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Something stronger
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Dolores Waiser
Dolores Waiser
Nienn Bean
Something stronger KOFvz9ia_o
Something stronger FttDCR6x_o

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Unhappy wife
Stooped down and out, you got me beggin for thread
After putting her kids to bed, she took her coat and made way out of the door, knowing their nanny would be taking care of them if something happened. As usual, her husband was out doing Renestrae knows what to disgrace her. Honestly, she didn’t even care anymore to know what he was doing exactly, and she was telling herself that she was past the pain, because all she could feel was numbness. This could have had something to do with the fact that she had been drinking a bit more wine lately, drowning her own sorrows whenever she had the chance.

This was one of the reasons why she made way towards a tavern in the city, one she knew her husband wouldn’t visit, because she had no intention to run into him tonight. If only she could stay away the entire night, then maybe, she was able to forget about him. But on the other hand, she could never do that to her kids. So, instead, she would just take the evening off, and have a drink for herself.

When she walked into the tavern, she took place at the bar, asking for something that was a bit stronger than wine. Every once in a while, she needed that. For a moment she looked around, until her eyes spotted another blonde woman. She gave her a soft smile when she made eye contact, before letting her eyes go back to the barman, placing the drink in front of her.

Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:07 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Rosslyn Carnegie
Rosslyn Carnegie
Something stronger Iwg6UDD
Something stronger C3530d97c13b8d06f1f5214ceff173f1

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Owner of an orphanage
Own the strength,

Why on earth was she present in a bar this very evening? Simple, her damn past had caught up with her. Earlier that day, without a proper warning baron Eckhart had showed up to the orphanage. Let alone enter without her permission. Which wasn’t something she enjoyed. If anything, it felt rather disgusting having that man enter something she had built up from the ground up. Her plans now, they were rather simple. Drink until she would forget that face again. She was shaken up, pretty heavily. Would she get severely drunk? Most likely not since she still needed to return to the orphanage, for now someone else was keeping an eye on the kids.

A woman had entered the place right after her, someone she did recognize but her name slipped her mind. Shortly she nodded to her, deciding that it would be as good as an invite to come sit with her. Slowly she stood up, taking the glass filled with wine in her hand moving up to her. ’Is this seat taken?’ A soft ask as she looked at the other, she’d understand if she would rather be alone after all.

In your softness.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:38 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Dolores Waiser
Dolores Waiser
Nienn Bean
Something stronger KOFvz9ia_o
Something stronger FttDCR6x_o

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Unhappy wife
Stooped down and out, you got me beggin for thread
During the day, Dolores had her kids to distract her. Taking care of them was something she loved doing, and it was one of the few things she actually enjoyed in life. While there were many bad things that had happened to her, she did not ever consider them to be one of those. Not even her son, even if he was the result of something bad that had happened to her, she could never blame him for the actions of his father. But after she had put them to bed, she would be left to her own devices again. And then.. Then she needed a drink to deal with all the other things happening within her life.

Within the upper ring, most people knew each other, and it was almost impossible not to be recognized by at least someone inside the room, even if they were only distant acquaintances. But Dolores knew which bars to pick whenever she didn’t want to run into her husband, or one of his friends. She didn’t care which other people might recognize her, and neither did she care if anyone would tell her husband where she was having a drink that night. But when another blonde woman asked her if the seat next to her was taking, she gave her a quick look over. Only vaguely remembering from what family she came. ”No, go ahead, sit if you like.” She told the woman, even if the tone in her voice was a little bit unsure of what she thought of it. Though, that probably had to do with the fact that she had a lot on her mind at the moment. And for a moment, she realized that might have been a little rude. ”I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intent to lash out at you.” She then admitted, hopefully trying to make it right by letting her know the annoyance was not directed at her in any way.

Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:48 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Rosslyn Carnegie
Rosslyn Carnegie
Something stronger Iwg6UDD
Something stronger C3530d97c13b8d06f1f5214ceff173f1

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Owner of an orphanage
Own the strength,

Frederick Eckhart, not a man she would ever think to be walking in her life again. Not when he had cowardly left the first time around. Rosslyn was still picking up the pieces from that and now he had decided to show up on her doorstep. It was like he had set out to make her life a living nightmare. If anything all she wanted was for him to stay gone. To rot away in whatever hellhole he had picked out to spend his days in. But no. That man had to appear again. Leaving her with the aftermath of it all once more. The blonde needed a drink, quite desperately you could say. So frankly she just hoped that the other woman would allow her to sit next to her. Because no, she wasn’t feeling up to sitting next to another guy. They were all pigs anyway.

Shortly she hummed at the words of the other, sitting down on the barstool next to hers. Ordering something strong for herself. Briefly raising a brow when the other blonde spoke again. Making her shake her head. ’No worries. Seems like your day was as bad or possibly even worse than my own.’ The woman simply stated. Staring at the glass that was presented to her. Rosslyn barely drank. While this wasn’t a good path to follow, she couldn’t help herself. Her emotions needed to be drowned; one did not simply do that with water or juice.

In your softness.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:49 pm
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