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Bad for business
Time will tell
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel had stayed the night, which was a stupid decision anyway, but there was no way for her to return home while the storm continued to rage on. So Alex had provided her a guestroom. And when she had said goodnight, blown out the candles and curled herself in the sheets, she only then realized what in a huge mess she was. This was what her aunt probably had hoped for: for precious little Maybel Winter to ruin her own name. Well, she could stick that one up her ass, because she would wear ruination as a damn crown.

Her sleep was restless. She would shut her eyes, but her mind was still racing. A hundred thoughts that she could not make sense of. And oh, if only her father knew, he would be so worried. Or was he in Dawnmire already? She honestly could not keep up with his whereabouts these days. Maybel tossed and turned in the bed for a few hours longer. She should have never started with that stupid sleep-potion-tea thing that she had gotten. She had already had grown dependent on it. When she had awoken from a light sleep from the millionth time, she turned on her back and stared at the ceiling. It was so uncanny silent. Wait, it was silent? She noticed that the rain had stopped. She sat up straight in her bed and contemplaited for a few more minutes, before she threw the sheets off and grab Alex' coat again and sneak out of the room.

Maybel stepped as silently as she could through the manor, wandering off to a small balcony she had noticed when she was shown to her room. It took a little fumbling with the door, but she managed to open it. She cringed when it made a what sounded earsplitting creaking noise in the silent night. But she walked on the somewhat rickety balcony.

It was a beautiful night. The world felt cleansed with the storm. The air was chilly, but smelled so fresh. And the skies were clear, a million stars shone down on her. Maybel leaned carefully on the rail and listened to the sound of the night. She never was up this late, and is she was, it was probably at some shady party. Never had she experienced a night so peaceful.
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Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:00 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

He had seen her. Making her way through his house. Suffering from insomnia, just like he was. Which was strange because he never had trouble with that before. Alexander was the type of man who could just shut his eyes and drift off to sleep in a matter of seconds. But not tonight. Surely due to Maybel. Having her here, just-seemed to keep him awake. He had sent a messenger to the Winter estate, to reassure her family of her whereabouts. But he wasn't sure if they received it or not. Such things were always hard to tell. If only there was a better way to send messages back and forth, then using such primitive means they were using now. Alexander sighed, it was an idea he'd put a pin in for now. Maybe when things settled down. He could think of a new invention that could battle that problem. But for now, he had to join Maybel. On the balcony. A rather worn down one, but still. It was large and offered a beautiful view over the rest of the estate. Before he came to her, though, he retrieved a violin. He didn't play very well, but good enough to fill the silent air with some uplifting melodies. He watched her for a few moments, she was so beautiful in the moonlight. She almost appeared to be an angel. Alex shook his head for a moment, snapping himself out of a certain trance. After which he knocked on the open door, leading one onto the terrace. Thus, announcing his presence to her. "Can't sleep?" He asked, yet he already knew the answer. "Me neither," He said as he stepped closer. Only stopping when he stood right next to her. His instrument still in hand. "How about a song, then? To lull us back to sleep?" He chuckled. Knowing that such things would only work on children. Still, he played. A nice soothing lullaby.
Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:24 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel was awoken from her trance as she heard a knock on the door behind her. She looked back over her shoulder and of course Alexander was there. Why wouldn't he be. A smile tugged on the corners of her mouth as she felt how glad she was that he was there. ‘‘Hey, you,’’ she spoke softly, as if she would wake up the whole house if she would speak any louder. She shook her head when he asked if she could not sleep. She almost wanted to say sorry again for waking him, but he explained himself. She could barely see him clearly in the darkness, but as he stepped closer to her, the moonlight dimly illuminated the features on his face.

Only then she noticed the violin in his hand, and she pushed herself from the rail as she stood. ‘‘You play violin?’’ she asked with a small look of disbelief in her eyes. ‘‘Your talents do not seem to end,’’ she said with a chuckle. Her eyes fluttered up to his dimly lit face as he placed the instrument underneath his chin and started playing. A pretty tune broke the silence and it reminded her of her music box he gifted her. He was impressive, she had to admit. Was there anything he could not do? She probably could ask him to pluck a star from the sky and he would discover a way how to. ‘‘That's beautiful,’’ she mused after a while, softly swaying on the tune of the slow melody.
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Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:40 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

She was pleased to see him, and that in turn made any fears he might have about approaching her fade away. He wouldn't want to intrude on someone when they took a moment for them alone, everyone deserved to be alone with their thoughts if they so willed it. Her voice was soft, but that perhaps for the best. Sound traveled fast in his house, especially at night. And he didn't want anyone else to overhear their little conversation. When her eyes fell on the violin he was holding, she asked him if he played. It was a question to which he could only answer with a demonstration. First he tugged at the tuning pegs, before he placed the handle on the strings and moved it. The friction of the two objects being slid across one another created a sound. And with his knowledge he spun that sound and the others he was able to make. Into a melody. It was a simple one really; one that anyone with a few lessons could play. Still, it was that could resonate with people. If they let it. "Enough about my talents," He mused during his performance. "We should focus on yours, I'm sure you have plenty." He really believed that. Someone like Maybel was surely skilled in many things. Even if she herself did not even realize it. "Why don't sing? Such a lovely speaking voice can surely carry a tune or two." He smiled as he followed her example, and moved his body slowly side to side. Swaying like her, yet not near as gracefully. "I'm sure it's more beautiful than anything I could ever play."
Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:04 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Oh no. No no no. She never hoped this would ever be a talking point. She turned red when he spoke, but she hoped that he would not notice it due to the moonlight. ‘‘Oh, no-’’ she started to argue back. ‘‘I would only disappoint,’’ she started to ramble. ‘‘I know I never shut up, but singing is a whole different thing.’’ She never sung. She never performed. And she did not have the balls he had to just.. do whatever he wanted and woo the ladies. And her job was to be impressed by man, not to be the one doing the impressing. She didn't even think she knew any songs. She hated the opera, and the only songs she maybe did know were the jolly ones they sung at bars and parties. That sometimes were a bit inappropriate. Definitely for today.

But, she could compromise, because she was sure Alex would not let it slide. ‘‘But- okay. Maybe one,’’ she started with a nervous giggle. But then she straightened her look at him, the challenge raising back up. ‘‘I'll sing. If you dance.’’ A cheeky smile warped on her lips as she raised her hands defiantly in the air, exactly placed as if he would take her dancing. Her right hand placed at the height of her cheek, her fingers curled so she could place them on his. The left a bit lower at her shoulder. She did like to dance, much more than to sing. ‘‘Oh and- you have to promise not to laugh.’’ Those were the terms.
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Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:40 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

The trade she proposed was a fair one. Well, perhaps any other would think so. But Alexander - wasn't that good of a dancer. He never really was, no matter how many lessons he received as a child. He just seemed to have two left feet. At least, when he was dancing alone. When he danced with someone else. He could keep up quite nicely. "I'll take you up on that." He said, as he stopped playing. Resolving instead to place it somewhere safe against the two open doors. When he walked back to Maybel. "But let us dance together." He didn't really give her time to answer. As with a quick motion, he took her hand in his. And pulled her closer towards his own body. Alexander wasn't really sure, what gave him the sudden confidence to do this. But whatever it was, he hoped it would continue to supply him all throughout the night. "And don't worry about disappointing me, for you must know that you'll never be able to do that." He laughed as he started to move. Guiding both his own body and that of Maybel. He could hear her sing, but he couldn't even make out any of the words. But that didn't matter at all, the sound of her angelic voice was more than enough for him. "Nor could I ever laugh at you." No, he could only laugh with her. For she made that so easy. With her teasing jabs, but never anything else. It felt like they were in a real ballroom. With the way they were dancing. And for a moment, Alexander did imagine himself in one. With a horde of people watching the both of them. For some reason, he really wanted that. To be seen with Maybel, in public. Which was silly, because they had been out together plenty of times, but. Not like this, not arm in arm. Whirling away in some grand place. Only having eyes for one another. Alexander seemed to be a little too wrapped up into his fantasy. Because before he knew it; he made a mistake. He placed his foot wrong. And because of that; lost his balance. He fell, backwards. Taking Maybel with him when he did.
Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:07 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
One better it was. She had kindoff been hoping for him to take her hands, to distract her from her bad singing and just fall into something more comfortabel. So when he asked her to dance together, she raised her chin with a wide smile. ‘‘Bet,’’ she replied. And before she knew it, her hand folded perfectly into his and she rested the other on his shoulder. This was an whole different universe than a proper ballroom, with dear lord proper dressing. But is was more magical than any well decorated room she had ever been in. She didn't care that her cheeks and top of her nose had become chilly from the night air, or that she was still not wearing any shoes. She stood closely to Alexander with his hand on her lower back and look up at his hazel eyes. Her whole body seemed to glow, but it were those giddy feelings that kept her warm. This was so inapropiate, but it was exciting and fun and silly and... sigh.

And he still managed to make her blush with all those compliments that just didn't seem to end. ‘‘You think you know me so well already,’’ she shot back at him. But she had to held her end of the promise, so she started to sing a happy tune she picked up at a party a long time ago. She did not even remember all the words, but it was good enough. Because when he said he would never laugh at her, that made her almost laugh, as the words of her singing had to suffer from it. She let him lead him in the dance, but she finally found something he was not a natural in. She felt like laughing again by the thought, but she was soon proven right as he literally made himself trip. And down they went, where Maybel could not escape his grip soon enough and he just pulled her down with him.

Maybel cried out a high-pitched scream, which soon turned in heartfelt laughter. Alex had been kind enough to break her fall with his body. She rested her hands on his chest as she tried to push herself up again, but when she saw his face again, she went into another fit of laughter. ‘‘Well, I found something you are not talented in at least,’’ she snickered. But then finally came the realization that he might have hurt himself and she was just laughing. ‘‘Oh my- are you alright?’’ she asked him, trying to hide her laughter. And without really thinking she ran her fingers through his curly hair, feeling for the signs of a wound or cut. But she could not feel something, and when she looked back at his face, their eyes locked and she was suddenly very close. She could basically count his eyelashes. Her laughter ebbed away and she softened her gaze. ‘‘Seems fine to me,’’ she said, placing a last curl on his forehead back in place.
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Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:37 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Those moments, on cloud nine, were like a dream. But perhaps, precisely because he was riding on such a high. Did the fall feel so much harder than it should. He didn't even know he was falling, only when he heard Maybel's shriek. Did he realize what was going on. But it was too late to try minimize the damage now. So his head hit the hard stone floor of the balcony without much protection. Unlike Maybel, who had the luck of having him- or well, his body-breaking her fall. Pain shot through his entire head. But it was the only thing he could regestire for a few short seconds. Everything else seemed to be a blur. He could barely recall what had led him here. What had made trip, and what Maybel had said before he did. Or what she was saying now. He could hear her speaking, he could still feel her weight on him. And soon, she started to come fully into view. Though he still had to focus on her hard. She asked if he was alright, and he attempted to answer her. But he wasn't coherent enough to form a proper sentence. So instead, he only made some nonsensical noise. As she tried to move his hand to the back of his hand, silently praying to himself that he wouldn't feel blood. But Maybel beat him at his own game. And pushed her hand through his wild curls, only stopping when she had checked the entire surface of his head. When she was doing so. He could feel everything coming back to him. His brain had a good shake, but other than that; he seemed to be fine. He didn't feel particularly off. Only a bit of pain, but nothing too bad. He was well enough to notice she was laughing. But just then, her eyes softened. And she proclaimed that he seemed to be fine. Alexander looked at her for a few moments. Without a trace of laughter on his features. No, it was more like shock. But it was soon gone. And the man started to smile, as he sighed a sigh of relief. He moves his heavy head, and placed it against that of Maybel. Completely removing the small space their faces were removed from one another. "Are you sure about that, my lady?" He said, with a soft yet playful tone. He tried to sit up straight a little. "Because my pride is quite wounded, I assure you." He was laughing now, just like she had been a few earlier. He pulled his head back, and locked eyes with her. "Because I've fallen for you, and here you are laughing at me." Alexander gave her a small playful push. "I never knew you were capable of such cruelty, miss Winter." The man mused, in a teasing manner.
Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:19 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Only when she took a bit of a closer look, he did seem a bit shaken. But well, it was still really funny somehow. Maybe it was just the nerves coming out. And she couldn't help herself when he answered her with some incoherent moaning. She should probably help him up, but every time she looked at him again, the giggles started again. But when she finally managed to compose herself for a bit to check his head. Did it work, because he somehow seemed to stir back to life. There eyes locked and suddenly the giggles subsided, because he came very, very close.

Maybel's breath got caught in her throat when he pressed his head against hers and she expected him to kiss her. She closed her eyes. She was ready for it. But she should have expected the sweet nothings. My lady. Oh heavens. Her eyes fluttered open when he pulled back, still looking for signs he might draw back. She patted her hands on his chest for a second and she looked down with a smile when that did not happen. She felt very weird, as this was not supposed to happen. He was not supposed to come so close, only to leave her wanting for more. That was she supposed to do. And when he started talking again, her face perked up again and she pushed herself upwards a bit to let him sit up straighter. But what he said made her just the more confused. Where was he playing at? Did he like her, truly? ‘‘For me?’’ she asked in a small voice, showing that small sign of vulrnability. She could not believe it. He pushed against her and she rolled her eyes, falling back on her knees. She then laughed back at him, because of the lack of better options. ‘‘I told you, you don't know me all that well, yet.’’ She gave him a small shrug, finding her feisty self again. ‘‘I might be as pretty as an angel, but I sure ain't one.’’

She should help him up, probably. She should get back on her feet. She should turn around and go back to bed. But she was wide awake, her heart pounding in her chest. Why should she not long for silly laughter and almost-kisses? Alex was the perfect golden boy: Smart, kind, funny and falling for her. He told him herself. It was like she was drunk, but she wasn't, because then she would not hesitate. Then she would have enough courage. But if not now, when? They had painted the perfect picture. She wanted her hands in his hair again. But a tiny voice in the back of her mind kept holding her back, because this was different, was it not? So she just kept sitting on her knees, looking at him with this starstruck look in her eyes.
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Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:01 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Only, when it seemed to be too late, did realize the implications of his actions. Something that didn't at all cross his mind when he performed them. But he could understand what effect they could have on Maybel. In any other circumstance, it would cause him to panic. To profusely apologize, for giving her the wrong idea. But not this time. He simply thought; about the things the woman had said to him. And how he was going to handle this situation going forward. He flicked his eyes back to Maybel, noticing that she seemed to be dazed. Something that was; actually perfect for what he wanted to do next. Alexander once again moved in closer. But slowly this time, giving the woman every opportunity to back away from him. He didn't keep his eyes off her, not even when he planted his lips on her. For just a few fleeting moments. Because he quickly pulled away again. "You kiss like an angel, too." The young lord whispered as he closed his eyes. And steadied his breath. For he felt like shaking, the night air suddenly felt colder than it had before. Perhaps that was the reason why his hart was beating so loud in his chest. It was pumping  blood to every corner of his body to prevent him from freezing. He thought that, but deep down he knew the real reason. "We should stop." He then breathed. As he moved one of his hands to gently grip the arm of Maybel. She was so warm. "You were right, when you said that I didn't know you. Because I don't, we've met such a short time ago and-" Alexander didn't really know what to say, or do for that matter. He knew how machines worked, how to cook, and play the violin. Not how to handle-this situation. "I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty of each other in the future, to there's no need to rush into anything." The young lord offered her a smile. As genuine as his nerved allowed.

The lord then ran his hands through his hair before he forced his body to stand again. His balance was a little off, but he felt good enough to walk again. He held his hand out to Maybel, hoping that she would take it. "Come," He mused softly. His eyes sparkling like the many stars above them. "Let us go down to the kitchens, and I'll prepare us some sleeping-tea." They would need some of that, if they ever wanted to fall asleep after this again. Perhaps this could just all be explained away tomorrow as some sort of dream. If felt like one; to him at least. "If you want, of course, we can just- stay, if you like." He put a little too much emphasis on the word 'stay' because, well, he didn't really know what other word to use.
Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:34 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
It was a bit like their first meeting again, when she could see the gears turning behind his hazel eyes. Maybel looked back at them now, but she saw the change in them. And then he seemed to understand in that look. A small smile hung on her lips as he leaned in closer again. The tip of her chilly nose brushed past his as he planted a soft kiss on her lips. It was like fireworks in a night sky. Exciting and pretty and very short lived. Maybel immediately leaned in closer, wanting to sink deeper into the kiss. She wanted to be touched so gently and lovingly. Because she really thought he liked her because of her, and not because she was a throphy to win. And that somehow made everything different. She drew a hand up his chest, wanting to draw it up to his neck, but she felt grasping for air as he pulled back again. Maybel opened her eyes, staring at him, her cheeks completely flushed now, as she just saw him think he made a wrong decision.

Alex was so confusing. He said one thing, and did the other. And now he told her they should stop. Well, he started it. She shook her head. Damn his good morals. And he just kept her at a distance now, while she wanted nothing more to get closer. ‘‘No, forget what I said. I was wrong-’’ she started to argue back at him, pushing her body somewhat closer again. But he grabbed her by the arm and she looked back up at him, her eyes not leaving much up to the imagination. He should not worry about it, right? He would be totally fine. It was only her honor on the line, and she was ready to risk it all. Maybel felt the cold return to her cheeks and she smiled to the ground when he started to talk again, saying that they would be seeing each other more. No rush. She looked back at him and gave a small sigh. ‘‘Okay.’’

And that was it. Would they talk about this again? Or would this tension be between them without ever bringing it up again, until they would find each other in another quiet moment again? For how long could he just "stop". And when he stood up again, she took his hand to get pulled back to her feet again. ‘‘That sounds nice,’’ she responded to him, pushing her hair back behind her ears, het bangs never really reaching that far. But he offered to stay and.. oh she wanted to. But maybe he was right after all. God, she hated that even more. ‘‘We should probably get some sleep, right?’’
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Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:02 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

He hated this, he hated being in this situation. Because it was so incredibly difficult. He didn't want to insult Maybel, or let her down in any way. But he- they couldn't continue. It wasn't the right time, or the right place. At the very least, that's what is brain kept telling him. Because his heart-oh his heart said something completely different. The man saw the confusion, the confusion on her face. And he bit his lip anxiously.  She started to argue back, and he just had to stop her. Otherwise, he just knew he wouldn't be able to hold onto his conviction for much longer. Maybel had such a way with words, she could talk him into doing anything if given the time. So he didn't give her that, he made the decision to cut her off. By grabbing the woman by the arm, not in a painful way. No, it was-tender. Like his feelings for her. Alexander then spoke, he hoped she agreed with him. That she wasn't angry or disappointed. Or at the very least; not a lot. When he was done, the woman sighed. And responded with a simple, "Okay." The young lord nodded silently. Not really know what else to say on the matter.

So he didn't, he began about something completely different. Invited her; to come back to the kitchen with him. So some sleeping medicine could be prepared. But that was not the only thing he offerd. Because he did really want to stay with her, like this. Because in a way, he was afraid that he messed up. That this was his only chance, and he squandered it. But that idea was shot down, and he pushed the bittersweet feeling he felt coursing through his entire body. A mix of relief, and disappointment. But he knew, or well he told himself, that it was all for the best. "Yes." He said with an empty smile. "Not only that, I think it's time for us to head back inside anyway. It's getting rather cold out here, don't you think so? And I wouldn't want you to catch a chill."
Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:54 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel often got too much carried away in things. She got carried away in games, being too competitive to actually have fun with, or when she drank, or when she went shopping, or when she was angry. Maybel always had to go for the extremes, because that was what made it more fun. And so she that's how easily she got carried away in this moment, just craving more and more and more, because it was never enough. And she usually got her way, so to be disappointed like this, was like being out in that storm again, chilled to the bone.

But Alex could do it in a soft and gentle way. He let her down slowly. And with that, he held the door open for more possibilities. After all, they had shared a kiss, how brief and fleeting that might have been, and Maybel did not know how to feel about it. Because it messed with her brain and the way she looked at him. She would be lying if she had not fantasized about it for their past meetings, because he was this perfect golden boy that every woman could fall in love with. Love, was that what she was feeling? Or was she just in one of her moods, getting carried away?

Maybel touched her bottom lip, trying not to bite her nails in the process. She did not want to leave this place. Because how earlier the night was over, the earlier she had to return home and force herself in her chambers, hoping nobody would notice her or her absence. It was a big, looming problem of the future that she did not want to think about. Because in this house, the world had turned upside down and she liked it here. But Alex was the smart one of the both of them, making the wise decisions for the both of them. Maybel laughed softly when he said he did not want her to catch a cold, but also because it was cold. Well, it had been very warm just a few moments ago. ‘‘It would be a miracle if I don't already have one,’’ she joked, reminiscing her walk through the rain. ‘‘But you should safe yourself from it,’’ she joked.

Then again. She did not want to leave. She wanted to freeze this moment in time. Rather rewind time, go back a few minutes and make wrong decisions. And so she stayed put, looking up at him. Did he really want to leave, or did he think he had to? Then again, he had kissed her. Maybel then took a step closer again, trying to find his hand, one last attemp to seduce him to push down his morals. ‘‘I don't want to leave,’’ she whispered, looking up at him with doe eyes.
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Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:31 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Her innocent joke made Alexander chuckle. It was a bit of levity in this otherwise quite heavy moment. But it seemed to be passing along nicely. And without any hard feelings. Which made Alexander sigh of relief. They were quite the team, though; twice have the two found themselves in difficult situations; where emotions ran high. And both times were they able to overcome it. That surely meant that this-bond this connection that they had was to last, right?  ‘‘But you should save yourself from it,’’  Alexander flashed the blond woman a cock smile while he rubbed his hands together. "Oh, don't worry about me, ma'am." He said with a confident voice. "I never get sick, ever; got a very strong immune system, you know?" He shot back, somewhat exaggerating. But he never really did get ill quickly, and when he did, it was often gone within a few days. But then again, maybe it was a genetic thing? Since he didn't really recall seeing either of his parents unwell very often. Well, not until-Alexander shook his head. Focusing his attention back on Maybel and there was clear that there had been a shift. There were all kinds of things to be seen behind those big beautiful blue eyes of her. Something that made Alexanders smile fade. ‘‘I don't want to leave,’’ she whispered. The young master felt his heart race against his chest. He looked at her for a time. He had wanted to restrain himself, to keep a distance from her-at least for a time because he feared that he wouldn't stick to his principles. But it all seemed to melt away, like snow before the sun. Gods, this woman, and the effect she had on him. Alexander moved forward, thus getting rid of any space there was left between them. He gripped both her shoulder gently as he looked deep in her eyes. The proximity they were in now; was not as near as when he has kissed her. But it wasn't off by a lot. This must be confusing for her, and it was for him too, but. He just-when she was like this, he couldn't stay away. He simply couldn't help it. "Then don't go." Alexander breathed back. His eyes begin her to do so. "Stay here with me," He tried to smile, but it was a watery one. "At least, for a little while longer." Everything he had said before, he had pressed upon her before. Seemed to be thrown out of the window. Waiting be dammed, what did they have after all but this precious time together?
Mon Dec 19, 2022 11:52 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Bad for business OTwu4s1
Bad for business 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

The letter had come in when he had arrived home from already looking for his darling sister. Completely soaking wet at this point one of the members of the staff had presented it to him. Scanning the letter and honestly. The man that had written this, could be extremely grateful that Matthew hadn’t been present right? Maybe. While he granted Maybel everything in the world. The brotherly part was to worried for his sister, also what this might mean if someone did spot them in the morning coming out of the same residence. It would give her a bad name, to say the least. Something he wasn’t going to stand for. By any means he knew nothing about Alexander Preston, so he could only imagine what his intentions were with his sister. Nonetheless a Winter, this could turn ugly rather quick.

So after changing into some clothes that fitted the weather more, he left the house again. His coat shielded him from the rain mostly. While he was moving through the city. Most of the people were inside, sitting by the fire or whatever. He could only pray that Maybel would be doing the same. Yet, his mind soon took over being filled with all kinds of situations. Which made anger surge, not yet reaching its boiling point but that would certainly follow. His focus only laid with getting his sister out of there. Cause if their father would hear about this, and would learn that he had done nothing. That would simply be the end of both him and Alexander all together.

It was when he turned the corner he was brought to a stop. Seeing how the male figure grabbed the other. Made him narrow his eyes instantly, jaw ticking while he moved forward. What on earth was that sleazebag thinking? Anger now reaching that desired boiling point, which caused him to bang on the door loud enough to wake up the whole manor. Watching how the wood vibrated in his hinges. What if this man was forcing himself on his sister? Instantly it turned red in front of his eyes. Placing his foot against the door and kicking it open. Moving inside and passing a servant that had come to open the door, now starring at him in total fear. The young Winter walked up the stairs.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:20 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel laughed softly when he told her that he did not get ill. Maybe that was why she was trying to lure him to stay a bit longer. To talk a bit longer, to be with her a bit longer. It was so silly, because she usually felt so in control talking to men, but it was him who held the reins in this conversation. Because he pushed and pulled at her, making her crazy and saying things without thinking. Because he was making it unable for her to think straight. A small smile hung on her lips when his hands trailed up her arms again, feeling perfectly content with herself. Yes, this was how this magical night should end. Stars shining down on them with fresh rain still clinging to the wood of the house, her still in his clothes, stripped of all her usual beauty. And still he wanted her to stay.

Maybel gave him a broad smile. “Yeah?” she asked with a soft chuckle. Her hands moved up his chest while she started stand up on her tippy toes. She studied him ever so closely, she could see the flecks of gold in his hazel eyes and feel his breath on her skin. Gods be damned if she had overstepped, lured him in something he actually did not want to do because of the rules. Because they wanted to, right? Who cared? “I'll stay,” she promised with the background noise of a soft giggle in her voice. She almost reached his neck to pull him even closer, when the silence was broken by a loud bang.

In a reflex Maybels hand went to her head when she startled away from him. Her eyes suddenly wide and she gave a high-pitched yelp when another bang went through the house. “What the fuck, Alex?” Her eyes went back to him again and she did not know what to do or think. Was she mad, or just scared? She nervously balled her hands in fists. What on earth was happening? What was causing that noise and- oh my god somebody was walking up the stairs. She could hear every step echo through the halls. “Were you expecting somebody?” She could not imagine it, in the middle of the night? Or did somebody, somehow know she was here? Oh, please no. Nobody was supposed to know. The footsteps drew closer and without really thinking or knowing what else to do, she stepped behind Alex, shielding her body with his, grabbing the back of his coat and just praying nobody with evil intends was coming up that stairs, because it was too late to run anyway.
tag / notes

Tue Dec 20, 2022 2:46 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

The young master eyes soften when he heard her chuckle. But when she placed her hand on his chest. He looked at her with hitched breath. He barely noticed her standing on her toes, just to meet his height. He only saw her face, and how undeniably close it was. Alexander stared into her eyes, finding them to be the prettiest eyes he ever did see. He still held on to her, but now it felt more like he was doing so just for support. Because it felt like he was about to collapse. She then spoke again; but two words. But they were able to make him so happy. Probably the happiest he'd been in a long time. He followed slowly when she guided them both; even closer to one another. He wanted to kiss her again, only longer this time. And he was about to- but something interrupted them. Something that Alex could have never foreseen. Not in a million years. It started when a loud banging was heard. It seemed to rattle the entire house. Maybel screamed, and pulled herself away from him. The young master stood in shock for a few moments. Simply staring at her with big eyes. What the fuck, indeed. He quickly snapped out of it, though, and rushed back to Maybel. She was clearly upset; though if it was anger or fear he couldn't quite tell. Perhaps it was a mix of both. He hushed her, gently reassuring her that "everything will be okay." And that she was "quite safe" Because, he would protect her.  “Were you expecting somebody?” A question that made him shake his head in response. "No, of course not, certainly not at this hour." He said. The man tried to keep his voice steady, and his demeanor as calm as possible. But truth be told, he was rather afraid. What was this anyway? A robbery? Was he being robbed right now? Alexander heard footsteps coming up the stairs. His eyes darted back to Maybel, and he manned up. Whatever this was, whatever mad man had decided to break into his house like this. Alexander wouldn't let hem anywhere near Maybel. "Stay here." He ordered her while he walked through the large doors connecting the balcony to the house. He was standing in the large hall. Alexander could see the man's shadow as he climbed up the stairs. Surely his servants would come and take this man down. But in the meantime, Alexander had no choice but to stand his ground. His eyes fell on a small table, one that had a lamp on it. But also a knife. Some maid must have left it here. Unfortunate for her, but luckily for Alex. He grabbed the blade and a dark glint could be seen in his eyes. He stepped forward. Just when the stranger came into view. Pointing his dagger to the intruder. "I suggest you leave, sir." Alexander spoke in a low and dangerous tone. "Before things get ugly."

Bad for business 0mLkJbX
Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:15 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Bad for business OTwu4s1
Bad for business 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

He held no regard for the servants he passed, that tried to stop him. Though just at the mere sight of the tall man waltzing through the household, they backed of instantly. Understandable given the size of Luca and with the expression on his face. When a high pitched yelp reached him, his steps turned bigger. Skipping steps of the stairways. Anger surging through his body, his fists tightly together. Oh no, this was not going to end well. Fear for the well-being of Maybel had driven him into this state. It was a volatile combination, one that would wreck a whole lot of things. Exhibit one, the door of Blackmoor Manor. The silence in the mansion returned, apart from his footsteps. But frankly, he didn’t hear anything. He was blinded by an intense anger. Once on top of the stairs he straightened his back, rolling his shoulders briefly before continuing.

After all being met by a young man, one he could swallow whole in this state. The corner of his mouth curling up when he was being threatened with nothing but a simple butter knife. ’I suggest, you put the knife down before you hurt yourself.’ His voice turning cold. Narrowing his eyes. While there was no hint of fear to see on his face, he knew that the knife itself could present a problem on his own. So he had to act fast. Stepping forward, but soon diverting a possible incoming stab, grabbing the other his wrist harshly. Putting so much force on it that the other probably needed to drop the weapon he was holding. Shoving him backwards even harsher, once trapped between him and the wall placing his free arm against the other his throat cutting of his airway. Staring him dead in the eye.

’You better keep those disgusting hands off of my sister, or I promise you, you won’t see the light of day.’ Voice low,  a warning like no other. One he would follow through if this idiot kept being an idiot.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:43 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

The man who had broken into his home, didn't seem like some lunatic. No, he seemed very well-kept. Still, Alexander knew looks could be deceiving. Especially when he saw the rage the stranger had in his eyes. It made the hairs on the back of the young lord stand on end. He swallowed, but tightened his grip around the knife. He watched as the intruder grinned at him, just before he made the "suggestion" to release the knife, before he would hurt himself. Alexander sneered at the comment. He was no good at handling sharp objects, that much was true. But he wasn't so inept as to wound himself with it. And even it the tables would turn in his disadvantage, he wouldn't mind it. He would gladly bleed if it meant he was protecting Maybel. It felt so strange, though. He had only known the woman for such a sort of time. But he already decided that he would fight for her against any foe. Was it the feelings he had for the girl that made him act this was? Or was he just-foolish? Trying to act the hero to impress her further? Whatever the underlying reason was. Alexander knew he couldn't back down now, that would just make him a coward. The stranger was quick in his movements, Alexander could hardly keep up. Before he knew it, he was thrown against a wall. With a sturdy hand placed on his neck, squeezing it tightly. Limiting his ability to breath. The Preston lord had dropped his knife along the way. But not before he had struck his assailant. He couldn't say though if it had been a calculated move. Or just a lucky strike. But he could see out of the corner of his eye that the other man was bleeding, he had a gash on his chest, That was quickly sullying the attire he wore with blood. But that was about the only thing Alexander could register. He knew words were thrown at him, but he could barely make them out. "I di-did not." Was the only thing he managed to utter, not even knowing if it connected to whatever the other had said before.
Bad for business 0mLkJbX
Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:55 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Moment ruined, that was for sure. If it wasn't Alex, it was some other wack job that broke in. Her luck was just laughing at her at this point. But at the moment she was to worried and scared to really care, because someone was coming right at them. They shared a look of shock, just don't knowing what the hell was going on. Alexander uttered no words that could steady her heartbeat at this point, because the only straws she was clutching were that he was somehow expecting someone. And of course that was not the case.

And then Alexander just told her to "stay here". ‘‘What?’’ she replied with a perplex look in her eyes. Was he really just leaving her? Indeed, that was the case because before she could argue, he left her. ‘‘Alex,’’ she hissed angrily at him, trying to grab his arm again. She failed and saw him leave through the doors. Then it was just her, alone on that damn balcony, suddenly chilled to the bone.

She started to pace, her hands in her hair. She was worried sick on what was happening. And then her mind started to race, thinking only about how she could save herself if things went south. And she soon came to the conclusion that against Alex' wishes, she could not stay here. What if the intruder came her way? She had no way to go. She could not jump down, or run. Running would be way too late. So she raised her chin as brave as she could as she heard voices coming from down the hall. So on her tiptoes she went to the door and snuck as silently as she could in the hallway, praying there was another way down.

But when she heard the loud sounds of a struggle she wanted to just scream again. Every fiber in her screamed to run. And she was about to, when she heard an all to familiar voice. ‘‘Oh no,’’ she breathed. Maybel hesitated to longer and ran towards the sound of the struggle, her footsteps soft in Alexander borrowed socks.

‘‘Oh, no no no no no-’’ she started to ramble as she saw Luca pinning Alexander against the wall, hand on his throat. What- How- When- ??? Maybel did not care how he knew she was here, but she first had to stop this madness. She just saw the glint of a knife falling out of Alexander's fingers. ‘‘Luca! Luca, stop!’’ she started to yell. She dashed towards her brother and grabbed his wrist with both hands. Her mind was racing and somewhere in between she had started to cry. She didn't even know why or.. She was in a lot of trouble know. But not as much as Alexander was in. ‘‘Luca, please, let him go,’’ she started to plead to her brother, pulling on his arm as hard as she could.
tag / notes

Fri Dec 23, 2022 10:23 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Bad for business OTwu4s1
Bad for business 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

There was no holding him back anymore. His anger had reached a crucial point. The point where he wouldn’t back down from taking a life if needed. Though it wouldn’t come that far. Maybe. It all depended on how the dimwit he was now holding would handle the following. A cut was made in the chaos of him pressing the other roughly against the wall. Making him hiss, blood tickling down his chest staining the shirt he was wearing. Making anger surge once more, narrowing his eyes. Pressing his arm harder against his throat. The vein in his neck throbbing of anger. Whatever had taken the upper hand within Luca, it wasn’t calming down. The man wasn’t calming down.

Maybel appeared out of nowhere, rambling something. But he didn’t hear it at first. ’I saw you.’ He spoke angrily towards the man he was holding. Lord Preston, lord of what exactly? Lord of harassing young ladies? Fingers were placed around his wrist, making him snarl. Losing his focus for a split second from Alex. Feeling her pull, but he pulled himself loose from her grip. Rather easily, the anger had made him into something out of this world. Eyes darkening even further, her pleas did do something to him. But it wasn’t enough just yet. Pressing his arm harder against his neck, wanting to see the life drown out of this man’s eyes. Though, something did break through. Which made him end up releasing the other, yet not without roughly shoving him in the direction of the table. His arms trembling from the anger he felt. If he wasn’t going to be stopped, who knew where this would end.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:28 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Bad for business EK3xGIZ
Bad for business Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Everything around him seemed to be a blur. Nothing made any sense. At least not to his oxygen deprived mind. He thought, he saw Maybel entering the picture. He didn't see her, though, but heard the voice carry through. Though what she said, he didn't catch. But the way she said it; he did. She sounded so upset. But it wasn't enough, not for the stranger to release him. In fact, her plea's seemed to make things worse. For it caused the man to put even more pressure on Alexander's throat. Making the young lord wheeze, it was the only thing he seemed to be able to do. Having lost control of his body. He looked at his assailant with terror in his eyes. Hoping that maybe that-would be able to convince the man to release him. Or at the very least pull back his arm a bit. Because if he didn't do that soon. Alexander was sure he would choke to death right here and now. The prospect terrified him. He didn't want to die, not like this. Not in front of Maybel. He needed to fulfill his promise first. Finally-finally, the nameless man decided he'd had enough. And moved his arm away. Alex thought for a few seconds, that that was it. But then he received a might shove towards a table. The young lord stumbled backwards. Before crashing into the table. The back of his head hitting the corner. He had fallen on that spot before, when he had been dancing with Maybel. He got off relativity well that time. But he didn't have the same luck twice. Because for the fleeting moments he was still conscious, he could feel hot liquid trickle down his new wound. He had wanted to reach back, to note the damage done. But before he could-he blacked out.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:14 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Bad for business Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Bad for business Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel did not know what to do, but pull on her brother's arm, trying desperately to make him stop. But his arm was like it was steel, and it just would not budge. From where she was standing, she could not see the look in Alex' eyes, but she imagined it was horrifying. No, she had to focus on the problem. On Luca, and his blind rage that was making him do things he would soon regret. She hoped. Oh my god, what in the Renestrae was happening. Luca spoke something that he had seen him. What? Oh dear lord, no no no no. Her brother was trying to kill him, literally, for something that was entirely her fault. ‘‘LUCA!’’ she yelled, harder know, pulling as hard as she could, tears running down her face know, her heartbeat loud in her ears, and somehow being unable to catch a breath.

But Luca just shoved her away like she was nothing. She was just a tiny, little girl in comparison with him. Damn him and damn her father's genes. She now started to shove against his side, but he just would. not. budge. Hopeless eyes went up to Alex and she was just- this was all her fault. But at some point Luca just let go and shoved Alex away. He stumbled against the table and collapsed to the ground, not moving anymore. He was.. not moving. ‘‘Luca, what the hell’’ Her voice just skipped a few octaves, as she went in between the two of them. ‘‘Have you lost your mind?!!’’ She went over to him and hit him on his back, over and over again. She was probably just some twig hitting against a treetrunk. But she didn't care. She was just so angry, and so worried, and- she could barely breath properly anymore.

Then she remained to get some senses and she ran over to Alex and dropped on her knees next to him. ‘‘Oh, no no no,’’ she started to ramble again, softly her fingers danced over his jaw, to make his head turn to her. It had this fucked up flashback to just a moment ago, when everything was perfect, where she brushed her fingers through his hair to check if he was okay. But then she had a smile on her face, now it was just horror. And now when her fingers went through his hair, they returned bloodied. She now started to bawl. ‘‘Alex, look at me,’’ she tried desperately. Was he.. gone? The fear now really tightened her throat, her hands were trembling heavily. ‘‘Please, wake up,’’ she sobbed. She had no idea what to do. She only could think about the worst cases. How Alex would die in his unfinished house.
tag / notes

Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:46 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Bad for business OTwu4s1
Bad for business 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Maybel was doing her best, but she was nothing against the blind rage that controlled Luca right now. The way she just shoved him, it simply felt like tickling or something. As Alex met his untimely demise he just stared out in front of him. Eyes empty, anger only clear in the way his arms were trembling. What Maybel said barely reached him, barely. But as she stood there in between them, tears in her eyes. Made him swallow. And suddenly she was hitting him. Or was it that tickling again? No, this time his brain did indeed register that she was hitting him on his back, without stopping. And the moment he wanted to turn around, she stopped. Making him turn either way, being faced with her kneeling down next to that icky man.

The longer it lasted, seeing her with that man. The more it dawned on him that something was seriously wrong. Making him snap out of it entirely. What? He stumbled back. His chest hurt like bloody hell. Regret filled him up instantly. Though deep down he would do it again. Maybel hadn’t been in danger.. Fuck. People came rushing by him, pulling Maybel away from the body on the ground. It was probably one of the members of this man his household, whom had called a physician. Which was for the best. He stared down at his feet. Hearing the physician mutter that it would be best if they would leave. They would be contacted when Alex would regain his consciousness. If he would..

He knew he had no right, but he stepped forward. Lifting Maybel up rather easily. Not saying word, just pulling her out of this house. Putting her into a carriage, and off the two Winter’s were. Fucking hell.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:08 pm
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