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romeo romeo where art thou romeo
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

He'd woken up in his bed. It felt like he had slept for ages. Which actually wasn't that far from the truth, as he was quickly told he had in a state of slumber for three whole days. He wasn't prepared to hear that, and so sat up instantly at the news. But before he could get more details out of the surrounding staff. A horrible pain struck him all over, it made him groan and fall back into his bed. He passed out again, and when he awoke for the second time. He seemed better, he didn't relapse. So finally after some time. He was brought up to speed on what exactly happened to him. And when Alexander heard his doctor take, the memories came flooding back.

But he wished they hadn't, he wished he hadn't woken up at all. Because it was bad-what happened. Not so much the "taking Maybel Winter in" part, but the things they did later. Much later. On his balcony. And the stranger that stormed his home, which turned out to be none other than Luca Winter. Her half brother. Gods, no wonder he attacked him. The poor fellow was probably just protecting his sister. And Alexander had dared to pull a knife on him, and cut him too. He messed up, bad. Alexander half expected Matthew Winter to come down himself, question him about the whole affair. Or well, maybe not question, but punish? He wasn't sure, but he was definitely afraid of what the man would do to his. Considering what had transpired with him, Luca, and Maybel. But after waiting it out a few days-nothing happened? There were no people at his house, no letters just. Silence. Surely he must know, right? The rest of the upper ring seems to know, well if they didn't they would now thanks to that Countess summer.

If he was smart, he could just. Keep his head low, not attract any more attention (and danger) to himself than he probably already had. But he hadn't heard anything of Maybel yet and, was starting to get worried. What if she was in trouble? Like, house arrest or something. He didn't know if that was even a thing for adults still living with his parents because, well, his own did when he was rather young. Either way, he felt as if he needed to speak with her. About what happened. For when they last were together, they had spoken about the future, one they would have together. And Alex, just needed to know. If that was still on the table.

So he did something incredibly stupid and reckless. He had somehow managed to sneak onto the Winter grounds. By using clever little devices, he had made himself to distract the guards with. And sheer luck. A cold breeze blew through the air, and he tucked at his black jacket. The palace was up ahead. He knew which window was Maybel's, by some miracle he had been able to gather that information beforehand. Alex reached for his pocket, only to find a small collection of rocks neatly stored there. Because, well, how else was he going to get her attention. The young lord slowed down his pace as he came closer to the window. Until he stopped directly under it. Alexander sighed, something in him told him to just turn around now while he still had the chance. For if he got caught then-the man shook his head. No, he wouldn't back out now. Not since he had already come this far. Alexander fished a few rocks out of his pocket, they weren't big. More like small pebbles. And her hurled them at the window above him. When the objects reached the glass, they made a small tapping sound. It wasn't loud enough to alarm the guards. But anyone inside the room would surely hear it.
Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:58 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
That stupid bitch ass hoe of a Countess Summer. Maybel had torn the paper to shreds when she had first read it. How did they know what happened that night? Well, she was lucky they did not know all the details of what had happened, but it was still bad. Very, very bad. Her name was now dragged through the damn mud. And she should not be so upset about it. They were only rumours. She could make them go away. She would ask her father to fix everything and then all would be well. But the worst part was, she made Alexander look very, very bad. And that realization hit harder. She had cried - again - about it and desperately wanted to help him. But she could not show his face around his manor ever again. Well, not for the time being at least. Maybel felt like all the eyes in this godforsaken castle were on her. She wanted to escape this prison, but she could also not bear to show her face in public. She should though. Soon. Be like a lioness. Proud. Strong. Like nothing had happened.

But she could still did not dare to contact Alexander. She was partly afraid of what her father would do. But also, she felt so ashamed. It had all been her fault. Well, actually it had been her aunts fault. But she should have just swallowed her pride and stayed at home that night. But no, her ego was bigger than her aunt's dislike of fun. So she stayed in her chambers for the most time, drawing up doom scenario's in her head. She would write down letters for Alex, but scrunch them up in balls and burn them in the fireplace. And all her happy memories about him, were now poisoned by dirty rumours and lifeless bodies.


Maybel frowned and looked to her window. Was it about to hail? She shrugged and went back to laying on her back, looking at the top of her four-posted bed. And then another tap followed. She looked to the window again, almost expecting it to quicken. But then another tap, and she felt like somebody was playing a prank on her. Probably Luca. Was he finally ready to apologize? Maybel went to her window and opened it widely, she was hit by a cold breeze in her face. She leaned over the windowsill and looked down, narrowing her eyes. And then, a very recognizable curly head.

‘‘Alex!’’ Maybel's whole face lit up. Oh thank goodness, he was alright. Back on his feet, looking perfectly fine and he was here! Wait - he was here. Oh my god she knew he was a bit stupid (she had read his letter he sent to her family) but this was next level imbecile. Did he like getting beaten up? If anyone saw him hear. ‘‘What the hell are you doing here?’’ she hissed out of the window. She already had her hands in her hair. Because, the stupid, treacherous feelings in her stomach told her she was so happy. But her head told her something very else. ‘‘You can't be here,’’ she hissed again.
Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:32 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander had used the cover of darkness to his advantage, but when he suddenly heard a noise behind him. He panicked a little, and tried his best to see what exactly had caused the noise. But he couldn't see anything. So eventually he just shrugged it off as some animal. Just then, he heard his name, and he instantly recognized the voice. "Maybel!" He said back, perhaps a little too loud. Which he only realized after the words had already left his mouth. But he just couldn't help it. Every time he saw her he, just, lit up. That's why he wanted her to be in his future, he didn't want them to be together necessarily- well he did if that's what she wanted but even if they could just remain as friends he'd be happy. Alexander really just wanted to be in her presence, in any way possible. ‘‘What the hell are you doing here?’’ She asked, clearly shocked. Which was to be expected. Though the panic in her features went unnoticed by him. He knew what he was doing was dangerous, of course. But he could never truly know the full extent of it. "I'm here for you, of course." The young lord went on. His tone much quieter now. But still loud enough for her to hear. You can't be here,’’ Well yes he knew that already, this was private property after all. "I had to see you, I needed to check up on you, talk with you- see if you were alright."
Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:24 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel had so many questions. The main one was how? How on earth did he manage to get here. He somehow was the smartest and daftest man at the same time. But by the gods, she was happy to see him. It was this rollercoaster of emotions going through her head, but he was alright. He was standing. And he did not seem mad at all. She had been so scared that he never wanted to see her again, and here he was: looking for her.

She shushed him when he spoke her name, but she could not hide the pure look of bliss on her face. Even though she had to send him away. The risks he was taking, it was absurd. Only one person had to see him and everything was definitely ruined. But he spoke the words she most liked to hear, he wanted to check on her. ‘‘Me?’’ she asked in this, awe-strucked way, with a small voice. Oh he was really to good for this world. Too good for her, she knew that all too well.

But that did not hold her back. She had to make a decision fast. She bit her lip and drummed her fingers on the windowsill. ‘‘Okay, I'm coming down,’’ she decided determined. ‘‘Wait there!’’ She turned back from the window, into her chambers, looking around disorganized. But not before turning back to the window almost immediately, leaning out of it. ‘‘Or even better, hide!’’ Then she turned back in her room. Okay, she had to be a soldier now, only for tonight. Boots, warm coats, hair up.

She had found a ribbon to tame her long locks in a messy ponytail, found riding boots she hadn't worn in months and a woolen coat that was the closest to black she could find. Very fashionable, Maybel. But he had seen her worse, so whatever. And then she was back at that window, looking down. Now was not the time to start to be afraid of heights. It was not that far down, was it? Would she kill herself if she dropped? No way, right? Anyway, time to go.

The first leg out of the window was easy, but the second one was way scarier, because she could only grip the frame. By all that was holy, she was not build to do these kind of stunts. She looked to her right where a trellis screen was placed against the wall. She closed her eyes and shuffled to the side a bit. Letting her hand go from the frame was the biggest part, but she managed to reach the screen and release a relieved breath. She tried to make as little sound as possible as she shifted over to the screen, who did not feel strong at all. But once she had a foot on the wall, she could let her other hand go and there she was, as some cat-like figure sliding down the wall. How she would ever get back up again.. well?
Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:04 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Her reactions, he had missed them. The way she tried to shush him from all the way up there when he talked too loud. The way her starstruck voice sounded. To him, they were definitely worth the danger he'd put himself in by coming all this way. Even if she would just send him away now. Just have gazed upon her for this short while; it was really all he wanted. But then she announced that she was coming down, now it was Alexanders turn to be surprised. He hadn't thought she would- ‘‘Wait there!’’ And with that, she disappeared from his view. To enter her room again, he knew that, but still the man couldn't help but try to catch a glimpse of her anyway. To see what she was doing. How would she even come down in the first place? Use her bedsheets as some short of rope? Was that why she went back inside? ‘‘Or even better, hide!’’ Oh, yes, that was probably a good idea, wasn't it? But where would he even hide? The man looked around him, there weren't many places he could shelter himself. But he couldn't just stand here, so eventually he just moved himself behind a tree. It was a little stupid, he felt like a child playing hide and seek with his friends. But he couldn't really think of anything else. He did peek his head out behind the wood, and then saw Maybel hoisting herself first over the window. And then by some miracle make her way down. She was doing fine so far, but. Alexander couldn't help but rush to her side. To catch her if she ever would lose her grip. He held his hands out to her. So she could take a hold of them for extra support. "You're doing great, Maybel." He said softly to encourage her.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:35 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Next time, he would have to climb out of a window. Okay, maybe they were even know for her brother you know, knocking his door out of it's hinges and then knocking the light out of his eyes. But still, he would have to take the next fall again, especially if she would plummet to the ground. Well, maybe if she would break a leg, she would have an excuse to not go to her father's wedding. She looked back down and quickly grabbed on tighter to dirty rails. She forced herself to breath slowly as she held on for dear life. Men be damned.

Alex was quickly by her side again as she was nearly at the ground. She grunted an unimpressed "hmpf" as he told her she was doing great. But when she was finally close enough to the ground to jump down and release a relieved breath. Look at that! She did that all by herself. She looked back up at her open window and wondered if anybody would notice. But then she remembered why she had climbed down in the first place and she turned to Alex, attacking him in a fierce hug. She pressed her face tight to his chest as she closed her eyes. ‘‘I'm so happy you are okay,’’ she murmured in the wool of his coat. But she just as quickly disentangled herself from him and looked him straight up in the eyes and pushed him with both her hands backwards. ‘‘You!’’ she hissed as softly as she could. ‘‘Are the stupidest-’’ another smack against his body. ‘‘-man I have ever had the pleasure to meet.’’ She gave him another shove backwards, but she could not work the smile down, try as she might. She shook her head, rolling her eyes, but her eyes laughing as she pressed a hand before her mouth to smother the giggles.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:01 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

She huffed a little when he spoke his words of encouragement to her, but that only made him chuckle. For, it was a little amusing seeing someone like Maybel climb the way she did. It was something he could laugh about now that she was out of danger of falling. Since she was so close to the ground now. When she jumped, the young lord backed off a little, to give her space. But he was still close by of course. When Maybel landed the ground, she had this almost proud air to her. Which was cute, Maybel was often cute without probably even realizing it. Alexander followed her gaze back to her open window. Oh yeah, gods, they figured out how to get her down, but-how were they ever going to get her back up again? Hmm, perhaps that was a question best saved for later. When she turned back to him, Alexander opened his arms. Expecting a warm embrace. But instead all he got were hands thrown in his direction. For a second he was a little taken- a-back by it. Thinking that she was actually upset with him. But then she placed her head against his chest and spoke words so sweet they were able to melt him away completely. Alexander wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and chuckled softly. "Of course I am, you can't get rid of me that easily." He joked about it now, but Luca did do a number on him. Though, he didn't feel right to disclose the real damage to the lady. The soft moment they shared, however, was short and fleeting. Since Maybel moved away from him. And began attacking him again. A little rougher than before. She shoved him backwards, making him fall almost. Not because she had used much power, but because he hadn't seen it coming. ‘‘You!’’ The woman hissed, softly, yet her voice was shrill. She continued on, raining blows down on him. Figuratively, with her words. But also literally, as she struck him with her hands several times. Alexander held his hands up in an attempt to stop her, but it had little effect. "Maybel-stop, please." He began, trying to be as serious as he could, but then he started laughing. "I beg of you, my lady. Have mercy on a poor lad like me." He felt her shoving him backwards again, but this time he took her with him. Quickly grabbing her hands and wrapping his arms around her again. Pressing her slightly against her own. In a way to stop her from hitting him. But also to turn the tides, since she was now his prisoner. "And you," He began, smiling. "Are a feisty little thing, if I didn't know better I'd say you'd need to cool down a little." He teased her. "I saw a little pond while making my way through the gardens, perhaps I should throw you in there."
Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:26 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel truly felt like crying again when he told her she could not get rid of him that easily. Well, he really had proven that fact by showing up at her window. She burrowed her face even closer into his warm coat. The smell reminded him of the borrowed clothes she still kept wrapped in a ball in her wardrobe. Oh stupid man and what he made her do. She should have sent him away, but with the blink of an eye she had come clambering down the castle wall, as if she was a little pet monkey. Maybel sighed deeply as she forced the lump in her throat down. She would cry no more tears over a stupid boy.

Because then the frustration and the relieve started to out in striking Alex a few times. He deserved it, having the nerve to show up like this. He deserved it by taking these amount of risks. He deserved it because it made her do stupid things as well. And he deserved it because he started laughing, making her trying to look angry that much harder, because she now also had to fight against the urge to laugh with him. A battle she was losing as she bit down on her lower lip as a big grin came on her face. ‘‘Never!’’ she exclaimed happily when he asked for mercy and she - now laughing - gave him another push. But this was fatal as he grabbed her wrists and soon she was in a lock, her arms folded against his body and no way to go. She struggled for a while against his hold, but it was no use. ‘‘No fair,’’ she complained in a pouty voice. It felt nice though, his fingers around her wrists, firm and yet still somehow safe. So when struggling was no use, she threw her head back, looking at his shadowed face in the darkness, just seeing the glint of his eyes, and she smiled again. He threatened throwing her into a pond and she scuffed, followed by a chuckle. ‘‘But you do know me better. It would be your downfall, mister,’’ she told him, shoving her body towards his as she could not prick him in the chest with a pointed finger. ‘‘And I know you well enough that you would not dare,’’ she challenged him with a grin. It was becoming harder and harder to keep her voice as a whisper. They should probably move away from the castle, the open window of her chambers. And she knew just the spot. ‘‘If you would release me, kind sir, I would propose a change of scenery,’’ she said in a posh voice, trying to sound more like her cousins, the snobs. She giggled softly as she started to move backwards in small penguin like steps. And then with a bit more serious expression on her face. ‘‘We should talk, I'd like to apologize.’’

Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:23 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

When she struck him, while shocked at first. He quickly started to treat it like a game. And he would play along, begging her for mercy. Something she wouldn't give. ‘‘Never!’ she declared merrily. She continued her attacks, until she made a fatal error. One that allowed Alexander to turn the tides. He held her tightly in his embrace, giving her no chance to escape him. She struggled, but it did nothing to detangle himself from her. Under his laughter, he heard her whine. But he knew she was only faking it. Eventually the woman realized how useless it was to try and wrestle herself free. So she stopped. Relaxed even. Her head fell back against his chest. And her eyes fluttered upwards, meeting his own. ‘‘But you do know me better. It would be your downfall, mister,’’ She said as a response when he proposed to throw her in the nearest lake to cool her down. Alexander shook his head a little, as she loosened his grip around her. Since he only now realized how strong his hold on her had been. She took the opportunity to push herself backwards towards him. He felt the impact. But he didn't stumble backwards this time. Since In a way he did kind of expect it. Maybel continued on with speaking; telling him that he wouldn't dare to actually carry out his threats. Alexander raised an eyebrow as a playful glint could be seen in his eyes. "Is that so?" He mused softly. Maybel then spoke about that fact that they should probably relocate to somewhere-less in the open. It was a good idea- to hide. But he really didn't want to. The light coming from inside was just enough to illuminate her, it was dim, but she looked too beautiful. He could stare at her like this for hours. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Maybel shuffled backwards, probably in a bid to get him to move. Alexander had a different idea, though. He moved away from her for just a few moments before. With just a few quick motions, he had her in his arms again. And then he lifted her up. Carrying her, almost bridal style. That way, they would move much quicker. "Now." He began, "Where was that pond again." He teased her. Before he stepped forward, deeper into the darkness. But when he did, his expression turned more serious. He hadn't forgotten her request to talk. "Not here, we'll talk later, when we've found a place to do so." Somewhere away from everyone, where they could be alone.
Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:05 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel has pushed the thought aside that this whole situation was ridiculous and extremely risky. She had dipped her toe in the water, she might as well dive under as well. And even is she was vocally complaining about it, she was just bursting with excitement. This was exactly what she needed after those horrible last few days she had had to endure. He was her night in shining armour, standing beneath her window, throwing pebbles. As if the poets had written it themselves. And if she was a main character in the story, she would play her part.

So when they were standing in front of each other again, not their arms locked and she just now felt the brisk wind turn her cheeks rosy. And Alexander did something she had not seen from him before, he challenged her back. Doubting her words. Maybel crossed her arms in front of her, trying to look as defiant as she could with her tiny stature. ‘‘I could start screaming in three, two, on-’’ and then he was at her feet again. And with a smothered yelp she was lifted from the ground. ‘‘What on earth-’’ she started, but she then couldn't help giggling as she laid an arm around his neck. Her feet dangled over his arm and she pressed her other hand before her mouth as she could not believe what was happening right now. And when he told her about that pond again, she pushed her free hand against his shoulder. ‘‘Don't you dare,’’ she smiled at him. And when he started to move, she realized where they'd be going, the shadows curled even more around them. What was that about taking a dive for it? Alexander defiantly was having different plans than having a heartfelt conservation, so she gave him a small nod. ‘‘Okay,’’ she agreed softly. ‘‘So where are you taking me, donkey?’’ she joked. ‘‘And if you mention that pond one more time,’’ she warned him with a finger jabbing in his chest.
Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:32 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander wasn't really a risk-taker, and so he would have never done a thing like this; if he didn't think Maybel would be up for it. Of course, he wasn't a psychic, so he could never truly know how she would react to see him under her window in the middle of the night. She could have freaked out, and called for assistance. Or just; send him away. And while that certainly was a possibility, the chance of that happening was low enough in his mind to take the risk. And the gamble had paid off, for she did play along. Even if she pretended not too, by calling him names and striking him a couple of times. She wasn't a very good actress, though and it was clear that she did enjoy this. Maybe she had even wished for it.

‘‘I could start screaming in three, two, on-’’ Alexander raised his eyebrows as he shot her a challenging glance. He then reached forward, a grin clearly painted on his face. "Oh no, you don't" He whispered as he hoisted her off her feet, and into his arms. Carrying her, she wasn't heavy at all. But then again, he didn't expect her to be. He chuckled when he heard her call out in surprise. They were so close now, it reminded him of when they were so on the balcony. Before the fall, obviously. Not that that had been so bad actually now that he thought back to it. For that allowed him to take things in an entirely different direction. Alexander remembered how adverse he was, too, about going down that road at first. Cautioning patience. It didn't last, though. He wasn't strong enough. But perhaps he should have been, perhaps then Luca didn't get the wrong idea about them. No, no, that didn't sound right. That hadn't been the issue, they went wrong with the fact that they allowed themselves to be seen. Something that Alexander won't happen again. So he decided to take her deeper into the Winter estate, somewhere they would truly be alone. Because really that's all he wanted right now. It was a sentiment she agreed too. ‘‘So where are you taking me, donkey?’’ she questioned him, and he inhaled deeply for a moment. He had some ideas on where to take her. When scouring the property, he had found some places that seemed like they could work. It was more the issue of which one he should choose. ‘‘And if you mention that pond one more time,’’ She teased him as she poked him in his chest with her finger. Alexander scoffed as she grabbed her offending digit with his hand and moved his head closer to hers. "Why are you so against me throwing you in the pond, hmm? You'll have a good excuse then for me to take care of you again." He whispered softly to her. As she smiled and started to move forward. Alexander wondered if she still had those clothes he had given her that night she stayed at her manor. But he guessed she didn't; those old rags-she probably got rid of them the moment she got home. "But fine, I promise to keep you dry."
Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:34 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
"Oh no you don't." Alex was right about that, because when he raised her up in his arms which made her yell, he just started laughing. And it made her giggle too, shaking her head in disbelief, but she was a bad actress in making her displeasure believable. And Maybel would be lying if she didn't like him being this bold. It was far from the nervous boy she had met in that museum. And even though they had gotten to know each other bit by bit over the weeks, it sometimes felt like she did not know him at all. And somehow he did seem to know her, somehow knowing what she needed and showing up exactly when she wanted it most.

So Maybel held on tight as he carried her away in the dark, probably being up to no good and they would probably get into trouble. The chances of something bad happening were sky high, but she did not care anymore. She could not chase him away even if she had to. So maybe stupid had found stupider.

Alexander stopped her poking when he grabbed her finger and she immediately started pulling to free her hand. But she faltered in her struggles as he brought his face closer to hers and started whispering to her. Maybel bit her lip as she forced down a smile. Well, that might not have been her finest moment, but she did remember how kind he had been. How he had cupped her face to push wet strands out of it, how he cooked for her, how he played for her, how he had kissed her... By the gods, that night had started dramatically and ended even worse. But the few hours in between were golden. Maybel tilted her chin up and barely grazed her nose against his. ‘‘Because that ended so well,’’ she whispered back jokingly. ‘‘Perhaps it's your time to get wet.’’ And with that she freed her hand and looked at the shadowed features of his face for a while longer before he promised her dry feet this time.

‘‘Wait, stop,’’ she suddenly spoke as she recognized a building over his shoulder. Maybel moved her weight over his arm for him to put her on the ground again and she immediately grabbed him by his arm. ‘‘This should work,’’ she said, more to herself than to him as she moved to the small building. It was a greenhouse which her family kept to have flowers in the castle the whole year round. For know there would be only winter-blooming ones, or... whatever. She tried to understand plants to please her dad and his weird obsession with it. But honestly, she couldn't care less. Maybel pushed her hip against the door as it didn't open as easily when she tried to do it subtly. But when the wooden door opened with a creak, she froze for a second, afraid that somehow, somebody might have heard it. But then she slipped in quickly and she was greeted with the strong smell of flowers and the bit clammy warmth of the building. She waited till Alexander followed behind her to close the door and turned towards him again. ‘‘So, about that apology-’’

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:31 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

This did feel kind of like a dream for the man. And if it wasn't for the occasional branches hitting him in the face, he would've thought it was one. But the pain he felt from those wooden sticks was certainly real. Navigating in the dark was hard, but doing it while he was holding onto Maybel was even harder. Alexander knew he should keep his eyes on the road, but all he wanted to do was look at Maybel. Eventually, he slowed down his pace, so much so that he was almost standing completely still. Maybel had dared him not to mention the pound again, as she poked her finger in his direction. Immediately, Alexander took his chance, and wrapped his own hand around hers. He inched his face ever closer to hers, Alexander then questioned her aversion to getting wet. Since last time, she had been so toughly drenched-yes it didn't start not end that well but. Those moments in between, he got to see another side of her and she-of him. And Alexander would be lying if he didn't enjoy pampering the Winter, like he had done when she was his guest. And so; her certainly wouldn't mind doing it again. Maybel moved her face upwards, an action that caused their noses to brush ever so slight against one another. ‘‘Because that ended so well,’’ she said softly in jest. The young inventor, chuckled. As he shook his head slightly. "It would have ended much differently if your brother didn't barge in." He teased her back. He did his best to make his voice sound light and not in any way mad or still upset about that fact. Because frankly, he wasn't. Not for his sake, anyway. ‘‘Perhaps it's your time to get wet.’’ Maybel freed her hand out of his gentle grip, and Alexander let her. He was too distracted by her eyes and how they seemed to look up at him so beautifully that everything else seemed to fall away for a time.

Alexander had started to move again afterward, but not for long, since very quickly Maybel pulled him to a stop again. He tried to follow her gaze to the thing that had obviously grabbed her attention, but before he could, Maybel moved her body in a manner that forced him to put her back on the ground again, and so he did. When the littlest of Winters was back on her feet again. He looked around him, hoping to see the thing that Maybel had seen. But nothing really caught his eye. But before the young lord could question the blond. She grabbed him by the arm. And started leading him somewhere. She noted that "this" should work. And at first Alexander had no clue what she was talking about, but then. He saw it. A greenhouse. The young noble wasn't surprised her family had one standing on their grounds. The family had a reputation for gardening, after all. As for Alexander, he did like to work with plants and flowers here and there. But it certainly wasn't his passion. He far preferred working with machines. The woman pushed the door of the building open with her hip, something that didn't seem to go so smoothly, since the darned thing didn't open very easily, it seemed. And when it did; a rather loud noise could be heard. Both he and Maybel stood completely still in silence for a moment. And Alexander prayed to every god he could think of that no one heard that creak. But it seemed like no one did. And so he followed after her, and stepped inside. The smell of flowers and alike was a bit overwhelming, though, not to mention the heat. Maybel closed the door behind him. As she began to speak about that ever elusive apology, she had promised him. "No, no, that's alright." He began. "If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you." Alexander then moved his hands towards his neck as he had his gaze cast downwards. "And Luca."
Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:38 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel had forgotten her slight raised temper about Alex being absolutely daft for showing up here. Or that he made her climb out of a window. Or threatening to throw her in a pond as soon as he had raised her in his arms. It had felt so effortless and it made her worries melt like snow in the sun. And she really had to choke a laugh as he got hit in the face by several branches. Her belly ribs ached from keeping in the giggles as he got hit once more, being immediately punished by karma as she got hit in the back of the head. They bickered a bit back and fro as he had his hand folded around hers. And as she felt their faces inch very close to each other, it was almost torture. Who cared anyway. It happened before, she could do whatever she wanted. And Alexander was a man, he would only get a pat on the back from his peers if he kissed a Winter. But he turned away with a comment that made her blush bright red and she thanked that it was pitch black. Yes, what would have happened if Luca hadn't come? She had started to move into him before the door was kicked out of it's hinges. Did Alex think about that as well, the what if's of that night? No, she couldn't imagine it. He was too mannered to do anything like that. He was to precious for that.

So it was Maybel that broke the spell of being carried in his arms, there faces ever so close that it would only need a little push. They still needed to talk and as much as she wanted to forget everything that happened, everything just had made a turn for the worse after that stupid piece of gossip. But they froze in place as she had made noise with the door. She looked back at the boy in the dark, before inhaling trough her teeth. ‘‘It's fine,’’ she whispered with the hint of a chuckle, before slipping inside.

Alexander Preston proved himself to be the ever so courteous knight as he started to interrupt her and apologize. ‘‘No, you stop,’’ she broke in stubbornly. ‘‘I messed up. If I hadn't been there, nothing would have happened.’’ She moved closed to him as he turned his gaze down. She ducked a bit and tried to force her way in his field of view. Maybel gave him a small smile. ‘‘Luca will be fine,’’ she whispered as she moved closer to him and she placed her hands softly on his chest. ‘‘Let me handle him.’’ She should apologize to her brother as well, really. She had been a real bitch to him. But she just was so angry. ‘‘And one day, he'll apologize to you too.’’ She gave him a small smile. She moved even closer to him as she looked up to meet his gaze. ‘‘I can disappear for a while and soon- everybody will have forgotten about everything what has happened.’’ After that dreadful wedding that she still had to survive.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:31 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
romeo romeo where art thou romeo EK3xGIZ
romeo romeo where art thou romeo Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

 This whole situation reminded Alexander of when he was a child, wandering around his parents' mansion at night. Being ever so quiet as to not wake them. But gosh, every sound. Every creak the floorboards made, every time the lock of the doors clicked open. It felt like it was a hundred times louder, and it made his heart race every time. And yet, he continued on. He had a mission after all. Stealing a cookie from the kitchen, without his parent's knowledge. The fear of getting caught had been immense, he recalled. But Alexander couldn't recall actually being caught. But what if he had been? What would his parents have done? Scold him? Ground him for a week? All those punishments were nothing compared to the one he would receive if he were to be caught here. With Maybel. The stakes were so much higher now. So when a loud sound filled his ears as Maybel managed to get the door opened. His heart stopped for a moment. Fear overtook him as he stood frozen. Listening intently to his surroundings. He hoped he would hear nothing, nothing other than the chirping crickets outside- and the eolian sound of the wind. No voices, no footsteps. 

Maybe broke the silence, reassuring them that everything was fine. The playful tone she had used immediately made him feel more at ease. As he followed after her, and stepped inside. Alexander looked around as they went further into the greenhouse. But much, he didn't get much time to properly take in his surroundings. As Maybel quickly began about "that" apology. Alexander did cut her off, though. By telling her, that it was alright. That in fact - he was the one that should apologize to her. And her brother too. But before he actually had the chance to. Maybel stopped him. And when she did, the blond man merely nodded at her. For a while, he was fully committed to the idea of being the one taking the blame. He also wanted to hear her out. Because what she had to say was important to him. And so the young lord listened carefully to her. Making sure not to interrupt her. Though truth be told - Alexander didn't really like most of the things she said - the fact that Luca was okay. And that he would even, apparently, apologize to him one day. Was nice to hear- but the rest... How could she say that? It wasn't wrong on a technical level, but, she made it sound as if her presence at his house was a bad thing. Even when it wasn't, at least Alexander didn't think so, sure the start was a bit rough and the whole thing could have ended better, but. In his mind, the moments in between - he remembered them fondly. In fact, if he could, he would do it all over again. "Maybel," the man said softly. While he locked eyes with her. "Don't say that, don't say; "if I hadn't been there." He followed it up with. "Because I am really glad you came." Saying that was easy, but what should he say to- to the other thing? Her suggestion of going away for a while, at least until this has all blown over. Perhaps it was a good idea, for their reputation for sure, but. He really didn't like the sound of that. He really didn't like the sound of Maybel leaving, of Maybel leaving him. Not even for a short while. 

Gods, had he really grown that fond of her already? Yes, yes he had. The young man made a troubled face. As he looked for the right words to say. Finally, after what seemed like ages. He sighed, and then slowly nodded his head. "If you think, that it's a good idea then." A small, watery smile made his way onto his face. As to reassure her. He didn't want her to feel guilty or ashamed for even suggesting it. For if this was what she really wanted then. Of course, he would say nothing against it. "You should do it, Maybel." His voice was soft, gentle and kind. "But only if you really want to, please know that you don't have to be the one to leave." He only now noticed how close she was to him. It did make a little bit nervous. But he mostly just felt; incredibly lucky. Fortunate that he was able to share this special moment with her. "Because, you just have to say the word and then I'll go instead."
Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:41 pm
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