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Nesryn Callister
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Nesryn Callister
Nesryn Callister
Niet Jeroen
Nesryn Callister 53zL75vk_o
Nesryn Callister D9779221fdc0d643aa4ff6939f5ea11b

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Handmaiden

Nesryn Callister
Even in a crowded room, I only look at you.
Gender Female
Age 21
Species Lycanthrope
Magic None
Religion Odirian Dieties
Occupation Servant
P.O.B Near Norwyn
Residence Ishgard
Height 166cm
Build Slender
Hair color Blonde
Hair texture Wavey
Eye Color Green-blue
Skin Tone White


Nesryn is on the smaller side, but has the skill of making herself seem even smaller than she seems to be. She learned this from working years in the castle of Ishgard as a servant. When she works, she works with a steady hand and a neutral expression, yet she always seems to be slightly on alert.

Her blonde hair comes to an end just above her chest and  is usually in some sort of braid or loose. Her braids can be simple but when she was the time, she goesf or more intricate forms, seeing it as a way of expressing herself. Her greenblue eyes often dart around to see if everything and everyone in her surroundings are alright or need help. Her posture is slender but straight. She'll look down with her head most of the time, both out of respect and because she is used to it after all those years of working for noblemen and -women.

Her pace is swift and her movements are direct, not stalling at any moment and eager to get the job done. Yet her touch is always tender. When you look at her, she definitely does not radiate the confidence someone should have after so many years of experience of work.

Though she comes from a family who has lived their life mostly in upperclass surroundings, Nesryn knows nothing of that sort of thing. Her neck and fingers are bare and do not carry any sort of jewelry. Her dresses are simple and not quite colorful, often seen wearing earthly tones like browns and greens. She's usually seen wearing an apron over them as well, due to her work in the kitchens and as a servant for the Crown Princess Arianna.
Constellation The Twins
Alignment Neutral good
Nesryn is a soft and caring girl. She is young but despite her age, she has seen enough that has bruised her. While she isn't distrusting, it's sometimes harder for her to make friends due to her timid nature. She likes to listen instead of speaking herself, and doesn't mind letting other people tell her what to do. Disappearing into crowds and going unnoticed is fine by her. The less attention the better.

Nesryn is an open book and wears her heart on her sleeve. Her emotions are quite visible on her face most of the time and she has a hard time trying to mask them from the people around her. She can be easily startled when she's caught up in something, but she can also immediately direct her attention to the thing people need her to do.

Overall, Nesryn puts the needs of others before the needs of her own. She wants to make sure other people are happy and content and in the process of doing so, erases her own wants and needs. She is caring and kind, always ready to help. This makes her a hardworking and loyal person, but still someone who can see right from wrong and act accordingly.

Seeing the good in everyone around her, makes Nesryn a little naive. Nesryn is always ready to carry the workload and go through with things, trying to keep to her promises as much as possible. She is a great cook and finds creativity and solace in her work. She is a bit shy when it comes to compliments, as she isn't sure what to do with those, stating that there is always someone out there who is better than her.
Family Tree


father George Callister
mother Amber Callister


Brother Daniel Callister
Sister None


Aunts & Uncles tbd
Cousins tbd

Nesryn grew up as thee youngest sibling of the Callister family. They lived in a village near Norwyn and as her father was a merchant they didn't have to worry about money. She grew up with some teachings, learning the basics of the world and its inhabitants but also the talents of cooking and cleaning.

The Callisters were a tight knight family, sharing all they had. No one kept any secrets and even the two siblings went together well. They had their squabbles, but none caused any big rifts and they always could make up. Overall, Nesryn was a happy child. Content with her life. She made friends in Norwyn and her own village, and had the feeling that the world was at her feet.

Tragedy struck on a night of full moon. Their village was attacked by Lycanthropes and if some survived, Nesryn wouldn't know. She lost all her family that night and survived herself with the curse now plagueing her as well. Unsure where to go, she eventually confided in Dagmar Trygg, her friend from Norwyn. After recuperating, Nesryn left her familiar surroundings. Traumatised by the happenings, she could no longer stand to be there.

She traveled to Ishgard where she came to be a servant for the Royal Family. Working in the kitchens she honed her skills of cooking. Eventually after a few years of working, she was promoted to handmaiden to Arianna Ylindar. She spent her days working, only travelling briefly every full moon outside of the city when the curse takes effect.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:47 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Nesryn Callister XuTWurPc_o
Nesryn Callister MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:47 pm
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