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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Sue me Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Sue me Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel of course had went to the ceremony. She had sat front row, watching as her father bound himself to yet another woman. She could see that terrible gossip woman already talking about her father: Matthew Winter marries pretty young whore to make himself forget that he is aging. It would not be a lie, of course, but it still sucked. After everything that happened to her the past few days, weeks maybe, it had been this crazy whirlwind. And she was doubting if she would be going to this stupid wedding. But not showing face would be even worse.

Maybel hadn't dressed up properly in days. She had been holed up in her chambers in self-pity. Because of what was written about her, about her family, about Alexander. It was the absolute worst. It was a disaster and she did not know how she would be able to fix this. First she wanted to hide, but after a few days, she had come to her senses. She was Maybel Winter, for god's sake, and she would not let herself be bullied by someone pathetic enough to hide behind a fake name. If she wanted to say things about her, Countess Summer should say it to her damn face.

So she had her hair done up in the most flamboyant way yet. Usually she would prefer her hair down, but today she stayed still for hours as her ladies curled her hair and pinned the locks up one by one. Her bangs were slightly curled and in a rebellious way she pulled two strands loose and let them drape the sides of her face. She pinned the earrings Alexander had gifted her - what felt like months ago - in her ears. She did not think he would come but... maybe? Damn that stupid hope. Damn that he made her think about him all the time. She hated that stupid man and how he messed with her mind. She should forget him, quickly. She could not be seen with him anymore, every bright girl would not kindle that fire any more. But Maybel like to spit in the face of the one that told her "what to do". She smiled about that thought as she painted her lips blood red.

The red dress she had picked was to attract attention. It was inappropriate with the low back, but she did not care. When they arrived in the ballroom, she kept her head high and walked around the place like she owned it. She was no longer hiding, and she was showing it. And be damned she needed a drink if she wanted to survive this night. She immediately went over to a servant carrying tall glasses on a platter. She grabbed her favourite: champagne, and her father's favourite: his own red wine. And without hesitation she strode over towards the tall man, whoever he was talking to would have to wait. ‘‘Hey, daddy,’’ she said a tad cold as she handed the glass to him. She looked up at him. She would say nothing about Victoria. Nothing about the ceremony. Because this day was much more important than that. ‘‘Happy birthday.’’

Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:01 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Sue me X
Sue me Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
The ceremony had been okay, not the best one he had so far. Not by a longshot. No no, there was little one could do to actually make it better then the one day he cared so much about. The ceremony with Rina had been worse than this however, so it was a step up, somewhat. He had hoped for some more spice, maybe some drama or someone who would voice their concerns, but no-one had done so. The only one who would do so was perhaps his sister in law, the duchess. But he hadn't even seen her face in the crowd of people, which made it even funnier to him. Did she feel like after her last little fiasco at dinner that she had to step down? Why that would be a shame, wouldn't it? He liked that little spark she had, it was fun to see it flicker and dance, desperately so. He knew she didn't feel like that was the case, but some things just lingered in peoples mind and that was just enough for him.

The party, so far, had been boring. People congratulated him left and right for the marriage, his new wife, the new year. But little was said for what was really important. Ah well, it really showed what priorities people had. Some were just here to get a better status, others just for the festivities, others to keep up appearances, a sense of duty and perhaps somewhere some people actually had come to enjoy themselves. If he was honest he would have loved to be on of the latter, but sadly that wasn't the case. If it wasn't for all this stupid duty bullshit he would already be on his way to Dawnmire. And who was he kidding, the ride there would most likely already be a great appetizer for the both of them.  A smile curled on his lips at the thought and he nodded as the words of the man that was talking to him just passed him by. He didn't care what stupid business idea he had after all. Who even decided that that was a good idea to talk about on a wedding?

In the corner of his eye, he could already see her coming. And like always, all the focus went to her as soon as she came into the picture. The tall man turned away from the man, his whole expression shifting to this warm, bright tone as he smiled at her, already taking a step forward. And she looked stunning, with a dress that was like no other and jewellery that laid an accent on her exquisite looks. She had outdone herself, that much was for sure. And it made him happy. For the past few days he had been so worried about her. She had been in her room, not looking or being like herself. No father wanted their daughter to suffer and maybe he took a step further, because if he could, he would gift her the world if only it meant that she would happy and safe. But sadly things weren't so simple. She greeted him and he smiled widely at her. "My sweet rose," he said softly, a tone he could only really use when she was with him. It was so full of warmth, genuine happiness, because that was simply what she was to him. His everything, his precious little flower.

She handed him a glass of red wine and he gladly took it from her. Her words made him smile even brighter and he tilted his head a bit. Of course she remembered, his princess was perfect in every way. And time and time again she proved it to him. "Thank you sweetheart," he said softly as he looked at her one more time. She looked so much like her mother, in so many ways, and each and every time when he saw her he just knew that... Despite it all, maybe he had done a good job. Because she had turned out the way she did, a sweet jewel for all to adore. How could one not feel this kind of happy when such things came to mind? The genuine smile on his lips softened as he nodded at her. "You look so beautiful my rose," he spoke, his voice filled with pride as he said it. Some men would find pride in their daughters getting grades or whatever, but Matthew was the kind of father that was just proud of his daughter being here. Because he would always love her and he would always be proud of her, no matter what. "You really are the belle of the ball," Said with no shame, because he truly believed it. His daughter was the most beautiful woman in this very room and there was no debate about that.

He took a deep breath, that smile fading a bit as he took a sip of his wine. "I'm really happy that you are here," He really was, because he had truly been concerned for her and her well being. "If there's anything you want or need tonight, just tell me, okay?" he lifted his brows a bit, his smile widening a bit. "I want you to enjoy your night to the fullest," Her night. Ah well, his new wife was an afterthought anyway in the grand scheme of things. What truly mattered was how Maybel felt. He had noticed her tone and way of walking, he knew she was still a bit agitated and if he could do something to ease it for her, he would do anything within her power to do so. For some that would be questionable, but for anyone who knew this wasn't a rare sight. For everything else became of unimportance to him as soon as she was involved. Her happiness, her well being was everything to him.
Thu Feb 16, 2023 8:57 pm
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