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[FoF Levitate
Time will tell
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Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
[FoF Levitate I4JNuiG
[FoF Levitate 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

The ball wasn’t something he really looked forward to. But he had to attend since he was who he was. There was no way for him to get out from under that. So here he was preparing himself in his room. The garments he had picked out for himself were those of the finest quality, he had gone for a simple white shirt, a dark waistcoat that had decorations on it and another black vest over it, wearing dark trousers as well. That needed to suffice for the evening. Briefly he glanced over himself and concluded that he looked decent enough.

It wasn’t weird for him to show up without someone next to him. If anything there would be enough people that would need his attention in the end. Not that he minded. If anything he did like talking to others. The one thing he didn’t necessarily like about all of this, was the fact that some dancing was involved as well. Off course he had taken classes over the years, but he wasn’t the best. Which was a possible understatement but well.

After talking to some people that held some importance he had spotted her. The lady-in-waiting for his sister. Lady Trygg. They shared the same age and well, she was fun to be around. A smile curled around his lips, plucking a flower out of a vase he passed. Approaching her with a calm demeanor, a hint of playfulness residing in his eyes though. ’Lady Trygg, I was hoping to see you here tonight.’


the astrologer, of our futures.
Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:32 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Dagmar Trygg
Dagmar Trygg
[FoF Levitate PJZ6t64
[FoF Levitate CeKSiio

Character sheet
Age: 18 years
Race: Druid
Occupation: Lady in waiting
We were a fresh page on the desk
Filling in the blanks as we go
The Twilight Ball was something she had been looking forward to for.. ages, really. She had always visited capital with her family for the Festival of Frostcrown, including the ball. But in a way, tonight was different. After all, it was the first night she would be attending as a citizen of Ishgard herself. It simply marked the beginning of a new era and little Dagmar was filled to the brink with excitement.

The dress she was wearing had been one made especially for the occasion. It was intricate, made from the thinnest pink strands woven together to make a shimmering fabric. It would surely catch the candle light, and if not that then the moonlight. Dagmar had kept her hair quite simple, not wanting to draw too much attention away from the dress. But she looked perfect and not at all like most Tryggs.

When she entered the giant ballroom she was mesmerised by the beauty. By all means it looked like a fairytale. With a skip in her step —rather than the ladylike glide she usually had— she made her way through the hall. She was just too enthusiastic. All of a sudden she felt her heart skip a beat, because Scorpius Ylindar was on his way over. A bright smile was displayed on her face as he greeted her, and she made sure to curtsy for him. "Your highness," she returned the favour. "Really? Well I was actually hoping I'd see you too!" She beamed. She didn't know him all too well, but she certainly knew of him. And now that she was living in the castle, she'd see a whole lot more of him. Which was always a blessing.

Outfit (very cute very pretty)
Sat Jan 21, 2023 8:09 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
[FoF Levitate I4JNuiG
[FoF Levitate 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

These were the kind of evenings that would be remembered. The ball was always one of the most beautiful celebrations they had. Simply because it was so enchanting. He loved that people from all over Odiria came by to enjoy the festivities. Was it an evening he was looking forward to too? Not really. But it was something that he’d surely find entertaining the following day. Truth be told, gatherings like these, did feel too political for him. Which was why he always doubted coming. Most of the time he even had to be persuaded by his siblings to actually attend.

The night proved to become more entertaining. Dagmar Trygg walked in and if there was one person who could brighten up a whole room with her presence it was her. A smile had curled around his lips and without missing his moment he had approached her with a flower in his hand. The curtsy wasn’t something that was needed, but well. He had cleanly broken off the flower, so only the upper part, the flower itself, was resting in his hand. ’Mind if I put this in your hair?’ A warm smile curled around his lips as he opened up his hand, revealing a pink flower. ’You already look amazing butI think it would match your outfit quite well.’ He looked at her, slightly tilting his head.

the astrologer, of our futures.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:52 pm
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