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Ashmoor Citizen
Alpha Aphelion
Alpha Aphelion
Idolatrine JimtOMm
Idolatrine F0657304b9a722a177b9d72def87eb0c

Character sheet
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Occupation: High Priest of Ashmoor

Feeling sad? Join a cult!

With a deep sigh Alpha headed out of church. It hadn't been a too eventful day. No lunatics had come to his door, no Winters had shown up, it was all pretty alright. Because of this, he didn't mind stretching his legs outside of his home. Home was a big word. He still believed that the house in the upper ring was his true home, though the Church had proven to be quite a place where he could be himself. A different person than he was without his mask, but still himself.

Outside he strolled through the gardens, his hands clasped behind his back. That was until he passed a bush of red winter roses. Their red color was a big difference between all the other dead and slumbering green. The days were colder and darker, it was Renestrae's time now. He welcomed it, often finding himself sitting in the dark and mulling over his thoughts. It both brought him joy and agony. Hence why a walk outside wasn't all that bad for him. His pale hand brushed over the stems of a rose, careful not to prick himself. Calmth and cold, just as Renestrae had intended it.
@Ishir Walker
Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:11 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ishir Walker
Ishir Walker
Idolatrine Banner14
Idolatrine Square10

Character sheet
Age: 39
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Businessman

Frostcrown had come, though, unlike other years, Ishir enjoyed the season as the cold didn’t bring more hardships, but beauty. Work, the need to survive, and the crippling cold amongst others had always prevented him from taking the opportunity to really look outside and relish in the sight of snow-covered streets. Now, walking became a pleasure. And whenever the low temperatures became too much, he could go home and warm up. Life in the upper ring was so different from what he was used to and that angered him, but it calmed him to walk and see nature slumber.

Today, after a particularly destructive outburst, he left his home and started walking in a random direction. When he gained enough control back to be able to look around and see where he’d ended up, he was in a garden. He hadn’t seen many gardens and curiously explored the grounds further. Most of the plants had lost their leaves and were awaiting spring to regrow; and beneath the earth, invisible to all, flower bulbs were hiding until the sun would start to shine again. However, some thrived during Frostcrown. Ishir stopped when he noticed a man extend his hand to a bush of red winter roses; the colour standing out against the white background. “Beautiful, aren’t they?” Ishir spoke as he stepped closer, making his presence known.
Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:38 pm
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