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Sylvar Aerendyl
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Lemuria Citizen
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sansa stark
Sylvar Aerendyl  JFPPGto
Sylvar Aerendyl  Fw45sC4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being a shady man

Sylvar Aerendyl
"I’ve got a celestial darkness burning within my veins, devouring my lover’s breath."
Gender Male
Age 29
Species Moon Elf
Magic Moon Magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation "Businessman"
P.O.B Moonbright
Residence Silvercrest
Height 1.85
Build Lean/Athletic
Hair color White
Hair texture Long/Straight
Eye Color Blue-ish
Skin ToneFair


Slyvar is a striking man, with his long white hair. And tall stature. He has very sharp features, there is almost no softness to this man at all. His tattoos are marks, and each symbol means a different thing. Though only a select few people know what. Slyvar has a very lean and toned body, this is because he trains on a daily basis. Being in good shape is very important to him, for a number of reasons. His whole appearance is of great importance to Sylvar, actually. So he always tried to look his best. Which he doesn't really have to work hard to achieve, because despite his distinct attributes, he is still a very handsome man. Something he knows, and caters too. Always wearing clothing that shows off his figure well. While also being made of the finest materials. He also takes very good care of his hair, making sure, it always looks glowing and healthy. (He has many scars, but only in area's he can cover up, which he does) 
Constellation The Serpent
Alignment Chaotic evil

Slyvar isn't really a good guy, he's manipulative, vain, selfish- and perhaps the worst of all; violent. He hides this all under a charming exterior. Though, his words always have double meaning. Leaving you to question what his true, intentions or even motives are. This isn't to say, that he is all bad. He does have at least some sense of duty, and honor. And is even able to love, and care for someone. In his own way. He also has himself in control most of the time, rarely breaking away from his mask. But when he does, he is beyond reason. This is primarily where his appetite for blood and violence comes in. If something or someone say; stands in his way of achieving something. He will first try to deal with them via other means. And only if that does not work. Will he lash out. He had no regard for life, and will take it easily if he feels like he has to. This indifference also stems from his arrogance, as a moon elf and an Arendarlyl. Though with him, it is much more subtle. He doesn't go around and openly express his views. Though if you read through the lines it is definitely there. Sylvar is also extremely intelligent, and has a great proficiency for learning. He usually picks up things very quickly. Which allows him to manage and own several enterprises, and keep them hidden from the law-despite the shady business practices they employ. He is also a rather spoiled man, always used to getting what he wants. Something that was innocent once, but now-not so much. He is a very sensual man who has several partners, regardless of gender and even race. Despite or perhaps because of his arrogance. He doesn't love them, however, and uses them more often than naught. Though not abuse-he is always very clear in what his partners can expect from their arrangement. He keeps them rather secret, too- for the sake of his reputation. which is already damaged
Family Tree


grandfatherLysandil Aerendyl
grandmother Iminyë Aerendyl


Father Galathil Aerendyl
Mother Ingwë Aerendyl


Aunts & UnclesArwyn & Fëanor
Cousins Liliandil Eldrin

De Aerendyl familie is zo groot man als ik alles erin moet zetten ben ik hier morgen nog HAHA
Magic type Moon magic
Expertise Water/Ice bending

Sylvar is excellent at bending both water and ice. He even knows how to get water out of things, one bender wouldn't even think of. Like the surrounding plants etc. He can switch rather rapidly between the two forms, connection them together perfectly. His style his usually focused on fighting, and so he can hold his own in battle very well. His weakness however is his own temper, if he loses himself too much. He loses his grip on the elements too-his ice melts into water, his water falls to the ground. And he is unable to direct it again. Since if he loses his control once; it usually takes a long time for him to find that connection again.
Sylvar was born an Arendyl, yet from a far off branch. Despite that, he grew up in extremely luxury. His father owned several enterprises, which were all very lucrative. The family lived in a grand mansion in Moonbright, where little Sylvar got everything he wanted. His mother Ingwë doted on her son, perhaps more than she should have. But in her mind, this extreme attachment was justified by the fact she would most likely never have any more children. This was, because something had gone wrong during the labor in which she brought forth Sylvar, which made it very dangerous for her to fall pregnant again. It was a thing his father was very disappointed by. And so he didn't pay much attention to his son and wife for a long time. Instead, focussing on growing his businesses. But he was not needed. Ingwë was mistress of the house, and ruled it with an iron vist. Most of the attributes, Sylvar picked up, were from his mother. Who he did love dearly. He quickly grew up as a spoiled and bratty child, throwing fits and being violent with anything and anyone when things didn't go his way. The only person he would listen to was his mother. Who only encouraged his behavior, but was also able to manipulate him. Using his strong desire to please her, by placing in many classes and forcing several hobbies on him. She also taught him to be kind and charming, when the situation would call for it. Which he did, and so many people from the outside saw Sylvar as a charming, handsome and talent child. This continued for a while, at least well into his teen hood. His father had come more and more into the picture, wising to connect again with his family. But the longer he stayed home, he noticed the cracks. Until he couldn't deny them anymore. In a bid to teach his son some lessons, he removed him from his home. And sent him abroad, to work for one of his companies. Since he would one day inherit them all. Sylvar hated this- but he had no choice but to go. However, he quickly started to abuse his position as the heir. And took the reins into his own hands. He traveled from kingdom to kingdom. To promote his father's interests there, which he did. But not in a very legal way. He amassed a sort of gang around him, loyal to him. That's where the tattoo's stemmed from. His father tolerated it at first, until he couldn't- the reports he received back were just too outrageous. Sylvar's reputation was going under, and if his was-the rest of the families would too. And he recalled his son home. Their meeting didn't go well, they shouted and yelled at each other for hours.  Ingwë then suggested a ride; surely some fresh air would do the two men some good. Never mind the fact that it was storming outside.

When Sylvar returned, his father was dead. His death was explained as a terrible accident. Drowned, when crossing the river. The ramshackle bridge they were crossing collapsed and the raging river took away poor  Galathil. The story was backed up by the fact that his body was found at the end of the lake just a few days later. But it was quickly seized by the family and never was there ever done a full autopsy. It was ruled officially as an accident, just like Sylvar said. But many suspect it wasn't. The rumors harmed his reputation even more. And so, as directed by his mother, the two decided to keep their heads low for a little while. At least until this blew over. They sold their home in Moonbright and bought something else in Silvercrest, thinking that there they'd be less in the public eye. Another way to improve his image was to find a wife; something he found in Meleys. Daughter of Evandyr, she had a clean virtues reputation and Sylvar hopes that marrying her would boost his own. He courts her publicly and is very attentive and kind, even if he doesn't love the lady. He hoped by showing this side, the people will start to think differently about him. Such a man, who is so sweet and kind to his intended, couldn't have killed his own father, right?

- Has a surprisingly high kill count actually-both indirect and otherwise
- Would listen to my chemical romance if he could.
- Probably smells like axe body spray
- He didn't kill his father guys I swear, it was a car accident
- His mother looks something like draco malfoy's mother. So like this this
- He still lived with his mom, and she is the only one he actually listens too.
- He inherited his father's companies which he quietly manages- for now he will get shady again will quick.
- He did dismantle his gang though, and probably won't reinstate them anytime soon.
Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:22 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Sylvar Aerendyl  XuTWurPc_o
Sylvar Aerendyl  MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:24 pm
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