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Through the looking glass
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Travelling Merchant
Travelling Merchant
Through the looking glass T7DIdnup_o
Through the looking glass TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: ???
Occupation: Merchant

Travelling Merchant
Never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
Frostcrown has arrived in the most northern land of Odiria. The temperatures in Ravaryn have started to decrease, clouds in shades of white and grey cover the sky. As you find your way through the palace gardens, past the empty trees and the thick bushes, you spot a tall man by one of the ponds. He turns around, showing his aged stature to the Governess. "Rán Trygg, I've been expecting you," he announces. His face is partly hidden by a grey hat, however, the kind smile he grants you is unmistakable and poses no threat. He motions you over with his elegant walking stick.

As he looks down at the pond he spots the image of himself, now joined by the younger lady. "The water is like a mirror, a looking glass that holds the secrets of the world." He announces with a voice that holds infinite wisdom. His wrinkled hand disappears in the pockets of his grey robe, and he hands you something while keeping a hold of your hand. "Hold no fear for a stranger, for this will reveal any secrets they might be hiding on them." He explains calmly.

The old man lets go of your hand and leaves a package in yours. It is light and wrapped in leather. As you look at the pond once more, you notice he has vanished into thin air. The only image in the water of the pond is the one of yourself.

Through the looking glass GcjcS5z
You have been granted a looking glass dagger. The dagger has a glass blade as strong as steel. Looking through the glass reveals any items somebody is hiding on them. Will you take it or leave it?

Mon Dec 12, 2022 7:20 pm
IC Posts
Governess of Norwyn
Rán Trygg
Rán Trygg
Through the looking glass Unknown
Through the looking glass F245ffaf6ee6703716b33adc49ccfe37

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Mage
Occupation: Governess of Norwyn
she laughs at fear, she does not shy away from the sword.
You could feel the world had shifted, as the winds had turned and the cold drew in from the north. It was calling her home. So when the stone palace started to feel too hot when the servants were stoking up the fires, she wanted to escape the smothery air. The cold air felt freeing on her skin, as her cheeks soon turned red. She had seen the seasons change while she was down here and she wondered how her city was looking now. Had she missed the first snow? Was the river already frozen over? No, she was exaggerating and she was just homesick. The gras was not even crispy underneath her boots as she walked though the gardens, looking through empty tree branches, their leafs still decaying on the ground.

Only then she noticed the hunched over body of a man. The stranger turns around and Rán looked utterly confused as he not only called her by her name, but also said he had been waiting for her. Rán proceeded with more caution, but her curiosity took over. Maybe it was just an old man of court, hearing she had been visiting and awaiting an audience. But his shabby robes and strange looking hat made her believe otherwise. But before she could reply, he made her look at the pond. It's water was dark and glassy, like an deep blue mirror. And as she looked at her reflection in the water, her eyes drew to that of the stranger next to her. She had a million questions already. His cryptic message did not help with that, so she looked up straight back at the old man. ‘‘Why are you tel-’’

The man interrupted her again when he grabbed her hand to put a parcel into it. She wanted to pull back swiftly, but the man had an intent look in his eyes, resembling that of the dark water of the pond. And he told her not to fear a stranger, because this will reveal any secrets. Only then she looked down at the wrapped package, drawing her other hand up to it, turning it in her hands. ‘‘What does that mean?’’ Rán frowned, looking back at her reflection. But the figure of the old man had just.. vanished.

Rán looked beside her and stepped back when the man had disappeared into thin air. She quickly turned in a circle, looking for any traces of the stranger. This town would make her go mad, litteraly. She rubbed in her eyes as if she was imagining it. But still no sign of the old man, but the package in her hand was solid and real. So without much hesitation she disentangled the thread that was keeping the leather around the object. When she unfolded the leather from the object, a beautiful dagger appeared. But is was not made from any steel she knew. No, it did not even appear to be steel, as it was crystal clear glass. Rán drew a finger along the blade and ended at the tip, which was razor sharp as she cut a small pinprick of blood at the top of her finger. She shook her hand and put her finger in her mouth to not stain her glass dagger. She turned it around in her hand a few times, liking the feel of the balance of it. She looked up around again, but she already knew she would not see the man again. So with a small smile she put the dagger back in it's leather and she took it back with her in the palace. Her gut was telling her this dagger was even more special than it already looked.

into the fray
The quiver rattles against her side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement she eats up the ground. She cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

Mon Dec 12, 2022 10:23 pm
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