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i don't wonder about your indifference
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
i don't wonder about your indifference KrjnXT9
i don't wonder about your indifference Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag Rán Trygg
Antonia stepped in a familiar looking store; but not because she'd ever been here before. But because this establishment sold furs, it was in fact one of the more famous ones in Ishgard. And so all kinds of hides were on display. Just like it was in their store back in Norwyn. The woman made her way across the room, her own furs in hand. These were ones her father had given her before-well before. It was one of the few nice things he did for her. Though Antonia suspected that it was more a way of keeping up appearances than an actual kind deed. The woman draped the pelts over the counter as an employee came over to her. She was an older woman, but had a kind face and gentle voice. 'I'd like to sell these." Antonia said when the woman asked what she could help her with. It didn't feel right for her to keep on to these furs, even if they were some of the last things she had to remind her of her family. Especially if the money would be of more use now. The older woman inspected the pelts for a few moments before she announced that she would be "right back." Antonia nodded as she watched the lady disappear behind a door. She guided her hands over the furs, perhaps for the very last time. They were of immaculate quality of course. Say what you will about her father and brothers, but they were very good in their chosen trade. Antonia let her eyes fall on the hides the store had to offer, she analyzed them but was a little disappointed. Now that she'd gotten a closer look at them. They weren't bad, but-certainly lacking. Especially given the store's reputation.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:54 pm
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