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I don't like sand
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
I don't like sand KncEaiD
I don't like sand 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Relationship tracker? who knows, maybe I'll finally do something like that..

nah jk who would ever
Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:04 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
I don't like sand KncEaiD
I don't like sand 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Zain Altahar
— “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love.”

Anakin Skywalker was a legendary Force-sensitive human male who was a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, destined to bring balance to the Force. Also known as "Ani" during his childhood, Skywalker earned the moniker "Hero With No Fear" from his accomplishments in the Clone Wars. His alter ego, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, was created when Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force, pledging his allegiance to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious at the end of the Republic Era.

A vergence in the Force, Skywalker was believed to have been born on the desert planet of Tatooine in the Outer Rim Territories in 41 BBY. He was the son of Shmi Skywalker, a slave who conceived a child without a father. His blood contained over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians, surpassing that of Grand Master Yoda and all other Jedi in the galaxy. Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi Master who discovered Skywalker during the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, theorized that Skywalker was conceived by the midi-chlorians. Following the Battle of Naboo, the Jedi High Council admitted Skywalker into the Order as the Padawan of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi despite feeling that he was too old and emotional to adhere to the Jedi Code. During the early days of the Clone Wars, Skywalker served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic, commanding the clone troopers of the elite 501st Legion against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He also oversaw the Jedi training of his own apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, after receiving his knighthood. Although Jedi doctrine prohibited personal relationships, Skywalker had a secret wife, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo.

After Skywalker's faith in the Jedi High Council was shaken when Tano left the Jedi Order in 19 BBY, Skywalker learned that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was Darth Sidious, the elusive Dark Lord of the Sith who orchestrated the war in order to take over the galaxy. Manipulated into believing that the Jedi had failed him and coupled with his fear of losing Amidala in childbirth, Skywalker betrayed and turned against the Jedi Order, believing Sidious had the knowledge to cheat death. Consumed by the persona of Darth Vader, the fallen Jedi Knight marched his legion on the Jedi Temple of Coruscant where they executed its inhabitants, including Jedi younglings, as part of Order 66 and the Great Jedi Purge. Vader was then sent to Mustafar to exterminate the Separatist Council at the behest of his Sith Master, who became the self-proclaimed Galactic Emperor. Vader subsequently sustained severe injuries in his duel with Kenobi, and was rebuilt as an armored cyborg while his wife died of a broken heart, though not before giving birth to the twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa who were hidden from their father and the Emperor as the Galactic Empire rose to power.

<div style="background: url('https://i.imgur.com/FZFiALk.png') no-repeat top left #1b1414; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); width: 100%;"><div style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); margin-left: 32%;"><div style="background: #5c5454; margin-left: 2%;padding: 5%; font: 12px cambria; color: rgba(161, 165, 167, .8)<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(161, 165, 167, .4); padding-bottom: 2%; margin-bottom: 1%;"><font style="font: 37px georgia; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #1b1414 text-shadow: 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 0 3px #1b1414;">Zain Altahar </font><br><font style="font: bold 8px times; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #1b1414"> — “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love.” </font><br><br>[justify]
Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:51 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Zain Altahar
Zain Altahar
I don't like sand KncEaiD
I don't like sand 8tYv4vD

Character sheet
Age: 25 Y.O.
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal Princess Guard
Umbra Mortis
— “Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant…”

Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. The character is the central antagonist of the original trilogy and, as Anakin Skywalker, is one of the main protagonists throughout the prequel trilogy. Star Wars creator George Lucas has collectively referred to the first six episodic films of the franchise as "the tragedy of Darth Vader".[2] He has become one of the most iconic villains in popular culture, and has been listed among the greatest villains and fictional characters ever.[3][4]

Originally a slave on Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi prophesied to bring balance to the Force. He is lured to the dark side of the Force by Darth Sidious and becomes a Sith Lord, assuming the title of Darth Vader. After a lightsaber battle with his former mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, in which he is severely injured, Vader is transformed into a cyborg. He then serves the Galactic Empire for over two decades as its chief enforcer. Vader ultimately redeems himself by saving his son, Luke Skywalker, and killing Sidious, sacrificing his own life in the process.[5] He is also the secret husband of Padmé Amidala, the biological father of Princess Leia, and the grandfather of Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). In the non-canonical Star Wars Legends continuity, he is also the grandfather of Ben Skywalker, his eponym Anakin Solo, Jaina Solo and Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo), and the great-grandfather of Allana Solo.

The character has been portrayed by numerous actors: David Prowse physically portrayed Vader while James Earl Jones has voiced him in all of the films and some television shows, and Sebastian Shaw portrayed the unmasked Anakin in Return of the Jedi, as well as the character's spirit in the original release of that film.[e] Jake Lloyd played Anakin Skywalker as a child in The Phantom Menace, the first film of the prequel trilogy, while Hayden Christensen played him as a young adult in the following two films, post-2004 releases of Return of the Jedi, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.[h]

In addition to the first six Star Wars films, the character appears in the anthology film Rogue One. He also appears in television series (most substantially The Clone Wars) and numerous iterations of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, including video games, novels, and comic books. Due to Vader's popularity, various merchandise of the character, such as action figures and replicas of his lightsaber, has been produced.

<div style="background: url('https://i.imgur.com/HXtiE9F.png') no-repeat top left #000000; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); width: 100%;"><div style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); margin-left: 32%;"><div style="background: #393939; margin-left: 2%;padding: 5%; font: 12px cambria; color: rgba(161, 165, 167, .8)<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(161, 165, 167, .4); padding-bottom: 2%; margin-bottom: 1%;"><font style="font: 37px georgia; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #1b1414 text-shadow: 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 0 3px #1b1414;">Umbra Mortis </font><br><font style="font: bold 8px times; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #1b1414"> — “Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant…” </font><br><br>
tekst hier
Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:40 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vyndi Montgomery
Vyndi Montgomery
I don't like sand J5fHlKd
I don't like sand 8010004d9beb9c13f14abf2e20752b01

Character sheet
Age: 30..?
Race: Mage
Occupation: Priestess
Vyndi Montgomery

Mijn leven begon lang geleden, lang lang voordat jij en elk ander op deze wereld geboren was. Want als ik je mag uitleggen, ik ben officieel de eerste vrouw ooit op aarde gezet door onze geweldige God. Ik ben geschapen uit zijn hand en zelfs voor Adam op de wereldbol stond. Ik ben geschapen naar perfectie maar niets kan perfect zijn, ik moest een kwaal hebben en god maakte dat mijn honger naar bloed. Het was de bedoeling dat ik en Adam de stamouders zouden zijn van elk menselijk wezen maar denk je dat ik me laat inpalmen door zo'n zielige lafaard als hij? Ik verzette me bijna had ik almachtige heer zelf vernietigd voor ik mee werd gesleurd met Lucifer naar de duisternis van de hel.

Einde verhaal? No way, meneer Lucifer mocht dan wel graag zijn tijd verdoen in de diepe trochten van de hel ik ontsnapte om opnieuw op de aarde me voort te kunnen bewegen. Ondertussen was mijn vervanger al gecreeerd en luisteren deed ze als een fokschaap zette ze het mensenvolk voort en eeuwen leefde ik in eenzaamheid. Ik zag alle gruwelijke daden die aangericht werden maar hoe graag ik ook wou ik kon niet sterven. Mijn verbanning naar de hel had mij onsterfelijkheid gegunt. Een vloek net zoals een gave. En mijn eeuwige dorst bleef, de eeuwige honger naar het ijzerachtige bloed.

Na eeuwen isolement kon ik het niet meer aan, ik kon niet leven onder de zwakheid van deze mensen maar kon ook niet meer in mijn eentje blijven. Ik was er achter gekomen dat er een kracht in mij zat die anderen kon maken zoals mij. Ik had het eerder geprobeerd op een kind die het niet aankon en stierf, maar een volwassene zou het aan moeten kunnen toch? Ik vond iemand die ik wou veranderen in een schepsel zoals mij. Het gehele experiment liep echter verkeerd uit en de man liet me voor dood achter na een zwaar gevecht. Dat was het begin van het uit de hand lopen van mijn volk. Hij dacht echter dat hij zo van me af was. Opnieuw iemand die zich vergistte. Ik vernietigde hem en nam de macht opnieuw in mijn handen. De enkele nieuwelingen die hij gecreëerd hadden had ik al snel in het gareel en besefte me wat ik precies kon doen met deze creaturen. De wereld overnemen was direct het plan waar ik aan dacht. Of tenminste meneer daar bovenin op zijn plaats zetten.

Mijn plan werkte en al snel was ik een koningin en godin voor elk van mijn soort, iedereen kon mij en respecteerde of vreesde me ik had alles wat ik maar kon dromen tot.. Ik hem ontmoette. Het was ergens mid 18e eeuw dat ik voor het eerst anders dacht over mijn leven. De lange blonde gestalte was een soldaat in hart en nieren. Ik wist dat ik hem nooit zo'n monster als mij kon maken en stapte van mijn troon af om een menselijk leven met hem te beginnen. Tenminste zo menselijk als het kon. Ik was gelukkig, gelukkiger als ik ooit kon zijn, tot er op een dag een smeekbede weerklonk. Ik moest mijn even gelukkige leven achter me laten en opnieuw strijden voor mijn leven. Er was een land ver weg van mijn stervelijke paradijsje waar andere wezens woonde dan de mensen ooit dachten. Elven, Tovenaars en Ridders ze leefde in vrede met elkaar samen maar waren er op uit elke laatste monster af te slachten, iets wat ik niet toe kon staan.

Ik kwam er achter dat onder het riddervolk in deze verre landen familie van me leefde. Een koning en koningin alsof het niet beter kon. Maar ik was het meest geinteresseerd in het prinsesje, zo jong en kneedbaar ik besloot iemand op haar af te sturen en haar een van ons te maken. Vervolgens vernietigde ik haar familie waardoor er een nieuw gezin op de troon kwam. De Muzen familie.. Ik had gehoopt dat deze familie zich kalm zoude houden maar dat bleek niet zo te zijn de jonge Jasmyn nieuw toekomstig koningin van de ridders was vastberaden mij te vernietigen met haar nieuwe vriendin Mimi Telrûnya prinsesje van de Elven. Dezelfde Mimi die altijd zo'n goede band had gehad met mijn nichtje Roxanne. Alsof het allemaal niet erger kon werd Setherian Fel'dan benoemd tot leider van de Tovenaars. Ik wou plannen smeden met de tovenaar die duistere krachten bezat maar inplaats daarvan besloot hij verliefd te worden op dat Telrûnya wicht! Samen waren de drie er maar wat op uit om mijn leven te beëindigen tot.. Mariah uit het niets opdook. De zuster van Mimi had het kleine wizard meisje gevonden in de diepe grotten van de tovenaars en dat kind naar Setherian gebracht die haar aannam als zijn eigen kind. Ik kon het niet laten dit kind te teisteren en zo Setherian gek te maken. Misschien mijn grootste fout ooit, maar ik had wel meer fouten gemaakt die me vanzelf zouden inhalen. Fouten zoals nog een maal mijn hart uitgeven. De zwartharige jongen was leider geweest van de groep vampiers die zich huisde in mijn nieuwe leefgebied. Ik kan zijn gezicht nieteens meer voor mijn ogen halen. Joey.. De tijden waren zo mooi geweest en toch zo snel voorbij gegaan. Toen de onvermeidbare oorlog kwam verdween hij en nam misschien wel het laatste beetje van mijn warmte mee. We verloren de oorlog en ik werd bijna vermoord, niet zonder Mimi Telrunya vampier te maken en haar mee te nemen dan.

De tijden gingen zo snel en voor ik het doorhad waren wij compleet vertrokken uit het gebied. Ik leek mijn grip op mijn volk te verliezen en stelde iemand anders aan als leider. Ken.. Als er iemand interesanter als hij is geweest kan je mij lekschieten. Hij haalde werkelijk waar het slechtste in mij naar boven en ik genoot er met volle teugen van. Voor het volk daarintegen was ik niet meer die gevreesde Queen, maar eerder Ken's sletje. Ze mochten denken wat ze wilden. Ze zijn nu toch dood. Ik heb ze zien branden voor ik vertrok. Ik had een plan met Ken, Checkmate. We zouden iedereen verslaan samen heersen. Maar puntje bij paaltje waren het de vreselijke kinderen van die drie die mij tegenzaten. Mariah speelde een ziek spel met me dat ze dankzij mij geleerd had. Ik stapte in de val door mijn eigen fouten. En toen ik toe moest kijken met Ken aan mijn zeide besloot ik een nieuw leven te beginnen.

Opnieuw vertrok ik ver weg en startte een school. Het zou het begin zijn van een nieuw tijdperk en een begin van een nieuwe oorlog tegen degene die mij op deze wereld gezet had. Ik liet Ken achter me. Misschien vind ik hem ooit nog. Misschien ook niet. Hij is niet langer de mijne om te bespelen. Ik heb nieuwe onderdanen. Het St. Montgomery was een school waar iedereen welkom was, het was mijn persoonlijke speelterrein zonder regels en enkel mijn gezag. Uiteindelijk bleek dit niet de beste keuze te zijn en op een avond met iets teveel alcohol in mijn systeem was mijn hoop op wraak naar de grond gebrand. Echter kon ik er niet om janken, ik was nodig voor andere taken en opnieuw verplaatste ik mijn totale leven. Al moet ik wel zeggen dat het schoolbestaan een heuze hobbie is geworden. De volgende school waar ik aankwam had ik ook al vrij snel onder mijn gezag. Dephora High. Zou dit dan mijn kans voor wraak kunnen worden?

Mijn verhaal, al die jaren zal ik nooit vergeten maar ik heb een nieuwe toekomst. Een verleden is enkel woorden op papier waar nieuwe woorden bij kunnen komen. Elke dag opnieuw. Mijn naam is Vyndi Montgomery. De eerste mens, Queen der duisternis en een Godin die deze wereld bewandeld. Ik ken mijn doel in dit leven. En ik zal het nooit uit mijn ogen verliezen. Een dag zal deze wereld van mij zijn en zal iedereen voor mij buigen. Op een dag heb ik ieder levend wezen in mijn handen. Tot die dag zal ik niet rusten, nooit..

<div style="background: url('https://i.imgur.com/N5BYvZf.png') no-repeat top left #1a1416; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); width: 100%;"><div style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); margin-left: 32%;"><div style="background: #63544e; margin-left: 2%;padding: 5%; font: 12px cambria; color: rgba(161, 165, 167, .8)<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(161, 165, 167, .4); padding-bottom: 2%; margin-bottom: 1%;"><font style="font: 37px georgia; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #1b1414 text-shadow: 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 0 3px #1b1414;">Vyndi Montgomery</font><br><font style="font: bold 8px times; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #1b1414"> — “DON'T YOU SEE? THE CATASTROPHE IS ME. MY VERY EXISTENCE IS AN AFFRONT TO EVERYTHING THAT IS NATURAL AND GOOD” </font><br><br>
tekst hier
Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:07 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Spectre Spring
Spectre Spring
I don't like sand SMsRUjU
I don't like sand DJqWfyX

Character sheet
Age: 19 y.o.
Race: Human
Occupation: Traveler
Spectre Spring
— “I'm starting to wonder if this is what being in love is. Being okay with ripping yourself to shreds, so the other person can stay whole.”

Tinker Bell (also nicknamed Tink or Miss Bell) is the tritagonist of Disney's 1953 animated feature film, Peter Pan. She is a sassy fairy, who serves as Peter Pan’s sidekick. Tink regularly joins Peter on his exploits throughout the magical isle of Neverland. She values their relationship so much, that the presence of other girls (particularly Wendy Darling), causes her to become insanely jealous and spiteful.

Tinker Bell is equipped with Pixie Dust, which grants herself and others the ability to fly, so long as they think “wonderful thoughts”. She is a largely silent character, speaking a fairy language that is unintelligible to most humans. Her vocalizations are instead expressed in the form of a light jingling noise reminiscent of a bell.

Since her inception, Tinker Bell has become one of Disney’s most popular and iconic characters. Known for flying toward the screen and sprinkling it with pixie dust, Tink has featured heavily as a spokesperson for The Walt Disney Company (along with Mickey Mouse and Jiminy Cricket). She eventually became the focus of her own franchise, Disney Fairies, which spun off a series of full-length feature films, beginning with 2008’s Tinker Bell.

Despite her cute appearance, Tinker Bell is very sassy, feisty, stubborn, and hot-tempered. Upon meeting Wendy and other human females, Tink immediately shows disgust and irritation, mostly out of jealousy. This drives Tink to perform acts both selfish and even murderous ways, much to Peter's annoyance. However, despite her rough interior, at her core, Tinker Bell is devoted and loyal to those she loves and will eventually come to terms with those she initially resents, should they prove themselves worthy of friendly treatment. This can be seen, most notably, with her relation to Wendy Darling in the original film.

One of the first things she does while trying to find Peter's shadow is to admire herself in a mirror, that is until she finds out how wide her hips are.

Some fans have assumed that Tinker Bell has a romantic crush on Peter. However, that theory has been contradicted several times by Margaret Kerry, who has said:

"Tinker Bell was never in love with Peter Pan, she was sort of a groupie. Peter would go on his adventures and she would get to go with him, and what she was really worried about with Wendy was that maybe he wouldn't take her on the adventures anymore, he would take that ugly old girl! So that's what she was jealous of."

As a fairy, Tink can fly and produce pixie dust, which allows other creatures to fly (including an octopus in Return to Neverland). She is described as being a tinker, meaning that she mends pots, kettles, and acorn caps, and is shown to be very skilled, gifted, and talented at it too.

<div style="background: url('https://i.imgur.com/B0KsWnI.png') no-repeat top left #6e6e6e; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); width: 100%;"><div style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); margin-left: 32%;"><div style="background: #6e6e6e; margin-left: 2%;padding: 5%; font: 12px cambria; color: rgba(161, 165, 167, .8)<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(161, 165, 167, .4); padding-bottom: 2%; margin-bottom: 1%;"><font style="font: 37px georgia; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #1b1414 text-shadow: 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 0 3px #1b1414;">Spectre Spring </font><br><font style="font: bold 8px times; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #1b1414"> — “I'm starting to wonder if this is what being in love is. Being okay with ripping yourself to shreds, so the other person can stay whole.” </font><br><br>
[justify]tekst here
Wed Jul 06, 2022 8:33 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Adalaine Farrington
Adalaine Farrington
I don't like sand StOEaxr
I don't like sand 407c7317b1064113e426b61f9c719489

Character sheet
Age: 24 y.o.
Race: Human
Occupation: Rich lil kid
Adalaine Farrington
— “All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle, and a silly old hamster! I WANT a SQUIRREL!”

Veruca Salt is a character from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. She is the second Golden Ticket winner (also she does not actually find it herself), and the third child to meet her endgame in the factory.
Veruca is depicted as is an immature, over-indulged and manipulative young girl. She has very rich parents and lives in a mansion. Veruca's affluent parents treat her like a princess and give her anything she wants, no matter how ridiculous the price. She is also shown to express no gratitude at all for what she is given.

In the book, she is described as "the daughter of rich parents" and the "heiress to the Salt fortune." Her father is the CEO of a large legume conglomerate, while her mother is said to be a geography teacher. (Mrs. Teavee in the 1971 film and musical, Mr. Teavee in the 2005 film, Mrs. Beauregarde in the play); all four people ask about the existence of Loompaland). She is the 2nd Golden Ticket Finder

Both the 1971 and 2005 films do not mention what her mother's job is, although it is implied that the mother is a socialite or taking advantage of her wealth to aid others in need. In the 1971 film, Mrs. Salt is shown doing needlepoint, which was a pastime for many women at the time the film was in production. However, in the 2005 film, she is shown markedly more as a playgirl. She makes no remark to either Veruca's outbursts or how her husband obliges their daughter. Instead, she was found quietly sipping martinis.

The age of Veruca Salt is never explicitly given in the book nor the two films, but the theatrical adaptations can allow some creative leeway into the girl's age; similarly, her nationality is English in the films but is not stated in the book, again leading to creative leeway (see "theatrical adaptations" section below). The only mention of Veruca's residence in the book is that she and her parents lived "in a great city" far away from the Bucket residence.

Each version implies that Veruca's parents have spoiled her and raised her in full luxury since the day she was born. When Veruca doesn't get what she wants immediately, she screams, shouts, kicks, stomps, jumps up and down, and takes extreme measures until she finally has her way. In other words, she has absolutely no regard, nor consideration for her family's countless emotional and financial needs. Also, she constantly bullies them without any remorse.

Before the tour with her parents to Wonka's chocolate factory, Veruca's parents (especially her father in the films and theatrical adaptations) seem to view her as a sweet, innocent "precious little princess."

<div style="background: url('https://i.imgur.com/7kSwg6b.png') no-repeat top left #bdaacf; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); width: 100%;"><div style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); margin-left: 32%;"><div style="background: #867c90; margin-left: 2%;padding: 5%; font: 12px cambria; color: rgba(161, 165, 167, .8)<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(161, 165, 167, .4); padding-bottom: 2%; margin-bottom: 1%;"><font style="font: 37px georgia; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #1b1414 text-shadow: 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 0 3px #1b1414;">Adalaine Farrington</font><br><font style="font: bold 8px times; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #1b1414"> — “All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle, and a silly old hamster! I WANT a SQUIRREL!” </font><br><br>
[justify]TEKST HIER[/justify]
Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:18 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Naheara Zinyra
Naheara Zinyra
I don't like sand IliW9qj
I don't like sand 7d8bb87fdaf15cc8933b32f73df19d9c69da5505r1-500-213_128

Character sheet
Age: 31 y.o.
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Tarot Reader
Naheara Zinyra
— “Because hatred gives one strength to go on; it maintains the fragile structure, it weaves the threads together so that emptiness doesn’t take over everything.”

The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism and story.

The 22 Major Arcana cards represent life's karmic and spiritual lessons. They represent a path to spiritual self-awareness and depict the various stages we encounter as we search for greater meaning and understanding. In this way, the Major Arcana cards hold deeply meaningful lessons on a soul level.

The 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we experience on a daily basis. These Tarot cards highlight the more practical aspects of life and can refer to current issues that have a temporary or minor influence.

Within the Minor Arcana cards, there are 16 Tarot Court Cards each representing 16 different personality characteristics we may choose to express at any given time. There are also the 40 numbered cards organised into 4 Suits – Cups, Pentacles, Swords and Wands – each with 10 cards, representing various situations that we encounter day-to-day.

Some may say that Tarot cards are simply ink on paper. However, what I have discovered from reading the Tarot cards daily for over twenty years is this:

Tarot is the storybook of our life, the mirror to our soul, and the key to our inner wisdom.

Every spiritual lesson we meet in our lives can be found in the seventy-eight Tarot cards. And when we consult the Tarot, we’ll get shown the exact lessons we need to learn and master to live an inspired life. It’s like holding up a mirror to yourself so that you can access your subconscious mind and tap into the wisdom (and answers) that lives in us all.

The Major Arcana Tarot cards represent the life lessons, karmic influences and the big archetypal themes that are influencing your life and your soul's journey to enlightenment. The Major Arcana card meanings are deep and complex – in beautiful ways! These Tarot cards truly represent the structure of human consciousness and hold the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages.

Also known as the Trump Cards, the Major Arcana cards include 21 numbered cards and 1 unnumbered card (the Fool). The Fool is the main character of the Major Arcana and makes his journey through each of the cards, meeting new teachers and learning new life lessons along the way, and eventually reaching the completion of his journey with the World card. This is known as the Fool's Journey and is a helpful way of understanding the story line of the Major Arcana Tarot card meanings.

<div style="background: url('https://i.imgur.com/VXTrofZ.png') no-repeat top left #09080e; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); width: 100%;"><div style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); margin-left: 32%;"><div style="background: #52524f; margin-left: 2%;padding: 5%; font: 12px cambria; color: rgba(161, 165, 167, .8)<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(161, 165, 167, .4); padding-bottom: 2%; margin-bottom: 1%;"><font style="font: 37px georgia; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #1b1414 text-shadow: 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 0 3px #1b1414;">Naheara Zinyra</font><br><font style="font: bold 8px times; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #1b1414"> — “Because hatred gives one strength to go on; it maintains the fragile structure, it weaves the threads together so that emptiness doesn’t take over everything.” </font><br><br>
Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:13 pm
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Lemuria Citizen
Delphine Aerendyl
Delphine Aerendyl
I don't like sand Z232w6X
I don't like sand 2882df5eab915cd25aa1321620b80d1bc1d8048e

Character sheet
Age: 78 y.o.
Race: Moon Elf
Delhpine Aerendyl
— “One can’t go to pieces at the death of every foreigner. We’d all be in a constant state of collapse whenever we opened a letter.”

Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham (b. 1842[1] - 1928), was the matriarch of the Crawley Family by her marriage to the late Earl of Grantham and a relative of the MacClare Family via her niece and goddaughter, Susan MacClare, Marchioness of Flintshire. She is the mother of Robert Crawley, the 7th Earl of Grantham, and of Lady Rosamund Painswick, and the grandmother of Robert and his wife Cora's three daughters: Mary, Edith, and Sybil. Through her granddaughters she has five great-grandchildren: Mary's children, son George, and daughter Caroline, Sybil's daughter Sybbie, Edith's children, daughter Marigold and son Peter.

Born in 1842, Violet was the daughter of a Baronet and had at least one sister, the mother of her niece and goddaughter, Susan MacClare, Marchioness of Flintshire,[2] and one aunt.[3] While she was born into the aristocracy, her family was relatively impoverished and she brought almost no money with her upon marriage. When she married the Earl of Grantham sometime before 1860, she brought her upper class blood but little money into her marriage.[4] After her wedding, she was "pursued" by Lord Hepworth's father.[5]

At some point as a young girl in the 1850s and 1860s[6] Violet wore "the bustle, the crinoline, and the leg of mutton sleeve."

Violet gave birth to two children, a son and heir, Robert and a daughter, Rosamund. Not following in their mother's footsteps, her children married into money rather than nobility. The Countess was against Robert's engagement and marriage to the American heiress Cora Levinson, in 1889,[7] but did reap the benefits of her fortune.[8]

Violet visited Russia, where she met Prince Igor Kuragin, at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1874. Violet later reveals to Isobel they fell madly in love and attempted to elope. They planned to leave on his yacht, but were intercepted by Kuragin's wife, who had discovered their romance. She pulled Violet out and sent her back to her own husband.

The deaths of James and Patrick Crawley changed everything for Violet as her granddaughter lost her chance to
Violet discusses the new heir with her daughter-in-law, Cora

marry the heir of the Earldom. The new heir, Matthew Crawley, did not live up to her standards, as he was of the upper middle class rather than the aristocracy. Unlike her son, Violet refused to accept the change in Mary's inheritance, which caused her to form an alliance with her daughter-in-law, Cora Crawley.
When the two Countesses realized that Matthew would remain heir not only to the Grantham title but to Cora's fortune as well, they shifted their focus to getting Mary to marry Matthew. The urgency for marriage was heightened when Violet was told by her niece that a rumour was spreading around London that Mary was not virtuous with Kemal Pamuk. She was scandalized to learn that the rumour was true, and further urged Cora to get Mary to marry Matthew.

This period of time was characterized largely by Violet's many quarrels with Isobel Crawley, mother of Matthew. As president of the Downton Cottage Hospital, Violet held complete control over the hospital and its chief doctor, Richard Clarkson. Mrs. Crawley began to intimidate the doctor into pursuing modern medical practices, such as the administering of adrenaline to cure dropsy in a local farmer, despite the protests of the Dowager Countess. She pursues Isobel and Clarkson into the operation room, where she witnesses the farmer's life being saved. In order to avoid further episodes such as this, Robert appoints Isobel Chairman of the Board, forcing Violet to share power with her.
Violet, Shaken at the sight of the needle

Another time was during the Downton Village Flower Show. Isobel learned that Violet was the perennial winner of the Best Bloom in the Village Award. She believed that the Dowager Countess won out of intimidation, pushing aside Bill Molesley, father of her butler. Isobel and Violet bickered as usual, and Robert, Cora, and Mary all sided with Isobel. Violet prepares to announce herself as the winner, but has a sudden crisis of conscience, seeing Bill Molesley's defeated face, and instead announces him as the winner. When he thanks her for "letting him have" the award, Violet lies and says the judges decided that he was the winner, confusing Cora, who was one of the judges.

<div style="background: url('https://i.imgur.com/H10MbQ4.png') no-repeat top left #000000; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); width: 100%;"><div style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); margin-left: 32%;"><div style="background: #121524; margin-left: 2%;padding: 5%; font: 12px cambria; color: rgba(161, 165, 167, .8)<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(161, 165, 167, .4); padding-bottom: 2%; margin-bottom: 1%;"><font style="font: 37px georgia; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #1b1414 text-shadow: 3px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 0 3px #1b1414;">Delhpine Aerendyl</font><br><font style="font: bold 8px times; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #678286"> — “One can’t go to pieces at the death of every foreigner. We’d all be in a constant state of collapse whenever we opened a letter.” </font><br><br>
Wed Sep 21, 2022 2:58 pm
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