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You've got a friend in me
Time will tell
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Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
You've got a friend in me EmesTWTfredHeader
You've got a friend in me EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
You're gonna see, it's our destiny
A little over a year ago Frederick had met a scatter-brained young man. Scatter-brained but beautiful. Elliot had inspired him the moment he saw him. As an artist he never needed a clear or specific feature that could tickle his creative brain. All he needed was a feeling. And on that day, amongst the not so kosher horse race gamblers, Elliot had given him that feeling. Frederick had offered him a modeling job right on the spot. He payed his models well and usually in whatever they desired. Money, exposure, gifts, connections, pleasure. He remembered Elliot being somehow the worst and best model he ever got to work with. The man couldn't sit still or shut up for even five minutes. It was a challenge that Frederick loved to take on. It resulted in some great pieces of his best work and, more importantly, a new found friendship. Maybe an unlikely one, but one that Frederick had appreciated for the last year.

It was quite late in the afternoon at the Gallio farm. The Baron stood in the hay barn, leaning on his cane with an amused smile on his face. ”Come on Elliot. I will beg. On my knees if I have to.” Frederick had just asked for quite a favor of his friend. One he hoped that Elliot couldn't refuse. He needed a new tenant for one of the farms, which Elliot would be perfect for. Finally someone he could call a friend in Glimmerhollow. He needed him there. Besides, this would be a significant expansion for the Gallio family. Trading would be completely in their favor. Even Thiago had to see that. So if he couldn't confince Elliot now, he was going to confince his brother. Frederick would get him, one way or another. He needed his friend.

(C) Ross
Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:49 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Elliot Gallio
Elliot Gallio
You've got a friend in me Ellie10
You've got a friend in me 51cc3d0afc66d35f71a2a4565fa64e54

Character sheet
Age: 20 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: idiot

In and out of focus

moments that I keep 

Something for the pain and something so I sleep. Won't you comfort me? Warm the air that I breathe. Visceral in doses, hiding in the seams Standing on the sun and I don't feel a thing Won't you comfort me? Take the fear I don't need
He had missed his friend. Of course he had, but what he was asking of him just wasn't realistic. How was he supposed to leave his brother behind in the lower ring when there was barely any money? How was it fair that he got to live in Glimmerhollow, hoping for a better future with one of his best friends after losing them all the money first. How was any of it fair? A frown made it's way on his face and he ran a hand through his damp hair. He had his shirt thrown over his shoulder since he'd just freshened up ever so slightly after helping in the field all day.

”Come on Elliot. I will beg. On my knees if I have to.”  A smile played on Elliot his lips, showing off a dimple in his cheek. "Then get on your knees and beg me to come with you." Elliot licked his lips and waited for his answer.

Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:34 am
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
You've got a friend in me EmesTWTfredHeader
You've got a friend in me EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
You're gonna see, it's our destiny
Frederick knew that he was asking a lot of Elliot. He himself just went through a similar thing. Frederick had a life in Alderrath. A life he loved. A life he had to end for the sake of duty. Glimmerhollow never felt like home, but now it was his to take care of. He had to make it his new home. Frederick never got the choice he was giving Elliot. In his eyes, this was a great opportunity for the Gallio's, with the added bonus of Frederick having Elliot close by.

Was he going to regret his words? Probably. But he somewhat expected the cheeky young man to reply the way he did. His eyebrows raised, almost playfully challenging the other, grinning at him. Did he think he wasn't going to do it? Just because he was injured? Pfft. Frederick stretches his arms to losen the sleeves a bit, and pulled up his pants above his knees. “Watch me,” he said as if he was about to do a very difficult trick. Taking a deep breath. He then slowly sunk down to his knees while leaning on his cane. Trying not to groan or hiss in pain, even though his leg was screaming at him to stop. He then folded his hands together, as if he were about to pray, and said dramatically, “My friend. I beg you to come with me to Glimmerhollow. A new exciting life awaits you there. Glimmerhollow needs you. I need you Elliot.”  
The smirk on his face gave away that he wasn't as serious of course. If he really didn't want to, he could understand, but he had to try. He had to ask. Rather this scatterbrained friend than some old fart of a man.

(C) Ross
Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:41 am
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