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[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous
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IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Nephthys Daetrys
Nephthys Daetrys
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous 385cyPI
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous En0ePpm

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess
she was trouble, chaos really,
but her smile dared me to fall in love with her
The second daughter of the Queen of Xaila had been jumping at the idea of travelling to the majestic land of Ravaryn. She had never been there before, and if there was anything Nephthys loved it was to explore new places. So here she was: at the Twilight Ball, mingling with the other nobles. Or at least, she tried to. It was a little difficult when she was so busy looking her eyes out at all she saw. It was so different from what she knew, and so, it was a true delight.

With her dark skin, as well as her tall and slender stature, the sun elf stood out amongst the crowd. And if that wasn't enough her dress would surely do the trick. She looked like a foreign flower glittering in the night. Her head adorned a beautiful elven tiara, while her long curly hair was swept behind her pointy ears to showcase them. She looked like a true Xailan princess.

And this Xailan princess was having fun. She had spoken to many people already, as they seemed very curious to talk to her. But now, one particular noble woman caught her attention. This woman looked like what she had imagined Ravaryn people to look like: all in black, with detailed motives on her dress, and hair that was touched by the frost. With a confident smile on her face, the sun elf approached her. "Hello there," she said as she looked at the shorter woman. "Well don't you look radiating." She continued bluntly. She seemed to forget people here weren't used to her southern manners. Or did she? Knowing Nephthys, she knew exactly what she was doing.

& Rán Trygg

Outfit (pohhh wat heet)
Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:54 am
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous Unknown
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
Rán had tried to be not the governess this evening. It would be her final days in the capital and soon she would be returning to her beloved Norwyn. But she was still one of the high families in Ravaryn and ought to show her face. Arkyn had been a marvelous partner for the evening. His presence alone would keep most prying people away. The Ball was just gorgeous, as expected. The  royal family did not seem to have spared any coin on the decorations or food and drink. And the company was vast, she did not think she had seen so many faces together before.

Rán did not dislike partying, per se, but this was a whole different kind of party then the one she preferred. Hers would consist of ale, bellowing laughter, screaming so loud just to be able to understand each other, and sitting around a warm hearth. But this was glitter and glamour, ballroom dancing, polite conservation and stringy music. Dreadful.

Rán was only left alone for a moment before a very foreign figure approached her. Rán looked the girl up for a second, not knowing wat to think. She was.. well, exotic was the best to explain it, really. Her skin was bronze, her hair think and black and what was most interesting, were the pointed ears. Sun elf. Rán had never seen one before and she was a far way from home. Rán looked at her for a hot second as she complimented her. ‘‘Well, hello,’’ she said while she furrowed her brow for a second. Funny that this girl called her radiating, while she seemed to reflect sparkles everywhere with that gown. ‘‘Nothing compared to you,’’ she then stated the obvious as she looked back up at her. Rán folded her hands together over her dress and studied her for a moment longer. She had decided to be bold, so she could be bold back, could she not? ‘‘You must have traveled a great deal to attend this ball. For what do we have the honor?’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:29 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Nephthys Daetrys
Nephthys Daetrys
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous 385cyPI
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous En0ePpm

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess
she was trouble, chaos really,
but her smile dared me to fall in love with her
For a Princess of Xaila everything about Ravaryn was deemed as exotic. She wasn't used to the cold surroundings, the mannerisms of its people and their appearance. Of course, her musings about the mysterious country were exactly the same as the musings about her. Because truthfully, she was the exotic one here.

Without a doubt, she'd make sure to live up to that expectation. She didn't mind flaunting amongst the crowd of conservative northerners. Actually, she seemed to thrive on it. The way she behaved, the way she talked, it all showed she was unapologetically herself tonight.

The sun elf had decided to chat to a lovely looking blonde woman, who she thought truly embodied the Ravaryn 'spirit'. In true Nepthys fashion she bluntly complimented the woman, because who wouldn't? Luckily her efforts seemed to be rewarded, as the woman didn't leave. "Oh stop it, you're making me blush." The Princess said as a lighthearted laugh escaped her lips. Briefly, she raised her brows as the other continued to ask about her. "One of the sorcerers from my country married one of yours. As many were headed this way, I decided to join." She chatted away. "Call it a diplomatic mission, if you will." It was a nice sounding explanation, but Nephthys' motives were much more self-centered. "Truthfully, I've always wanted to see what Ravaryn was like." She then explained. As she let her eyes glide over the woman in front of her, a confident smirk appeared on her face. "Thusfar, it doesn't disappoint." She went on in a silky smooth voice. What could she say? She did like what she was seeing.

Outfit (pohhh wat heet)
Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:25 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous Unknown
[FOF] You are so hot the sun is jealous F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
The sun elf was very chatty. Such an extroverted person. Maybe that radiance started to wear off if you had to spend your whole life in the blistering sun. Maybe that was why her look was so icy as she did not share the merry sentiment. She tilted her head as the woman mentioned that she made her blush. ‘‘No, I don't,’’ she commented bluntly. The woman surely knew that she looked impeccable. People like her, they just knew. They oozed confidence.

As Rán tried to make the conversation a bit more formal, she folded her hands together in front of her dress, fiddling slightly with her thumbs. It was not that she did not want to escape this conversation, but the elf was that kind of intimidation she did not enjoy. It was the kind that forced your way into your aura. She mentioned a marriage between sorcerers. ‘‘Oh, of course. I don't keep up with what the sorcerer families are doing,’’ she noted with a hint of a smile. They always bred with each other like they were royal families. She probably would do the same, if it meant keeping your power close. Don't want that sort of magic fall in the wrong hands. ‘‘A mission?’’ she echoed with a spark of interest. ‘‘So, what is your objective?’’

The governess' eyes went up to those of the tall woman in front of her as she continued her chatty story. Especially at her final words and Rán wanted to say something back, before she realized what she was implying at, so her lips formed in a small smile. ‘‘I have always heard the tales that Xailan culture is very free,’’ she then started to twist the conversation in her own favour. ‘‘Is all of true?’’ Her eyes went back at the woman in front of her. ‘‘Excuse for the ignorance of a Northener. I have never even left the Kingdom.’’
into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:10 pm
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