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yes to heaven
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Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
yes to heaven KrjnXT9
yes to heaven Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag Dagmar Trygg
Antonia moved through a wealthier part of Ishgard. The streets were lined with all kinds of shops. Most were completely out of her price range now. But the woman still pressed on. Past the boutiques and many other stores. She did have a goal in mind, though, she wasn't walking here simply because she wanted too. Antonia had decided to take up writing, though not sweeping stories or heartfelt poems. She wanted something much more simple, and private. A diary, it seemed like a good way for her to pen her thoughts down while on the road. Antonia knew such a book didn't have to be expensive, and she could just go and get one in any bookstore. But, she wanted something tailor made. Something special. With a little lock and key, and perhaps a handmade cover? It was really the only thing she wanted, and she'd done the numbers. The woman was sure they had the money for it. Antonia wouldn't dare to waste it on frivolous things if she didn't think they could afford it. Just then, Antonia spotted someone, walking amongst the crowd. Someone she knew, but not terribly well. Still, the raven haired woman decided to approach her. "Dagmar," She said as she offered the younger woman a smile. "It's good to see you again." Antonia had rubbed shoulders with her family before, back in Norwyn. Thanks to her own families, wealth. And so she knew their youngest daughter somewhat. Well enough to know that she was a very good sort of girl. "You look as beautiful as ever."
Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:19 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Dagmar Trygg
Dagmar Trygg
yes to heaven PJZ6t64
yes to heaven CeKSiio

Character sheet
Age: 18 years
Race: Druid
Occupation: Lady in waiting
We were a fresh page on the desk
Filling in the blanks as we go
Oh she was truly living the dream. Finally, Dagmar could call herself an Ishgard citizen! After years and years of pleading her parents had decided she was old enough to move to the big city. She even got a big girl job: lady in waiting to the second eldest Ylindar Princess. She would have probably accepted just about any job, but her parents had been adament on the fact that a noble girl like Dagmar would get a position of status. If that wasn't something worthwile, she wouldn't know what was.

As a lady in waiting, Dagmar would be in charge of some very important tasks. She would be keeping Adaliah up to date of everything that went on at court, she'd get to buy dresses with her and she even got to write letters on her behalf! For her secretarial tasks she of course needed paper ⁠—preferably in pink⁠— so off to the shops it was. With a small wicker basket in hand the little lady had been on the hunt for the perfect supplies. She was so focused on a shop window that she almost didn't hear somebody call out to her. "Antonia!" She exclaimed happily as she turned towards her. "Likewise," she said. Dagmar didn't know Antonia too well, but it was always nice to see a familiar face from Norwyn in such a big city as Ishgard. "Oh shucks, thank you." As she answered she felt her cheeks turn rosy. "As do you, of course!" She quickly added. "How have you been? What brings you to Ishgard?" She then asked curiously.

Sat Jan 21, 2023 8:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
yes to heaven KrjnXT9
yes to heaven Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag Dagmar Tyrgg
Antonia was a little surprised that Dagmar recognized her. Not only that- but she even remembered her name. Somewhere - the woman had thought that the Tyrgg had all but forgotten about her. Not that she could ever blame her for such a thing. But-seeing the opposite happen, being afforded this small form of acknowledgment meant a great deal to Antonia. Dagmar was still just as kind as the elder woman remembered her. And with such a lively and jovial countenance. Complementing her back, even when she didn't need to. But then she started to ask questions, her curiosity was evident. Antonia didn't mind indulging the girl. Especially since she hadn't been invasive with her inquires. But-still, the elder woman hesitated for a bit. For she didn't quite know how to answer them properly. "I've been well." She said, choosing to answer the former questions first-rather than the latter. The dark haired woman then looked to the side; at the shop window, though more specifically; the items behind the glass. It was a bookstore; did Dagmar come here to visit one of those too? Antonia smiled as she had her gaze cast downwards. "I'm just passing through Ishgard, my husband is a sellsword, you see- and so often travels from one place to another." It still felt so strange to refer to Bjalf as her husband- but she also didn't want to negate mentioning him thus. To her self and to others. "But enough about me; what are you doing here?" Antonia then pointed to the shop they were standing in front of. "You didn't come all this way to the capital just to buy a book or some writing supplies did you?" She joked innocently.
Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:58 pm
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