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IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Nature offers violence 3UOvOIY
Nature offers violence 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
When he got the letter, he could feel his heart sink into his chest. He could describe it the best as a sort of panic that had gotten the best of him. He had immediately asked his mother for help, who had asked him what he wanted. Did he want to travel to Ravaryn and help her... Or did he just want to send her a letter and remain safely in his home. As he had looked at his mother with big, fearful eyes, he knew that the answer was already clear to him. He couldn't just leave her be. She was in danger. Fauna had always been so kind to him, even if it was just through letters and small gifts. And even though they had never seen each other, never even heard each other's voice, she was most likely the closest thing he ever had to a true friend. Somewhat sad when you thought about it. But as the lonely figure he was, bound to be isolated thanks to his magic, it was a miracle on it's own. Now was he going to let all of that play out? Let her be on her own with no-one by her side...

No... He knew all too well what it felt like to be so alone that you reached out to everything within your reach to get a bit of help. He knew what it was like to feel like your entire world had become your enemy. He knew what it felt like to feel the weight of everyone around you on your shoulders, just for them to turn their back on you. Determined by those thought, by those memories, he packed everything he needed, grabbed his axe and... Just went. He had no idea what he was getting himself into, had no idea what kind of dangers would come his way... As long as it were just beasts, he could slay them. If it was a fight, he could win it. Regardless of the fact that he was a shut in, almost estranged to the world, he was still a formidable fighter. Years of training with some of the elite had helped him greatly to refine his skills. On top of being naturally skilled with his weapon and just being strong... He was a humble man, but knew his own limits. And he knew all too well that those boundaries laid further then people would think of a man like him.

His mother came with him until they had to cross the river near the slopes of shadow. The men they were travelling with were merchants who did these routes many times a year. As Zuhayr regularly did trade with them, usually coin for his literature, they were very familiar with each other. Now, this time, they weren't out for trading. When he had found them in the city he had explained the situation to the group. Some of them immediately getting up and offering their help in the process. Some of them staying in Xaila, as they still had work to do, and some of them going with him, so that he would have a safe travel through Avalon and get to Ravaryn in one piece. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't scared. He was terrified, absolutely shaken. Not for the monsters they might encounter along the way. No... He was so scared of what was happening in Ishgard and in what situation he might find his cousin. What had happened? Had Ashmoor invaded their land? Had some of the cities turned their back on the capitol? Did she face some sort of complex situation that no other could help her with? The many questions made his head spin with confusion. It made the journey even more tiresome than it already was. But he pressed on, keeping his head high as his horse kept going. They were halfway no, there was no point on going back now. Regrets were meaningless. He had set his mind to this... He had to see it through, to the bitter end.

After days, or perhaps even weeks, of travelling through Avalon, they had eventually arrived in the colder area, nearing Raveryn's border. Zuhayr could feel his muscles tense up as the painful memories slipped back in his head, almost making him cry. But as they got to a halt for the day, he could feel his energy resurge once more. They were almost there, he was almost there. Ready to help Fauna with whatever problem she was facing. In the morning they went on, one of the men noting that they would arrive in Ishgard soon. He had gotten a coat from one of them. It was rather old and clearly had been used many times, but the thick hide did keep him warm, especially when he got snow in his vision. The clothing Ravaryn had was peculiar, but not unwelcome. For him this was one of the bets things one could give him. A coat where he could sink in, almost disappear in the process. It was one of the few things he actually liked about the northern nation. Furs like these weren't used in Xaila, as one would simply perish if they wore it out in the sun. But here these comfortable attires were necessary for ones survival... And for him it meant so much more then that. Despite all his fears and anxiety, he felt secure thanks to it. Almost there... Almost..

When they arrived in Ishgard, he slowly averted his gaze to the ground, pulling his coat somewhat over his head as they slowed down their steeds to a walking pace. Zuhayr didn't dare to look up and gaze upon the city that had given him so much nightmares and pain in the past. No. He wanted to remain ignorant, even if it was just for a couple of more hours before confrontation. As he felt his anxiety finally resurge once more, taking a hold of him as he tried to steady his breath. He had to keep his mind focused. In all the weeks of travel there had been no incident, no use of his magic whatsoever. It had allowed him to sleep peacefully for once in his life. And even though the journey had been heavy on him, both mentally and physically, he felt like he was finally recharged, ready to take on anything that was thrown his way. His brown eyes slowly lifted as the shadow of the castle fell upon them. It had been a while since he came here... And even though it still looked the same it did in his nightmares, an odd feeling crept up on him. What was this? What was this kind of familiarity? Why was it so similar yet so different? A sigh left his lips. No way back. No way back.

They came to a halt as his eyes met those of a guard. He cleared his throat as he got off his horse, bowing his head in respect. "I'm here for lady Fauna," he said, trying to keep his voice steady as he spoke. But with every new words leaving his lips it was clear how much tension laid in him. The man asked for his name and he slowly looked up. "Zuhayr Rizal," He said, now more clearly then before. "I was summoned by lady Fauna and I came as fast as possible," His tone became more hasty as he spoke, but he remained calm. Deep breathes, everything was fine.
Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:34 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Nature offers violence SRiYB3K
Nature offers violence 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
Fauna had kept to herself after-well, everything unfolded. Nothing had gone the way she planned it, and all the blame was put on her. While her cousin, the crown princess, was hailed as some sort of hero. For preventing a war between the Ylindars, and Tyrgg's. The whole thing made the sorceress sick. She was angry and upset, and yet no one was there to listen. Oh, they pretended. But no one seemed to truly hear her words. She felt more alone than she had ever before. And scared, paranoid. She had been that for a long time, ever since the attack on her life. But now- it was even worse. In her mind, there were foe's everywhere, out to get her. So, she summoned one of the few persons the woman believed she could still trust. Her cousin, from Xaila. A Rizal, her true family. The Ylindars weren't that anymore, they made that quite clear when they didn't choose her side. Fauna had spent her days away from the castle, in one of the many estates her mother owned. But today, she had returned. Briefly, to gather some important thing she'd need for her divination. The silver haired woman held a large book in her hand. She'd had this one for ages, her father had given it to her-just before his passing. How could she ever have left this behind? Just then, a servant entered the room. And informed her that Zuhayr was here, right now. She had known he was coming, but-she didn't think he'd be here already. And at the castle too. It almost seemed like fate had wanted them to meet this way. Fauna offered the maid a quick "thank you." before she rushed out the room. Down the hall, and the stairs. Stepping into the courtyard. Perhaps it had been better to call him inside, meet in a drawing room. It would be more proper. But she didn't care, she just had to see him now. And so, with a quickened pace, she sought him out amongst the faces that littered the courtyard, looking for something familiar. Luckily, she found it rather fast. Rizals were usually very easy to spot, after all. "Zuhayr!" She yelled out to him, her voice light and full of joy. Like it had been before. With a smile on her lips, she walked towards the man. He was still on his horse, it seemed the guards just about let him pass. She shot the two man who were standing sentry at the gate a glance before her eyes found those of her cousin. "It's good to see you."
Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:36 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Nature offers violence 3UOvOIY
Nature offers violence 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He hadn't felt this tense, this... Excited.... In quite some time. Life for him was always the same; wake up, write, work out and go back to sleep. An endless cycle that had given him stability through the years, when his magic had gotten the better of him. But now that he had set out through Odiria to see her, he couldn't help but feel.... Proud of himself. He had actually done it. He had made it and not even one encounter had gone bad. He had underestimated himself, greatly so. For others a small achievement, but for him a huge leap. And for those who knew him, they were all too aware what this had asked of him. Yet, he didn't shake or feel like hiding. He felt fine on top of his horse. And despite the cold, it was quite nice to be here. The painful memories slowly being washed back to the back of his mind as he started to think of more urgent matters. The reason why he was here. Or rather, who he was here for.

When he heard his name he looked up. His dark brown eyes found hers instantly and he held his breath for a moment. He had never seen her before, as they had only written to each other. She was bound to her nation due to her bloodline and he had always been chained down in Xaila due to his anxiety. But despite those hurdles, they finally met. He tilted his head slowly as a small curled on his lips, he couldn't help himself. It was a mixture of both relieve, as she seemed fine, but also surprise. She was stunning and he hadn't expected that- It had caught him a bit off guard. But then again what else could he expect from someone with royal blood? He averted his eyes slowly as he couldn't help his smile. He felt stupid as it didn't fade away. Damn, he was such an idiot, wasn't he? The man moved his body forward, swinging one of his legs upwards so he could get off his horse. He slowly ascended to the ground, the bridle of his reins still in one hand. A guard stepped forward, nodding to the sorcerer as he extended his hand. "Oh... Uhm... Thanks," Zuhayr said softly as he handed it over to the other, which was the queue for the man to take the horse away to the stable. The man gave the mare a soft pat on the neck before she was gone, nodding slowly... But feeling somewhat awkward now that his only stability was gone.

He turned his gaze back to her and felt that smile naturally curl back on his lips. Only for a split second, before a sort of shock washed over him. "Fauna," he said softly, concern coming over him. "I-... I'm so glad you're okay, I-I came as quickly as possible," He shook his head slowly as he averted his dark gaze to the ground. His breathing hastened and so he lifted one of his hands, placing it on the back of his neck as he rubbed it, closing his eyes for only just a few moments. He let out a sigh, trying to get himself to calm down. Was there a real reason for him to explain himself? No right? She would understand... Because despite everything she perhaps knew him the best due to all the letters they had written to each other. Zuhayr took a deep breath, slowly lifting his eyes back at her. And there it was again, that small gesture that one called a smile. Subtly so... "It's good to see you too," He said, his voice more stable then before. "I didn't know you were so beautiful," he continued, before he quickly averted his eyes, shaking his head. "I mean- Ravaryn fashion am I right? It's very pretty," he quickly said, struggling to get out of his words as he chuckled. Damn.
Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:33 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Nature offers violence SRiYB3K
Nature offers violence 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveastrology was invented by those who stargazing
They had never met before, and still-she was able to spot him almost immediately admist the crowd. He did somewhat stick out, though, it was rather clear that he wasn't a Ravaryn local. And the Rizal genes were strong on him too-like they were on her. Looking almost nothing like her mother, instead inheriting almost all her looks from her father. And while those aspects surely helped her in identifying him so quickly like she did. It wasn't the main reason. They had written countess letters to one another over the years, and during that time she had pictured him in her head. Using the little information she had about his looks to craft a face for herself. Conjuring him up in her mind, it made sending the letters easier-since some contained some of her most private thoughts. He kept changing though, especially the first few times. But then she seemed to settle on something-pale skin, muscular build, dark hair... kind eyes. The woman snapped back to reality, when a guard approached them. To take Zuhayr's horse off his hands, and house him at the stables for the time being. The followed her cousin's example, yet did she wordlessly. Offing the guard an appreciative glance.

She was indeed very happy to see him, and thus told him so. Though she was sure, that her face already gave away that fact. Her words were merely a conformation. He smiled too, though only for a little while. Before his face broke out in shock and concern. He uttered her name softly before telling her that he was glad- she was okay. And that he came as quickly as he could. The woman's smile faded a bit when she heard that, though. Because she just now realized how much trouble she had probably caused him. By making him come all this way, just for her. The journey was long and so many things could have gone wrong for him. "Yes, I'm okay, especially since you're here with me now" She said, with a certain sincerity in her voice. But also because she wanted to reassure, both him and herself. However, it seemed it wasn't enough to calm down any fears, despite her best efforts- it seemed a little too late. Since he started to rise up then, like a storm in the making. He was showing all the warning signs. Fauna's brow furrowed as she watched him calm himself down.

He eventually turned back to normal. Somewhat, at least. He was still struggling a bit, it seemed. But the corners of his mouth were turned upwards again. He then returned the same sentiment she had expressed before. But she hardly noticed that, her attention was much more drawn to the way he had said it. With a much more stable voice. Confirming, in her mind at least. That, whatever had washed over him just moments before, had passed now. "I didn't know you were so beautiful," That-she didn't expect him to say that. And perhaps the surprise on her face was evident enough for him to try and justify himself. Citing Ravaryn clothing as the reason. Fauna laughed a little as she shook her head. "Trust me, you'll get sick of it before long." The sorcerers then said jokingly. Well, there was some truth in her words. Despite fashion always changing, it seemed like the same to her. Perhaps that's why she dressed a little differently, still following the basic trends. As a member of the royal family should; but always finding a way to put her own spin on things.

Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:55 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Nature offers violence 3UOvOIY
Nature offers violence 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He didn't realize yet what was to come for him. As for now he lived in a sort of high, feeling excited about the situation, meeting Fauna for the first time and all that. Not that it really was a first meeting kind of situation, because they already knew each other. It was just their faces, how they were, physically so. And he had been caught off guard by it for sure. Not because of the fact that he didn't think she would be beautiful, she was royalty after all. Of course she would be pretty. No, he had underestimated it and that was the one thing that really got to him. He never really made note of others beauty, mostly because he rarely made eye contact with people, but with her it felt natural and easy to do so. That smile he put up came just easily and he felt more at ease despite everything. In the chaos that the trauma held he found a safe haven, a pleasant surprise for sure. He didn't mind it at all.

She spoke and he couldn't help but smile at her words. He was so glad she was okay. Her health, her well being, had been on his mind for the entire journey. It was the thing that had given him the strength to travel through Avalon, all the way to Ravaryn. He nodded slowly at her as a sign that he was so happy that she was okay. "Of course," he said softly, hesitating for a moment to step closer. His movement held back a bit, until he took a small step back. His mind already setting off a million warning signals on what could go wrong if he triggered his magic. He would rather prevent then anything else. "I've been thinking about you... The entire journey," he said, tilting his head as he spoke. A new smile rose on his lips. "I'm- so happy-" he struggled a bit with his words as he slowed down, closing his mouth for just a second. Collect yourself Zu. "That I was able to get here so quickly... For you," He nodded. Yea... He had been so nervous about her fate and how she was doing. Because despite the fact that he was a diviner, he couldn't divine someone's end if they weren't present. So he had been left in the dark with what was going on.

The compliment came as a surprise, both to him as her. And he felt awkward for it so he averted his eyes, looking at the castle behind her. It was funny that she lived in such luxury while his entire house was perhaps the size of one of the guest bedrooms. He blinked slowly, looking back at her when she spoke, but not making eye contact. He chuckled when she noted that he would get sick of it. He shrugged, already holding on to a comment in the back of his mind. He slowly opened his mouth a bit, but halted, holding himself to speak such things. He just chuckled again, lifting his hand slowly bringing it over his face. "I don't know," he said softly. "It's been a while, after all," When he lived in Ishgard back when he was a kid he had enjoyed the wardrobe a lot, especially the furs. They were very nice to snuggle up in. He had found many nights of comfort in those furs when those horrific scenes would replay over and over in his head. "So... What's the uhm.. Situation?" he lowered his voice a bit so that less people could hear him. He wasn't certain if anyone around here knew about... What was going on.
Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:15 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Nature offers violence SRiYB3K
Nature offers violence 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveastrology was invented by those who stargazing
"Of course," That's what the young man said when Fauna had told him she was okay. His tone was light, and yet hesitant. He seemed to be debating something within himself. She could see what it was this time, however; he had wanted to close the distance between them even more. But held him self back from doing so. Zuhayr instead decided to move away from her instead. As he took a small step backwards. Fauna looked at her cousin, with a gentle smile on her face. She didn't say anything about it. Since she knew how he was, these kinds of things were hard for him. And if he needed a little bit more space then; that was totally fine. "I've been thinking about you... The entire journey," Fauna nodded at that. But did feel a little bad-since she hadn't thought about him that much. Not that he hadn't crossed her mind at all, because of course he had. She had worried about his health and safety plenty of times. But perhaps not as much as she should have. But there were just so many other things that had occupied her thoughts. "I thought a lot about you too." The sorceress said, her voice as soft as summer rain. Fauna followed her cousin's example; and held her head at a slight angle when he told her he was so happy. She chuckled a little at his words. Especially since, after he had said them; he seemed to lose himself for a split second. But the man was able to collect himself again. And explained that he reason for his happiness was that he had been able to get here so quickly for her. "And I'm happy, that you arrived here safe and sound." She really was. So many things could've gone wrong on the way.

After the compliment; they fell into an awkward moment together. One that lasted longer than Fauna would've liked. But it was eventually broken. She joked with her cousin about the fashion of Ravaryn, and how he would soon tire of it. He chuckled at her comment, as he after halting himself first. Responded to her with a soft "I don't know," Fauna laughed a little, as she waved with her hand. "What do you mean, you, "don't know." She began teasingly. "I'm telling you now, aren't I?" She tried to come across as a little offended, yet not overly so. She was merely joking, after all. "Don't you trust my word on the matter?" To be fair; he probably shouldn't. She wasn't an expert on fashion or anything. And even if she was, it should still be taken with a grain of salt. Fashion was highly subjective, after all. And furs weren't all bad, she definitely did like them in some styles, but. They just seemed so overused to her. But perhaps that was a complaint every nation had; maybe Zuhayr for his part. Liked the change because he was tired of seeing people wear silk and satin all the time back home. The conversation then took a much more serious turn when her cousin's voice was lowered to a whisper. He asked about the nature of her situation. And Fauna honestly wasn't sure where to begin with that. It was a rather long and complicated story. And well; the brunette looked around. Maybe this wasn't the best place to explain it all to him. "I'll tell you; but not here." The woman began as she gestured to the palace. "Let's go to my rooms." Or what was left of it, anyway.

Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:52 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Nature offers violence 3UOvOIY
Nature offers violence 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
This was both exciting, as well as terrifying. And for now, the first one really had the upper hand. But for how long until he collapsed under that pressure? He didn't want anything to go wrong now, as everything had went... Well... throughout the entire journey. No magic had been triggered, which was all he really worried about. It was funny how he didn't fear anything else really. It was just people and their fate that scared him to death. If he came face to face with a monster he already knew he could face it with no issue. He had fought some vicious things back in Xaila, so it wasn't anything foreign to him anyway. That was perhaps also the reason why he hadn't panicked at first when he got the letter. Because a fight, he could face. He could deal with an enemy. But he couldn't deal with destiny, as that was something he could never change, how hard he tried. And that's also why he would his distance from her. Knowing what could happen to her would only poison his mind. He knew that scene would stick with him forever, make him even more anxious than he already was. He didn't need that right now, so for now... He shouldn't just touch her. Luckily for him, the cold weather of Ravaryn allowed him to build a layer of clothing around him as protection.

He smiled when she noted she had thought about him too. It warmed his very simple hard to hear that. It was weird how you could miss someone you had never truly met. It really felt as if they had known each other for years, and that was all thanks to some letters. Funny how that all worked out in the end. Fauna was pretty far family from him after all, they only really shared a great... Great... Great grandfather or something. The details were vague, but his father would always say that the main branch of the Rizals had never been truly part of 'their' family. Their little isolated part of intertwined sorcerer bloodlines. But where his dad had tried to cut all ties with the diviners, had his son only reached out more. At first thanks to his magic and eventually also just for some sort of connection. If it wasn't for all that, he would most likely never had gotten that first letter in regards to his writing and he would most likely never have known about her. Crazy how his world had opened up by just staying at home. He nodded on her next words, smiling at her effortlessly. Yea, getting here safely was another thing, but he had managed. If Zuhayr wasn't as reserved as he was, he most likely would make note of the fact that he could handle anything that got thrown at him. But he didn't, because it simply was't in his nature.

The compliment felt like a bad idea afterwards and he felt like he could sink through the ground and just... Cease to be right there and then. But luckily for the both of them Fauna carried on and he, well he just showed her what a loser he was in conversations by answering with more stupid words. She laughed and he blinked, looking around for a moment as he tried to fight that slight embarrassed feeling that was welling up in his chest. He was such an idiot. She spoke and he looked back at her when she asked him that question. He looked her in the eyes for just a moment, opening his mouth a bit as to answer her. Yet, he paused, just looking at her in that very moment. And all he did was look at her, look over how pretty she was as he looked at her. A slight sigh left his lips as he shook his head ever so slightly. "I would trust you on any matter," he stated softly, which surprised him a little bit. Not by what he said, but by how smoothly he had spoken it. He smiled for just a moment at her, because well, he was quite happy with himself for that one. "I guess I'm just a bit nervous," He continued quickly while placing his hand on the back of his neck. Like always, he was being honest and straight forward. He didn't have a reason not to be.

But it all changed rather quickly as he asked about the situation. And she shifted too. He tilted his head a bit, a concerned frown on his face as he quickly stepped more in her direction, following her wherever she went. Not here... Her room... s? Multiple? He tried to hide his surprise, only nodding ever so slightly at her. He wasn't used to such luxurious things after all. He was used to his little house with just a few rooms, and definitely not multiple for him. He had one room for him alone and he had always thought that was more then enough for what he needed. But Fauna was royalty, so of course this... Was different. "Lead the way, my lady," he said with a nod as he glanced around the courtyard for just a moment.
Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:57 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Nature offers violence SRiYB3K
Nature offers violence 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

love My love for you reaches time that doesn't exist

The fact that she and Zuhayr were actually quite pretty far apart from each other, in their family tree. Was something that Fauna was very aware of, at first. Since, for a long time, she wasn't even aware of his very existence. Until her mother mentioned him to her. And even then it was only so she could write to the man for advice. On her own novel that Fauna had been writing at one time. They were family after all, so it wouldn't be strange to ask, right? Except it was;  in the beginning atleast. Fauna had so much trouble with her first letter, and when she did finally finish it. Put off actually sending it for so long. Since they seemed too distant from one another-the fact that they shared the same magic, the same last name, the same distant ancestors. Didn't help at all, for he was still a complete stranger. It was an attitude Fauna continued to have for quite a long time, but eventually it seemed to fade. The more letters were exchanged, the more she started to see him as a close family. She was sure it was her who first coined the word "cousin." It wasn't technically wrong, however, they were cousins. Though-not first generation. But referring to him by the actual relation he had with her just-didn't roll off the tongue as nicely. It was a name she had known him by for so long. But now-that he was here, actually standing in front of her. It- suddenly didn't seem to fit quite as well now. The sorceress couldn't put her finger on the exact reason why, but-something just told that she couldn't continue calling him cousin anymore.

By the stars, wasn't it funny how much your perspective of someone could change once you met them in person? In many ways, he still was the Zuhayr she was familiar with, and yet-in so many others, he seemed like someone else entirely. 

The conversation went on, there were some awkward moments, but they seemed to come and go. They were able to overcome them fairly quickly. And besides; it was a little expected. For this-the whole situation was a little strange to say the least. They both probably never expected to actually meet each other, let alone under such circumstances.  "I would trust you on any matter," he said when she has teasingly asked if he didn't trust her word. He responded to her joke in such a- sweet way. Especially with the way he had said it, so sincerely. It caught her off guard a little. So when he smiled at her again, and explained that he was a little nervous, it took her a few seconds to snap herself back to reality. "Ah yes, don't worry, you're not the only one," she said chuckling a little, both to lighten the mood. And in a bid to hide her own embarrassment. The air suddenly became weighty with his latest question. But the serious nature of it simply demanded a shift in atmosphere. Fauna didn't want to answer it here, in the courtyard. It wasn't the right place. Much to- open. And so she invited him to come back to her apartment. The ones she used to occupy in the castle before... well-before. Zuhayr agreed, and told her to lead the way. "Of course," she replied, her tone gentle and soft. She slowly started to walk forward as she gestured for him to do the same. "Follow me."

Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:28 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Nature offers violence 3UOvOIY
Nature offers violence 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
The thing about Zuhayr was that he simply wasn't as smart as people thought he was. He was a very simple person. Mostly responding on his very intense emotions, never really giving it any second thought. It made him an extremely honest man, almost to a fault even. He never saw a reason to lie or not tell the truth. Because to him, it was already hard enough to live this life as it was. Why make it any complicated by lying and not being true to yourself. No, he already had enough struggles to deal with, enough demons to sort out. He didn't need any more issues added to it. So that why he was the way he was. Honest, sincere... It was all part of who he was and always would be.

When Fauna didn't respond right away, he tilted his head. Had he said something wrong. He frowned, feeling guilt wash over him right away. Luckily for him and his emotions, she tuned back in rather quickly. He smiled at her when she spoke, stating he wasn't the only one feeling that way. He blinked in surprise, but felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt roll over him in an instant. She just chuckled it off like it was nothing and in some ways, he admired her for it. She could just do something like that? Ah... If only he could. It lingered in his mind as he asked her to lead the way and she took up on it, doing as he had asked of her. He nodded as he started to follow, his eyes going around the grand building that she called her home. A castle hm? By the Gods, he could never even dream of something like this. His gaze slowly went up to the grand door, the grand walls... And the precious decoration that were even lined on the outside. He held his breath for just a moment as he felt those nerves come back. He felt so out of place here.

He remained silent as they kept on walking, his eyes going over everything that they passed. If only had some paper and a pen on hand, he would quickly make notes on everything. It would, perhaps, help him with a future book or other things he had to write. His dark eyes shifted along the walls as they went back to her. He cleared his throat a bit, taking a deep breath. "I-" He stopped himself, averting his eyes from her. "I'm sorry if I'm making your feel uncomfortable," hadn't they moved on from the conversation? They had, but Zuhayr had kept it in his mind... He was just that type of man. "Just tell me if something is bothering you or if I could do something I uh-" His words almost poured out of his mouth as he tried to state what he meant. "I wouldn't mind, at all," She could be harsh, even demand some absurd things... And he would comply. Why? He wasn't all too sure, but he felt like he should.
Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:33 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
Nature offers violence SRiYB3K
Nature offers violence 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater

loveI love you more than all the stars in the universe

The woman walked a path that was o so familiar to her. Stairs she had climbed a hundred times, hallways where she had memorized each and every painting on the walls. The only thing that was different now, was the fact that she had Zuhayr hot on her wheels. When she looked back, she saw him take in his surroundings. Perhaps he could use a castle, just like this one. As a setting in his next story. Fauna hummed to herself as they were nearing her old rooms. She turned her gaze forward again. And just as she was about the turn the corner. She heard Zu behind her. At first, she thought he was simply clearing his throat. But when that was followed up by a sigh. She knew that he was trying to get her attention. And so she gave it to him. The woman stopped walking, and turned to the man. He managed to get one "I-" out before he cut himself off. Shifting his gaze away. "I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable," Huh? Fauna tilted her head in surprise, and confusion. What did he mean by that? Did she give him the impression that she was uneasy in his presence? But that couldn't be, it had to be something else. It had to be- the fact that she had told him she was nervous too. Fauna relaxed herself and even smiled when she realized that. It wasn't even that deep, just something she had said in passing. And yet it had stayed with him. It ate at him, so much so that he felt the need to address it again. In a manner that-was sweet but entirely unneeded, The sorceress shot him a kind look before she opened her mouth to speak, "You're not making me uncomfortable Zu." Nervous wasn't the same as uncomfortable. Not at all. "You have to trust me on this, you promised you would right?" She said then, harking back to when she said that he would trust her on any matter.

Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:50 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Nature offers violence 3UOvOIY
Nature offers violence 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He knew that, perhaps, it was more his own nerves that were playing tricks on his mind. Assuming things, or rather seeing things, that weren't there. He wasn't the best when it came to social situations. But when his gut told him something was off, he usually had the right to feel like that. He had never been off about it. But then again, how much interaction did he have with people outside his inner circle? He took a deep breath at that thought, realizing that, compared to her, he really was nothing more than a common man. A shut in even. Someone who had nothing to share with her or the world. He hadn't seen grand places or fought fierce monsters, nor had he met people that were of high standing. He had no real stories to share, only the ones that he manifested through his imagination. And perhaps it was good that he was out of the house for the first time in years. Out of that dusty, sandy town he called home. Because it would not only do him well, but it would be good for his job. Yet again, he just couldn't help but feel those nerves wash over him. Over and over, poisoning his mind with doubt as time went on.

So he stated what was on his mind. A sliver of hope that she would, perhaps, state the truth and give him something to work with. Or maybe she wouldn’t, and she would reassure him that he was wrong. And just like that, the young lady responded as expected. Just like he had thought... She reassured him. That kind smile she had on her lips and that general sweet expression that washed over her... He felt a rush of warmth run over him. First starting as an odd feeling in his stomach that spread towards his chest and eventually rose to his head. By the gods she truly was gorgeous. He averted his eyes as a shy smile spread across his own lips. He hoped his cheeks weren't getting flushed, but he could feel the warmth in them. It would be a miracle if he wasn't blushing by now. Well, maybe she wouldn't notice if he kept his gaze fixated on what was below them. Avoid rather than confront. Even if it was regarding something like this. Well, especially since it was regarding something like this. Because, well, the man never really had felt like this before. And new, unfamiliar feelings... Well, they made him nervous and... Somewhat scared. What if he did something that was out of line...? What if she hated him if she realized what was going on with him...? Oh Xeion. He was barely a day here and he was already struggling.

And then she spoke, her voice sounding sweet and calming. His smile widened a bit, almost unconsciously so. As she spoke his nickname in such a way that made his heart flutter a bit, he quickly caught himself. Hastily he started to calm himself down, as he knew it was nothing. This was just stupid, really. Yes, he had liked her a lot by the letters they had exchanged. But these kinds of feelings just by seeing her...? Or was it a combination of the two? Knowing that she was such a sweet, kind and giving girl. Being beautiful both inside and out. Some people really had it all, and she was one of them that proved that to him. He nodded on her question, slowly looking back up at her. He had been able to calm himself, which was a good thing in this situation, really. "I trust you, it's a promise. It truly is," he said in his soft-spoken voice. "The castle is really something else-" he quickly added to his last words. "I've never seen the castle in Al-Qahil up close, but I imagine it would also be something like this... With some more Xaila inspired art and architecture of course," The walls and decoration clearly had their origin from all these northern cultures. And just like they had that, the southern lands of Xaila would have their inspirations from the many tribes and people who lived there. It made him wonder what Lemuria was like... And what kind of differences he would be able to spot there from both Ravaryn and the sand lands.
Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:40 am
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