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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Zoey Winter
Zoey Winter
Evermore UAZ74eW
Evermore Tumblr_oswxwbPOhk1u0xntco3_r1_250

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Horse trainer
We could just slow down time

Busy with the horses. Always. Her slender fingers brushed over the black fur of one of the stallins that had recently gotten to the ranch. Looking the animal in his eyes, for a moment placing her forehead against his nose. He had a pretty gruesome wound on his leg, either from bumping into something while working or something else. She couldn’t be sure. The poor guy had already bled through his bandages so it was time to change them once more. Luckily for her, he was rather calm about the whole ordeal. Though it did help that she had added some Chamomile to his water earlier that morning, which worked as an anti-inflammatory for the wound and as a general way to calm him down. It was only a small dosage, but for moments like this she was extremely grateful that someone had pointed her to it.

After she had changed out the bandages and stretched his leg a couple of times. It was safe for him to go out onto the field. Undoing him from his head collar, guiding him with her until he stood in the soft grass. A smile rested on her lips when she climbed back over the wooden fence, leaning on it with her elbows and watching the other five horses roaming the grassland. Always relaxing. Briefly glancing up when one of her colleagues passed her, carrying some hay back into the stable. Gods, she was so grateful for this.

Let me adore you.
Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:41 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
Evermore EmesTWTfredHeader
Evermore EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
How does a moment last forever
He hadn't been needing his cane as much anymore, thankfully, but he still kept it around for the time being. Today, however, he seemed to need it more than ever. He received the letter just before he was heading out to meet his sister. Something that has been on his agenda for a couple days now. He could never have predicted the timing, which both felt like the best and worst timing of all. But as he calmly walked towards the fencing of the fields of Zoey's ranch, he could feel the knots in his stomach. Thankful for the cane on which he was now again heavily leaning on. Although it was more of a mental weight than a physical one, he needed to balance with the unicorn-headed cane. Zoey was busy with a horse, as always, and it made him stop for a short while. Taking the chance to just look at his beloved sister. How gentle and peaceful the moment was. He knew how proud their mother would've been of her if she were alive today. Frederick felt the same pride for his sister. She had become such an amazing young woman, which was quite a miracle considering the family she had been born into. She embodied the best parts of the Eckhart family tree.

While Frederick had quietly observed his sister, he had a soft smile on his face. It almost made him forget about the news he had gotten. Almost, but not fully. He took a deep breath before walking towards the fence, as his expression grew a little darker again, and the uneasy frown appeared back on his brow. He honestly didn't want to tell her, but he also knew he had to be the one to break the news. He wasn't sure if she would forgive him if he didn't. Avoiding her gaze, he leant against the fence next to her. "You know, mother would be so proud if she could see you now." It was something he often said when he himself was proud of her. Perhaps because it was easier to hide your own feelings within someone else's. Even if that person wasn't around anymore. He had never been good at sharing feelings, not even with Zoey. "Its a great place you built Zo." For a moment, he placed his hand on her shoulder and softly squeezed. He looked out over the grasslands for a moment, taking it all in once more, attempting to cover up the tension in his face and shoulders, which she no doubt would notice. Most likely sooner rather than later.  
(C) Ross
Wed May 17, 2023 12:52 am
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