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Ashmoor Citizen
Azalea Quagg
Azalea Quagg
Back and forth 53zL75vk_o
Back and forth TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 21 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Blacksmith
Azalea quickly checked if she had everything with her. She was visiting a client in the Upper Ring who wanted to make an order, so it would be quite disastrous if she would travel all the way to the Upper Ring and find out there that she didn’t have all her supplies with her. She breathed out a sigh in annoyance. Clients in the Upper Ring were usually pretty uptight about their money and how much they wanted to spend, but once she would get their interest, things would usually go smoothly and they would pay her a lot of money. Money she couldn’t even dream of getting from a client in the Middle or Lower Ring. It was not that she was low on money or really needed it anyway, but it was good to have. Of course. Money was always good to have, wasn’t it?

Azalea made sure to hide her coin pouch as she walked through the streets of the Upper Ring. She knew it wasn’t as dangerous as walking through the Lower or the Agrarian Ring for that matter, but it was still necessary to be careful. She just rolled her eye when she heard some men whistling to her, deciding that it would be better if she didn’t give them any attention. She could give them a piece of her mind and she could probably mop the floor with them if it ever came to a physical fight, but it would be best not to draw too much attention to her. And there was still the slight fear that she didn’t have the druid side to her under complete control. The last thing she wanted was to transform to her wolf form in the middle of the Upper Ring, after all.

She almost reached the street were her client was situated at when she bumped into someone. ”Sorry,” she said halfheartedly, her attention still fixed on the location ahead, but the gaze in her eyes was annoyed. She would surely be happy if she would leave this damn place, that was for sure alright.

@Theobald Villiers
Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:05 pm
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