it. Yet the silence after it, was the thing that led him to his apology. Frankly, he didn’t feel better after it. If anything, maybe even worse. He hurt her. He had hurt the one person who had always stood on his side before this whole ordeal.

But she began to laugh and confusion hit him right in the face. Frowning deeply. Not seeing anything worth laughing about. Looking up. She had. They both had. She to protect herself and that fool of a man. He to protect her from whatever dirt there was out there. But the dirt had caught up with them, hadn’t it. ’We both did..’ He swallowed, staring down at his hands when she came to sit next to him. Carefully he placed an arm over her shoulder, assuming she’d push him away or something if she didn’t want that.

’Matthew would… Be worse.’ He softly whispered. Looking out in front of him. ’Do you have any news? About him.’ He assumed that if the man had perished, he would’ve probably landed himself in jail or whatever. ’I really thought he was hurting you Maybel.’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:37 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Her brother did not seem to see the fun in the whole situation. She waved it away with a hand. She was acting a bit silly. But he had every right to be mad at her, and she at him. She was just glad it did not have to become a screaming match. They both admitted they had been in the wrong and time to move on, I guess? Maybel did manage to compose herself when she sat down next to him, smiling contently as he wrapped his arm around her. It almost seemed to easy. ‘‘Yeah, we suck,’’ she joked. ‘‘And I am still mad at you,’’ she said sharply at him as she looked up at him. ‘‘But well, I guess I can forgive,’’ she spoke as she softly nudged her shoulder against him.

The mood started to shift a bit more darker when they started to talk about their father. Again she felt her body physically cringe when he called him Matthew. Nobody called him that, except maybe their uncle of something. It was "dad" or "Mister Winter", or any variation of that. But she bit her tongue again as what he had said about him was very true. She nodded. ‘‘Yeah, I suppose,’’ she agreed softly. And for what? Because he thought Alexander had put a smudge on her honor or something? Pfft, if only he knew. But no, that was the only thing she could not tell him, because she would make it so, so much worse. Luca then asked about him, and Maybel could not help but have that sunny smile on her face. ‘‘Hm-m, he is fine,’’ she told him as neutral as possible, and without telling too much. A big sigh then rolled over her lips as he told her what he really thought. ‘‘I know, I know,’’ she said, slightly annoyed. She then looked back at him. ‘‘And I appreciate you looking out for me. But Alexander is a decent man,’’ she said with a small smile. ‘‘And I was just... scared. You did not listen to me, I thought you really might- just, well- Let's forget about all that.’’
Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:47 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

There was nothing funny about this. He truly felt gutted about what happened. About what happened between him and her. It wasn’t something he ever wanted. To fight with her. While she was on his side with most of things. Apart from the fact that she didn’t seem to have any regard for how their father had been treating him over the years. But well, love made blind he supposed? When she mentioned she was still mad, he stared down shortly. ’You can?’ He whispered ever so softly, looking back up to his sister. ’Really?’ For a moment he was doubting her words, but she seemed sincere. Which was all he wanted. He needed her in his life, which was a strange thing to admit. But Maybel had been the one that had kept him sane over the years, that kept him grounded.

She supposed? She had been present in the room when he had gone down right? Had seen whatever Matthew did to him. A hint of confusion was visible in his eyes. But he kept his mouth shut. The whole conversation turned to Alexander Preston. The victim of it all. Though the way her face lit him, told him enough already. Relief washed over him as he took a deep breath. ’From where I was standing, not so much.’ He shortly bit his lip. ’I… I can barely remember what happened.. After I saw you two.. It just turned red in front of my eyes.’ He admitted, staring out in front of him for a moment. ’Does he by chance have a door already?’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:05 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Luca was really too good for his own good. He should not be beating himself down so much. But then again, he was still so young, she would almost forget it sometimes. And while she was trying to be a bit lighthearted so they could move on, he was taking it so seriously. She studied him for a while. He was really sorry. It was a bit of a fucked up situation and she had to make them forget all about it. ‘‘Yes, of course,’’ she said resolutely. ‘‘I am no monster, or some villain,’’ she told him. Everybody would sort itself out if they would just give it time. She would just have to stay out of Alexander's way for a while. They would not forget her name, but the name Preston was not that juicy. Lay down low for a while and they would be alright. What felt as the end of the world yesterday, she could be much more optimistic now. Maybe it was because of last night.

She was happy they left their father for what he was. It was the one thing they would never see eye to eye about. He was her hero. But she had to admit, yesterday he had been a bit scary. But Luca had been too. Maybe she just had to accept that her family was quick to anger, all three of them. She had been gloating when Luca was scared. She was just as much a daughter of her father as he was his son. But talking about Alex was somehow even worse. ‘‘Well, it is all a big misunderstanding. But he is smart, and kind, and considerate. And he's my friend.’’ Well, both the men in her life really had the picture of some pig in their minds now. But when she saw Luca so beaten down, she laid a hand on his upper arm. It had been scary, how she could yell and hit him, but it was like speaking to a wall as he choked Alex. She would not mention that he had pushed her away as well. It was like kicking somebody while he was down, and she had done enough of that already. So she said what she tought he wanted to hear. ‘‘I understand, really. It has happened now and we'll just forget about it.’’ And when he asked about his door, she giggled again. What a worry. ‘‘I don't know,’’ she said with a smile. ‘‘We'll see when we get there.’’

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:45 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

She was no monster. No, anything but. She was seated next to the monster in his opinion. ’Thank you.. It means a lot.’ He faintly smiled, fiddling with the edge of his shirt for a moment. Wondering how everything would go from this point on. But it dawned on him. ’That pamphlet. You heard about it?’ He looked up at her, worry settling in his chest for a second. Fuck, he had forgotten about it for a moment. Wondering what she thought of it all. If anything it didn’t look good for the both of them, nor for Alexander. A sigh slipping his mind. ’Tales of an old hag if you ask me.’ He shrugged shortly.

When she mentioned that he was a friend, Luca playfully raised a brow. ’A friend hm? You get that close with all your friends then?’ The youngster started teasing his sister, bumping her shoulder softly as he smiled a bit wider at her. ’What’s the deal? And no, I won’t tell Matthew.’ But, in a way he felt inclined to know. Wondering if this was something he should get used to. Maybel and Alexander. He couldn’t form an opinion. Cause well, he clearly hadn’t been in his right mind at the time being so. But the smile on his sister’s lips told a thousand more tales. So truly, he didn’t really need to ask. But well, maybe he just liked to hear it from her. If it happened to be like that.

’I almost.. I can’t forget that.’ He admitted softly, staring down at his hands for a moment. The comment about the door, it was placed with full intent on making light of the situation once more. ’How are we going to do this? Making him aware of who we are.. What the fuck does it even mean?’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:16 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
It meant a lot. Well, she had been awful, hadn't she? She would not admit what she had been thinking about him the past days. Although, at that moment she had called him every dirty name in the book. He probably got the point. She shrugged slightly at the notion. ‘‘Only if you can forgive me too. I have been horrible as well.’’ And then he spoke about the pamphlet and she let out at dramatic groan as she held her head in her hands. ‘‘Yes, it's terrible,’’ she said. ‘‘That's why I can't be seen with him anymore. I ruined that too,’’ she sighed. ‘‘How did they find out anyway? If anyone asks, deny everything,’’ she perked up and pointed a finger at him. ‘‘It will blow over soon, but with the wedding coming and all..’’ Maybel threw her head back and sighed. It would be fucking awful. Lord knows how they would survive that night.

But then she had done it. She had admitted too much and she looked at him caught expression in her eyes. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. But as he promised that he would not tell dad, she pouted her lips as she thought. ‘‘Okay. I'll really kill you if you snitch,’’ she warned him. She placed her hands in her lap and looked a bit guilty. Because this whole fiasco was partly hers to blame. ‘‘Okay, maybe it was not him making advances on me, but rather the other way around.’’ She had to work against the stupid smile on her face. So she raised a hand to her face to hide the smile. ‘‘It's what I do and I got carried away. That's all. But nothing happened, truly.’’ One silly kiss counted as nothing, right?

Maybel bit her lip as he told her she could not forget that. As would her father not forget that Alex had cut him badly. And then came the big question, what to do? Defeated she let her hands fall in her lap again. ‘‘I dunno,’’ she told him, honestly. Because in every other situation she would have thrived to be a bit like her father. Cold, cunning, intimidating. She would have loved the responsibility. But now? She would have to come up with a whole different story. ‘‘Dad probably wants us to scare him. "Not to mess with the Winters" kind of way. But I think he already got that message.’’ Alex, in fact, did not. But that was her little secret.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:39 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Forgive her too? For the lying, for blaming him, for whatever she had said about him? Shortly he stared down. ’I thought you’d always have my back.. But, I do forgive you.’ He softly smiled when he looked up at her. He would forgive her, simply because he was to afraid in how bleak life would be if she wasn’t present in it. The dramatic groan told him more than enough. Biting his lip for a moment. ’You ruined nothing.’ Luca looked up at her. ’If you want to still see him.. Just be careful about it. He clearly makes you giggle like a little girl, so that has to count for something.’ A faint grin curled around his lips. Nodding shortly. No one would hear anything from him. ’Don’t fucking remind me of that atrocity.’ He shook his head, briefly scratching his cheek.

Raising a brow at her words. ’I never snitched on you before did I?’ Luca teased, poking her side playfully. Listening to her and softly humming. Great, then he had even done more damage than he first thought. When she raised her hand to cover her mouth, his grin turned wider. Oh, Maybel. ’But you want something to happen don’t you?’ The man chuckled ever so softly. Looking his sister in the eyes. ’Tell me, do you like him? As in, possibly marriage material or whatever?’ Maybe a step too far, but he had to know. He had to know how to act around a possible future brother-in-law.

She didn’t know. And if she didn’t know, then they were ultimately lost right? ’He does. That’s exactly what he wants.’ But Alexander Preston wouldn’t be that foolish to try anything again would he? Let’s hope. ’I hope so. But still, we need to manage this. Matthew will hear about it one way or the other, so we have to come up with a plan that’s worth believing.’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:18 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel had said it a kind of joking way. You know, the "forgive you if you forgive me" kind of way. But as he told her that he thought she would always have his back, that hurt. Maybel looked away immeadiatly and felt a blush creep up her face as she felt the shame. Was it really like that? That she was his only ally in this house? She started to twirl around a lock of hair around her finger, not knowing what to say. She had really let him down, didn't she? But she had to do what she had done! Because... well. No, it was wrong. Somebody had to take the fall and she had picked Luca because that was easiest.

Maybel turned even redder as he started to tease her. If only Luca knew that she had already seen him. ‘‘Stop it,’’ she said with a pouty grin at him. She scoffed and roller her eyes. Yes, Alex was nice, but she was not in love or something like that. Don't be ridiculous. And when she mentioned the wedding, she started to laugh at his reaction. ‘‘Yeah.. I'm not really looking forward to it as well. But I'll come and find you and we'll survive it together. And bet your ass I will be looking better then our new step-mother,’’ she promised fiercely. Yes, she had just decided that the day she would be in public after her little escapade in the gossip, she would  have to be flawless.

And then she just started to tell about Alexander. It really sucked, because Luca had beat up a man because of her stupid advances, which she should not do, but she always did, because... well she could? And men were always allowed to do whatever they wanted, but as soon as she did it, everybody seemed to lose their minds. Maybe it was mean to play with somebody as good as Alexander. But he was really a friend, and she liked him. And when Luca asked if she wanted something to happen, she shrugged. ‘‘I guess. But he does not want to "rush"-’’ she said with an eye roll, admitting even more. It was wise, but Maybel loved just to get carried away in the moment, live life the fast way. But then Luca asked about marriage and she looked at him with wide eyes. Not that fast. ‘‘Woah, hold your horses, mister,’’ she said with a chuckle. ‘‘I hope I still have a few years before marriage.’’

She did not like this at all. She hated to go behind the back of her father. Maybel fiddled with her hair again as Luca started to begin to lay the foundation of a plan. Or rather, commenting that they should come up with something that would be believeable. So she would have to lie to her father even more. Goddammit, telling the truth started to get more tempting. ‘‘Okay,’’ she agreed. ‘‘We just.. go over. I tell what Alex what is going on and that he should just avoid dad. And then I'll tell dad we handled it.’’ Then she would have to do the lying. Daddy would believe her, right. ‘‘I'll tell him you been a big tough guy,’’ she said, prodding her borther in the side.
Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:40 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

He didn’t say it to hurt her. That was never his intention. But something about the way she looked away from her told him that it did. Making him bite his lip. ’Sorry. That wasn’t fair of me. I know you try.’ But against their father, she was no match when it came down to defending him. Could she talk sense into him? Maybe. If anything he did believe Matthew would take the time to listen to Maybel when it came down to it, but to truly act only based on something his half-sister said. Maybe not entirely, but in the end. It was always him versus the rest, over the years he had grown used to it. But it still stung, certainly in moments that were of importance. But he had taken his losses.

Now the young man had started to tease her, off course. ’Well, you always look better than anyone else. I’m sure Lord Preston thinks the same.’ He smirked playfully at her. Off course he couldn’t let it go. And to see Maybel respond to his words in such a way, well, how could he not enjoy it? ’Hey Maybel, whatever that hag of a writer puts down.. You’ll always have me in your corner okay? And about my anger issues.. I’m sorry that you had to experience that, no matter if it was grounded or not. It wasn’t okay.’ Though never would he doubt to do it all over. Beware doors of Alderrath, Luca Winter was on a warpath.

The corner of his mouth curled up. ’Well, it seemed like rushing to me from what I saw.. But I believe you.’ He muttered softly. A guy that wanted to wait. Just like Renestrae wanted. But well, apparently his little big sister did know her ways around it. Which wasn’t necessarily something he wanted in his head. He snorted at her expression. ’Wish I could say the same. But well.’ A sigh slipped over his lips. ’But, put it in your hand. Whoever you decide to marry, he’ll be vetted. Be me and by Matthew.’ Playfully Luca narrowed his eyes, grin curling till almost behind his ears.

This whole thing of going back to Blackmoor Manor, it wasn’t something he was looking forward to. ’You sure?’ He rubbed the back of his neck. ’I can take the fall when it comes down to it, there is nothing lost there anyway. I’ll make sure you’re kind of boyfriend will get a new door.’ He smirked playfully, rubbing his side for a second. ’Let’s get this done hm?’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:42 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Luca really was the best brother she did probably not deserve. The way he was way too kind, saying sorry because he told her the truth. She had told him before that she had been slacking. And she had done it again. No, even worse, she had turned against him. But he had to understand why she did what she had done? And sure, she could forgive him because at the end of the day, she could fix all of this. And starting with Luca, which was turning the right way. So when he told her sorry and that she was trying, she scoffed softly. ‘‘I'll try harder,’’ she promised him.

And Luca was certainly trying to get on her nerves. She pushed her shoulder back against him. ‘‘Shut up,’’ she warned him again. He acted like she was about to tie the knot already. Not that Alexander would be there, probably not. If he was wise and liked his head on his shoulders. But he had that endearing kind of stupid about him that would not surprise her if he would be there. But Luca continued with some.. heartfelt apologie? Promise? So she looked at him closely and she gave him an earnest nod. ‘‘Thank you, Luca,’’ she said softly. She still was not happy for him just blatantly attacking Alex but well... men were stupid.

Luca still could not drop the teasing subject of her maybe standing a bit to close to Alex. ‘‘Yes, you better believe me,’’ she said with a quasi-angry expression on her face. ‘‘Drop it already, okay?’’ And she knew he never would. Her business with boys was truly her own. But he could not help but laughing at her, and she rolled her eyes again. She crossed her arms and listened to him talk about his fate and that of future husband. Again, something that was not completely fair, but Luca was a man and would carry on the Winter name. They had talked about this already and she knew how mad he was about it. But she would be sure to check out the girl he would have to marry, or in his words: "vetted". ‘‘Well then it would take longer than a few years,’’ she mused back at him. ‘‘Because the poor bastards will all end up on the floor.’’ Yes, he deserved  that after that stupid grin on his face.

Maybel rolled her eyes one last time as he ask her if she was sure. ‘‘Yes, of course I'm sure,’’ she told him. ‘‘Trust me.’’ She looked straight back at him. She could make this problem go away. Father believed her always. She would just have to tell him she was over it and he would probably never waste a thought about it ever again. And when Luca started to offer to take the fall, she shook her head vigerously. ‘‘Nobody is going to fall for this. And he is not my boyfriend.’’ She whacked him around head for that. And when he told her to "get this done", she nodded and got back up from the piano stool. ‘‘Let's try and act like grown-ups for once,’’ she said when she turned back to him and extended her hand to him.
Thu Feb 02, 2023 1:19 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

She’d try harder. Which made him tilt his head for a moment. There was no need for that. If anything, he was the one that needed to step up his game after what he had done. ’You’re doing enough already.’ He whispered, barely audible. But still. He meant it. Maybel was, apart from what she had done in that conversation with Matthew, the best sister one could imagine. Maybe she didn’t see everything that happened in their family, but did she need to? Maybe he was simply overexaggerating? Though no, he knew quite well that he wasn’t. The way he was being treated by Matthew wasn’t normal, anything but really. But he couldn’t blame Maybel for it, nor would he ever do such a thing.

’You shut up.’ A playful grin had appeared on his face. Teasing his sister like this. Hey, that’s what brothers were for right? That and scaring men away apparently. She thanked him and he simply hummed, shaking his head. If anything, he’d always try to keep her safe. It was how he was brought up. And while he had thought that he had failed once, he had been wrong. Though that didn’t give Alexander or any other guy a free card. He’d always have her back.

Shortly he smirked at her words. He never would drop it. If anything he’d just tease her more about it. ’On the floor, through a wall, through a window. They will end up somewhere for sure.’ A joke. Maybe a misplaced one. But she’d forgive him, or at least that was what he hoped. She seemed set on making this problem disappear, and while he gladly would take the fall for the both of them. She stated that it wasn’t needed. Groaning when she smacked his head. ’And that’s how your starting? Not very grown-up is it?’ Poking her die playfully. Taking her hand and getting up. ’You know you mean everything to me right?’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.

Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:56 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Patchwork Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Patchwork Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel was used to having a little brother at this point. She had only learned later in life that there was a difference between them: their mothers. And it was a big difference in the way they were born, but she had learned that even later still. And she might never understand that concept, what the difference would be between true love and a marriage of convenience. Her father had always promised her to pick her own future husband, to find true love, to be whatever she wanted to be. But what about her duty, maybe she would be happiest to find someone more suitable to her needs rather than what the heart desired. But she at least knew that- well, what her and her little brother had build over the years was no different than what full siblings had. They were both Matthew's child and that was what they had known for the greatest part of their lives. No woman, true or step-mother would come between that. Right? They had promised that just now. They would have each other's back. And she would try to not get a boy between that either, if she would even have the chance with two attack dogs at the ready.

But what she would not do was "shut up". She rolled her eyes and shoved him again. Again he proved to be her annoying little brother. And her mouth fell open even wider when he started to colorfully explain the fate of every suitor she would ever have. She wanted to argue against him, but she just turned her head way defeated. ‘‘As long as they are not my doors, walls and windows. I am quite fond of them,’’ she joked back at him. Maybel picked her nails for a moment longer, before deciding that they had to move on. Not before smacking him in the head, of course. ‘‘I'm still older than you,’’ she shot back at him. ‘‘And much wiser,’’ she groaned while pulling him up. Even with her standing up and him sitting down, she was barely taller than him. And when he was on his feet, she truly was a gremlin beside him. She sighed and nodded her head. ‘‘I know, I know,’’ she replied. ‘‘Stop the flattery, alright. How are you feeling?’’ she asked, nodding at the wounds she had seen real up close a day ago.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:55 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Patchwork OTwu4s1
Patchwork 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

He could be happy about this, about their bond. Cause after everything they were there for each other. The only person who caused ripples between them was none other than their father. But that was something he experienced on his own. For Maybel everything always seemed perfect and he did wonder how it was, to live that carefree. To choose your own path in life. But he wouldn’t dwell on those thoughts right now. If anything he would simply hold onto the fact that they were good again. Kind of. Maybe she’d always have it in the back of her head, how angry he could get. But if anything, he never wanted her to experience his anger ever again. It simply wasn’t worth losing her over it. The only person who stood on his side.

He was shoved, which made him laugh. If anything, it felt like a very light push. No real power behind it, but it were those small things that made him smile once more. ’Are you? Never noticed that.’ The young man teased. All jokes aside, he was happy that she was happy. It was all that mattered in the end. The smack on his head made him groan, very rude much. ’Wiser hm?’ Another joke, raising a brow when she spoke. His hand briefly lifting to the wound, it was closed. Properly now. ’Better, it’s healing. Sorry that you had to experience that.’ Though on all things, he hadn’t been the idiot who had grabbed a blade and cut someone open. ’Hey.. I know were over it. But really, I’m sorry. I panicked when that letter came here, for your, for Matthew if he ever found out that I didn’t get you home.’ He sighed.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:06 am
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