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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Thank you, next X
Thank you, next Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
Matthew hadn't spend a second on actually planning this. All he did was give the people who would be arranging the whole event some requests. Some were just things he longed for every time he went through this and others were more... personal. And it had been decided that she would not have any say in anything. When he had sent her the letter earlier this week, it must have felt so... Distant. To announce it like that. Was it cruel that she only knew the date as soon as the guests knew it as well? Perhaps. But he was a man with a busy schedule and if there was one person that had a say in all of this, it was him. Besides, what did she have to do? All women usually did was sit around looking pretty and all that. Putting up make-up and going to party's wasn't really tiring now, was it? After the disaster that had happened with that Preston kid he really had his hands full. Because of him, he had to go back home early from his deal. Even though he wasn't the kind to care much about others feelings, this was a matter of respect. The other men had taken time out of their day to meet him and because of what that little pervert had done, he didn't make it to the meeting. Of course he was excused, he was a Winter after all. One with a good reputation when it came down to business. The things he had build up with his own two hands were something to be looked up to. Well. As the youngest of the Winter Brothers he had always strived to prove himself. Nothing had changed even after all those years.

He tilted his head a bit backwards as he observed himself in the mirror one more time. He looked stunning. The perfectly tailored suit that had been made just for him fit him perfectly. Quite sober in look, it had a golden finish that at least made him look more festive. Perhaps this was the only thing he had left for her to choose. After sending her a very... Generous amount of money, he had left her up to choose for herself what she wanted to wear. He had asked a maid to help her with the shopping so that his poor little wife to be wouldn't have to carry all that on her own. It were those little bits of freedom that he still gave to her, to give her a sense of... security. She wasn't trapped. Oh no no, she could leave at any point in time she wanted. One would only find that leaving might be more difficult then expected. And after today... A smile curled up on his lips as he looked himself over one more time. He looked stunning, even if he said so himself. But he didn't look like he did that day. The day he had married the only woman he had ever loved. And perhaps that was the reason why he didn't put anything grand on. Because for him this was no more then a free pass to get a pretty girl on his lap. And he didn't even bother to hide it. He wondered what his father would say about this if he was still alive. Heh.

Some maids came in and out the room as they asked him several question, busy with several things as to prepare everything perfectly for the party after. For a moment he turned around, looking at the young ladies softly whispering to one another as they discussed the last details of the event. Matthew chuckled, tilting his head, which grabbed the attention of some of the ladies. They bowed their head, apologized, and left the room. One woman remained, neatly placing her hands behind her back as she looked up to her master. "My dear," He said, his voice soft and warm. "What do you think?" Her doe like eyes slowly looked up at him, slowly blinking as she nodded. "Stunning, my lord," She said, without hesitation. He hummed for a moment, clearly pleased. "How much longer?" He turned his head, looking out of the window as he heard some noise behind him. "About 30 minutes before you should leave, my lord," Oh... He was running short on time, wasn't he? Didn't want to be late to his own wedding now, did he? He slowly moved his feet as he paced back and forth in front of the window, eventually coming to a halt. His dark eyes slowly going to the door and then to her. He smiled.

When he left the room he slowly buttoned up the last button of his shirt, neatly correcting the edge of his sleeve as he started to walk. He came to a halt in front of one of the windows to look over his hair one more time. He adjusted it somewhat, before moving on. For a moment he contemplated if he should check up on Maybel before going out. He really wanted her to be there, but on the other hand he didn't want to force anything upon her that she didn't want, especially after the past days. The incident had been too much for her. If she just wanted to attend the party later today, then that would be fine as well. He just hoped his princess would at least show her face tonight... At least once. And that she would enjoy herself. He had made sure that tonight would be grand, inviting lots of high standing people in the upper ring, if not most people. Why he had even invited that Preston boy. He would eagerly await if he would come, see if he had the balls to show his face in front of him after doing such things. He had made some... Arrangements with some of the guards, his personal guard especially, so that all would go smoothly. Lucille wouldn't be needed on the honeymoon anyway... So she would have spare time to do other matters. He smiled at the mere thought. What entertaining little things would play tonight hm?

When they arrived at the church and he went in, he looked around. It would appear that he was... Early. Well early for his standards. There were already people here, gathering and all that. Matthew didn't bat an eye at any of them and simply went to one of the rooms prepared for him. He had requested for some wine. Why.... This early in the day? Before he got wed? Really, it was a miracle he didn't have a glass earlier. Something had to be done to get through this boring part, didn't it? The alcohol certainly wasn't to ease the nerves. Matthew hadn't felt nervous in years. He just simply didn't care anymore, nor did he have a reason to. So much just went how he wanted things to go. Just like today. To be wed to Hyon's daughter would mean he finally had her to himself. He would finally have someone again. And she would be perfect, because he wouldn't settle for less. His brains mulled over how she would look. She wasn't the normal beauty standard in Ashmoor and that excited him. It meant he had one of a kind, a woman that people would turn heads for. And that was the thing Matthew adored the most. Attention at every possible level. The fact he would get wed to a family that was so close to the church would lay down a foundation of trust between him and that awful religion. He honestly didn't care for all that bullshit. So being able to grab it with this little trick really was just a small bonus.

And there he sat. In a chair with a paper in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. Perhaps one of the most weirdest things one would see before someone got wed. It was as if the man was just enjoying a glass of wine with his morning paper. And in reality, that was precisely the case. He was reading up on all the new gossip and stupid little tales that people had put in it. It was always so funny to see his own name in ink, and he chuckled at every stupid little assumption that was made. He could only imagine what went through people's head when they read this or, for the author, when they were writing this. He had always found it fascinating for one to be so egotistical that they would write such things about others. Or maybe such people also wrote about themselves, surely to divert attention. The man couldn't be bothered about all that though. They were usually far off from the truth or... They came close without even realizing it. But so be gossip. They just scattered through the streets and vanished as soon as the new hottest thing dropped. Matthew never really cared, as such things couldn't really harm him anymore. As long as no-one had evidence, there was no real way of proving what was really going on.

A smile curled on his lips when a knock was heard. He slowly looked up from his reading material. It was time or whatever. He sighed, pushing himself to his full length as he drank the rest of his wine, before throwing the paper on the table in front of him. The man loosened up his shoulders as he looked at himself one more time in the mirror, showing off his best smile, before turning away. As he walked out he could already hear some people congratulate under their breath, trying to remain silent as some music was playing. Matthew stepped forward, placing himself at the usual spot. Was it coincident that he had chosen this particular day for the wedding? No... It wasn't. Come on. He was Matthew Winter. If there was one thing he did, it was treating himself. And what better thing to treat yourself to on your birthday then a brand new wife? Who knew, perhaps those wishes would overshadow some others. Or maybe he would get even more attention. Regardless, he already knew that the gift he had for himself this year was one of the best he had done in years. Well... After the last wife that wasn't really hard to get wrong. He smiled, neatly placing his hands behind his back as he looked down the aisle, awaiting his present. Oh what a wonderful day wasn't it?
Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:03 pm
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