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Poker face
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Ashmoor Citizen
Penelope Villiers
Penelope Villiers
Niet Ro
Poker face Yk5wvaD
Poker face Tfm2dtA

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Socialite (gossip columnist)
Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
The year 1453 had only just begun and already it was off to a good start. If all had gone right, and Penelope was assured by her little helpers it had, the pamphlets had been delivered to every house in the Upper Ring of Ashmoor. They were sure to be on the coffee table by the morning for the Upper Class to read, and for their servants to gossip about. Penelope herself had acted rather suprised when she had been given the paper. None were home but her brothers, and she wasn't sure they would even care, so she didn't have anyone to talk to about this new figure 'Countess Summer'. The Countess, who was of course, herself, yet no one would ever find out that secret.

Thankfully for Penelope, she would have a chance later in the day. Her friend Maybel would come over for their usual tea.. and gossip. What was better gossip than an actual paper full of it? She was also quite nervous what Maybel would say, as Poppy had written about her latest exploits. But it was nothing horrendous, nothing that would actually harm those in the Upper Class. She made sure of that. And besides, it was just gossip. Many would choose to ignore it, like she herself would 'try'. When a servant told her Lady Maybel had arrived, she was sure to leave the paper on the coffee table filled with sweets and tea as she went to greet her. "Maybel darling!" She said as she arrived in the hallway. "How are you today?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face. Now teatime could truly begin.

& Maybel Winter

Sun Jan 01, 2023 11:11 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Poker face Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Poker face Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel had not been out in public for the past few days. She had barely left the comfort of her chambers, hidden away in self-pity. But she would not chicken out of a meeting with Penelope just because she was not feeling like it. So there she was, dressed up and pretty, only for some tea. But it was an escape out of the castle and when she stepped in the carriage, it felt good to be out and about again, even if it was for a short while. When her carriage arrived at Davenrow Manor, she looked at the grand estate for a moment, before she walked up the stairs to the door. It was rich and grand and Maybel could picture herself living in a place like this in the future, that would be wholly hers, and not with the prying eyes of tens of family members.

Almost as soon as she entered the estate, she was greeted by Penelope, who looked pristine as always. ‘‘Penelope,’’ she gave her a happy smile as she took both of her hands. ‘‘I'm good, thank you,’’ she lied. She was not her usual chippy self, but she could act like it. She knew how to talk to society, she lived and breathed that shit. Penelope was much like that, even better. She was a true darling. Maybel took on the role to create a bit of shock-value to a meeting. But Penelope was all but holy herself, as the two girls started to know each other more. She would just as much talk behind your back as any other woman in the upper ring. It was just... nature.

‘‘You look lovely today,’’ she noted at the pretty girl as she entered the room. She wanted to take place at the table, but she immediately noticed the pamphlet of that Countess Summer woman. And that was the sign to drop all niceties. ‘‘You don't believe this huge pile of horseshit, do you?’’ she asked the girl as she glanced over to her. Maybel took the paper and shook the sweets of it. She rolled her eyes and looked at it with envy. ‘‘It is obviously written by some jealous skank.’’ Maybel took it with both hands. ‘‘Look at this, they are totally aiming at my family: Alison, Lottie, my father, Luca, me,’’ she spat at the paper. She dramatically dropped down at one of the sofa's, paper still in hand. ‘‘Even Lionel. I haven't even seen him yet and people are already talking,’’ she grunted unhappily. But then she glanced up at her friend and tilted her head to the side. ‘‘Unless it's true, and you are courting him.’’ A mischievous smile appeared on her lips. ‘‘Is it?’’
Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:00 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Penelope Villiers
Penelope Villiers
Niet Ro
Poker face Yk5wvaD
Poker face Tfm2dtA

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Socialite (gossip columnist)
Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
It was most important that today would go well, if Penelope wished for her new 'hobby' to remain a secret. She knew full well that writing about Maybel was bound to get the little blonde talking, as gossiping was one of their favourite pasttimes. So she'd just have to play along. Thankfully, Poppy was about as big a master manipulator as one could get. And all that while she kept a perfect smile on her pristine face.

When Maybel arrived she was greeted the same as always. "Thank you dear, you do too." Poppy chittered away. Thusfar, the Winter didn't seem all too bothered. Yet as soon as they arrived in one of the living rooms of the manor and the pamphlet was spotted, the tides turned. While she listened to what the other lady had to say she sat down quietly on one of the comfortable chairs, a frown on her face. "Of course I don't. It's just nasty rumours." She said with a sigh. Yet there was some truth in what she had written, like the one about Matthew Winter, Charlotte and her new groom and of course Poppy's very own brother. Those were the things Poppy knew to be true, for she had heard or seen it herself. What she had written about Maybel, however, had been just a rumour. She didn't even know if it was true, but it was certainly something people talked about. Oh what misery this must be for Maybel. "Oh no." She answered with a chuckle. "Lionel and I only shared a dance." She admitted. "And now because of it everyone will think I'm some attention-seeking harlot." She spoke as she defeatedly leaned back in her chair. Of course she had written about herself. And she had been quite nasty. But she was sure that if she wasn't, it would show. "I certainly wouldn't mind if your cousin were to take a real interest in me." She whispered with a dreamy look on her face. That was entirely truthful. Poppy was quite taken by him, even though she'd never let it show in public on purpose.

Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:49 pm
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