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flowers for the sick and dead
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Catherine Vasilevsky
Catherine Vasilevsky
flowers for the sick and dead WJ5xBUx
flowers for the sick and dead LSt8Ewk

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Master of the coin

do not steal xxx

What a plottwist you were
siren song ❥
Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:35 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Catherine Vasilevsky
Catherine Vasilevsky
flowers for the sick and dead WJ5xBUx
flowers for the sick and dead LSt8Ewk

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Master of the coin
you ask me what i want from life i said to make a lot of money
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rhoncus, nulla rutrum convallis ullamcorper, lorem lacus tristique justo, ac sagittis quam velit quis sapien. Fusce placerat imperdiet dolor in pulvinar. Integer vulputate fringilla massa, in ultricies augue condimentum in. Suspendisse gravida vehicula lacus at hendrerit. Nullam vel sapien vel libero aliquam dapibus ac ut libero. Suspendisse pellentesque dolor elementum, semper massa et, malesuada lorem. Proin eu dapibus ante. Nunc vestibulum vehicula justo, quis dignissim velit eleifend vitae. Ut scelerisque orci eget aliquam ornare. Suspendisse a aliquam ante, quis pellentesque turpis.

Donec vel blandit ex, quis mattis libero. Duis et dapibus enim, sed blandit turpis. Nulla efficitur a nibh nec pharetra. Morbi aliquet mi ut nibh rutrum finibus. Etiam augue libero, mattis eget condimentum sed, posuere et ex. Mauris risus magna, gravida sed finibus non, mollis ac lorem. Curabitur placerat tincidunt ante sed tincidunt. Quisque imperdiet scelerisque urna eu fermentum. Nullam id velit vitae ipsum luctus facilisis. Integer quis nulla ligula. Maecenas et risus pellentesque, fringilla sapien a, viverra eros. In eget mi at enim finibus commodo. Nullam elementum massa sit amet ex euismod hendrerit. Morbi velit odio, dictum ac elit nec, placerat rutrum ex. Nullam pharetra, diam eget rutrum posuere, nibh massa suscipit ante, sed dapibus libero sapien quis elit.
“They have bears. I might get one. They look cute.”
“Now we shall greet the day together with sunny dispositions and fearless "hearts."

What a plottwist you were
siren song ❥
Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:58 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Catherine Vasilevsky
Catherine Vasilevsky
flowers for the sick and dead WJ5xBUx
flowers for the sick and dead LSt8Ewk

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Master of the coin
The great

Tag: xxx Mood: xxx Note: xxx


What a plottwist you were
siren song ❥
Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:36 pm
IC Posts
Freyja Nygård
Freyja Nygård
flowers for the sick and dead MV2TZb4
flowers for the sick and dead EZjF2Pm

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Druid
Winter is coming
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui.

"Winter is coming."

Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:05 pm
IC Posts
Freyja Nygård
Freyja Nygård
flowers for the sick and dead MV2TZb4
flowers for the sick and dead EZjF2Pm

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Druid
Winter is coming
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui.

"Winter is coming."

Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:42 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
flowers for the sick and dead SRiYB3K
flowers for the sick and dead 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget semper lectus. Nunc a magna ac orci congue rhoncus. Cras efficitur quam id congue vehicula. Pellentesque vel augue ipsum. Integer vulputate vehicula tellus, ut blandit erat fringilla ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean pellentesque pretium felis eu consectetur. Sed vulputate nec nisi ac porta. In facilisis velit a dictum pellentesque. Nunc a ultrices magna, at lobortis magna. Vestibulum sit amet nunc metus.

Nulla venenatis neque sed tortor vehicula, id dapibus nunc molestie. Morbi condimentum sit amet purus nec aliquam. Aliquam lacinia maximus sem, a placerat massa luctus sit amet. Duis dictum, lacus non lacinia porttitor, purus sem facilisis quam, et commodo risus felis nec tellus. Integer tincidunt scelerisque leo quis porta. Praesent aliquet at quam vitae pharetra. Proin at nisi vitae metus auctor tempor nec vitae sem. Aenean leo arcu, mollis eu eleifend eu, porta at nisi. Phasellus ipsum augue, placerat ut justo in, congue scelerisque libero.

If I was young, I'd flee this town I'd bury my dreams underground. As did I, we drink to die, we drink tonight
Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:48 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Catherine Vasilevsky
Catherine Vasilevsky
flowers for the sick and dead WJ5xBUx
flowers for the sick and dead LSt8Ewk

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Master of the coin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam auctor risus in consectetur porttitor. Pellentesque accumsan odio ut sollicitudin mollis. Nunc rutrum ante vel massa dignissim, mattis pulvinar velit lacinia. Proin semper lacus sed urna lacinia, eget malesuada leo fringilla. Nam id mauris sem. Nunc hendrerit, eros et lacinia pharetra, metus eros suscipit magna, id vehicula leo dui quis metus. Duis mattis maximus nibh, et semper justo luctus dignissim. Morbi malesuada cursus sapien, sed pellentesque lorem bibendum ut. Suspendisse at auctor est.

Praesent et condimentum dolor. Sed semper suscipit aliquet. Fusce semper velit nec tellus tempus ultricies. Praesent mattis posuere enim, sit amet molestie ex cursus ut. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam euismod ante lacus, nec rhoncus elit lacinia vel. In vel faucibus ex, eget laoreet risus. Phasellus id turpis nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis id faucibus elit, ut maximus arcu.

Suspendisse potenti. Sed luctus purus ipsum, in semper nunc dapibus eu. Integer in est odio. Praesent venenatis ut urna vel faucibus. Cras arcu nisl, finibus et lectus at, hendrerit vehicula sapien. Cras consequat arcu lorem, quis ultricies velit fermentum sit amet. Morbi dui purus, porta ut ex at, varius tincidunt libero. Aenean quam elit, eleifend ut nulla at, iaculis gravida diam. Ut condimentum lorem a sapien cursus tristique. Cras viverra eros eu metus malesuada, eu ultrices arcu porta. Nulla vulputate odio in enim tincidunt aliquam. Morbi id tellus sit amet mauris aliquet iaculis quis sit amet enim. Aenean erat odio, commodo eget lectus a, dignissim imperdiet velit.

What a plottwist you were
siren song ❥
Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:35 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Catherine Vasilevsky
Catherine Vasilevsky
flowers for the sick and dead WJ5xBUx
flowers for the sick and dead LSt8Ewk

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Master of the coin

Asmodai Zinyra
Grote wip xoxo
Gender Male
Age 25
Occupation Xailan high priest (?)
ResidenceAL QUA' HIL
Height 1.70
Build Athletic
Hair color Black
Hair texture Wavy
Eye ColorDark
Skin Tone Lightbrown


Asmodai is a youthful and somewhat effeminate, he loves wearing makeup to highlight his favorite features. Such as his eyes. He is also known to wear light shades of blush, which he powders on. And a form of lipstick to give more of a color to his lips. He likes warm tones, they match well with his tawny (donkerwit) skin. The man is tall, but that is mostly thanks to his legs. The torso is on the shorter side. His waist is slim, but he is surprisingly muscular. Asmodai likes to changes the length of his hair frequently, sometimes it's a little on the long side and other times much shorter. But he will never completely cut it. The color too is always the same; black. Asmodai usually wears very expensive clothes, but they tend to change in style. Depending on his mood, tight clothing that shows off his figure is a favorite. But thanks to the Xailan climate, he can usually be seen in light and breathable fabrics. Has tattoo's mostly with religious imagery. Often wears accessories too; collars and earnings are most common.
Constellation The Blackwidow
Alignment Neutral evil

Asmodai is a hedonist at heart, he truly believes that pleasure and ecstasy can be a transcendental, spiritual experience. He’s very carnal. But he can also derive pleasure from things other than the flesh such as dance, music, wine, milk, and honey, singing, throwing yourself down in the grass and writhing in it. It's a shame really; that he is terribly selfish. And therefore doesn't really care about the people around him. Their feelings, opinions, and desires are something the man is completely uninterested in. He will pretend to care, though; and will listen calmly and with great interest to any feedback or criticism. But never take it to heart, of course. And he will discard it almost as quickly as it is said. The reason he pretends otherwise is to keep up appearances sure, it is expected of him after all to listen to what others have to say. But also because it is another manipulative tactic he uses. And often his willingness to listen is because he has a hidden agenda. Asmodai is more interested in somebody than their minds, and therefor he doesn't really care if others believe in the same god as him. He won't treat them any different. But if they express a wish to convert or learn more about the ordirian deities, then he will instruct them. He just doesn't force his faith on others. But that doesn't mean he himself isn't a firm believer. How can he not? There are signs their devine presence are all around, at least to him. And so far his faith has only helped him to get a head in life. So he has no reason to doubt. As stated before, the man is rather manipulative, and more or less sees people as tools. He can use, and discard. He is a true narcissist, this can also be seen in his vanity. He thinks himself as the most beautiful man on earth, who only deserves the best. But this egomaniac is very subtle in his ways. He tends to take on a laid-back attitude most of the time. He doesn’t always approach others as a lofty, intimidating, and moral superior priest. He is comfortable engaging with people on their terms, appearing as easygoing and friendly. All wrapped up in a bow, of gentle tranquility. Since Asmodai isn't a loud, or energetic person. He comes off as a little sleepy at times. Even during hectic or festive events, he participates; laughs and makes merry. But he never loses himself during this time, he will always holds his composure. Except; when he doesn't. He’s tough to anger, and he doesn’t punish unreasonably. But when you drive him over the edge the violent, chaotic, maddened savagery side he also has will show itself. The impulse to scream and tear and destroy. Frenzy. In this state, the man is capable of everything. 
Family Tree


grandfather Raziel Zinyra
grandmother Damura Zinyra
mother Aisha Hasnawi
father Al-haytham Zinyra


Brother None
Sister None

Misc (sorry if i missed some people)

Aunt Amal Zinyra
Uncle Rayiz Zinyra
Cousin Esmeray Zinyra
Cousins Zuhayr Zinyr
Cousin Zayna Zinyra
Cousin Malika Zinyra
Magic type Sorcery
Expertise Necromancy

Asmodai is "blessed" with the families' signature magic type; necromancy. Though he isn't very good at it, he mostly uses it on smaller animals. And even plants. He can't make them grow, or control them at all. But when they are dead, he has the ability to resurrect them. But he doesn't use it very often. He uses it more for show, than anything else. Because he doesn't want to exhaust himself. He fears that if he does, he won't be able to communicate with Xailan's patron deity. Since receiving prophecies and such through his dreams. Also tends to drain his magic. Neither is he very interested in perfecting the art of necromancy, he feels that the magic is too situational and not really worth the effort.
The match of Asmodai's parents was one made in heaven. The pair were not only social equals, but truly and deeply in love with one another. The pair were not only social equals, but truly and deeply in love with one another. And thanks to Aisha's dowry, rather wealthy. They brought a grand house in the capital city. Where they lived peacefully for a couple of years. But eventually cracks started to show in their perfect marriage. Mostly because of Al-haytham behavior, he used his wife's money very irresponsibly. Gambling it away, or using it for licentious means. He also started to drink heavily during this time. Despite this Aisha wouldn't divorce her husband, she was completely and utter devoted to him still. And truly believed their love was strong enough to work through the rough patch. She was sadly totally under Al-haytham spell. He manipulated her into thinking that things would get better, when they never did. Money troubles plagued the couple, and often debt collectors were standing in front of their doorstep. They were even threatened with arrest if they didn't pay up soon. But luckily, the rich Hasnawi family would always lend them the money to make sure that at least didn't happen.

However, everything changed when one day Aisha failed to come home from the job she was working to lighten the financial burden of the family. In fact, she never came home ever again. She just disappeared from the face of the earth one day. Search parties were organized to find the woman. But nothing of her ever turned up. Her husband was suspected at first, but the charge was quickly dropped. Since, he seemed genuinely devastated at his wife's loss; and really didn't benefit from her departure. Since he now had to shoulder the weight of the ever decreasing finances of the family alone. But perhaps the main reason why the man wasn't charged was because of the couple's young son. He had already lost his mother, if his father would be taken away too on who could he rely  then? It helped too that after the incident changed Al-haytham for the better. He became increasingly more religious. And started to better himself. Slowly but surely the debts were paid off and he was able to overcome his addictions. The man claimed that his turnabout was because of his faith. He was so devoted to the church, that wanted to pass that some devotion on to his son. In the beginning he instructed his son himself. But very soon the young boy was sent away to a convent to progress his religious studies there. Asmodai thus grew up with religion, everywhere he turned it seemed like the most important thing. He was a good student, he could remember all the rules of rituals quickly. Though it was clear, he wasn't a typical follower. 

(?) Despite that, when a new High priest had to be chosen, Asmodai was a good candidate. Not only because of his schooling, but his impassive lineage as well. Knowing he would benefit greatly if he were to in fact acquire the position, the man young man threw his all in the "race." During the final ceremony, it was eventually decided that he would indeed be the one dawn the new mantel of priesthood. Much to his own, and his fathers joy.(?)
As stated before, Asmodai is not your typical priest. And so he doesn't run his temple like one. It's designed to fit his personality. It's still a holy place, of course, where worship takes center stage. But it is also very free. People generally allowed to have more fun instead within the marble white walls  of the capital city's temple than is elsewhere permitted. Asmodai also hosts parties, feasts and order amusements to emphasize this fact. Wine can be drunk during these events. And things like dancing is often seen. However, Asmodai knows that he is a priest, and not the owner of a nightclub. And while the guests are allowed to enjoy themselves. In the end, it's still all about worshiping their patron deity. Something that he makes clear during every event. Standard practices can of course also be found within the temple. Ones with a more serious tone. Asmodai knows perfectly well how to balance the two.

What a plottwist you were
siren song ❥
Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:20 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
flowers for the sick and dead EK3xGIZ
flowers for the sick and dead Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Tekst xoxo

Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:32 am
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Solandis Qinrel
Solandis Qinrel
flowers for the sick and dead LkYnLBB
flowers for the sick and dead ZWwYySL

Character sheet
Age: 37
Race: Wood Elf
Occupation: Traveler
“...and sometimes love isn’t enough.”
Asmodai is a hedonist at heart, he truly believes that pleasure and ecstasy can be a transcendental, spiritual experience. He’s very carnal. But he can also derive pleasure from things other than the flesh such as dance, music, wine, milk, and honey, singing, throwing yourself down in the grass and writhing in it. It's a shame really; that he is terribly selfish. And therefore doesn't really care about the people around him. Their feelings, opinions, and desires are something the man is completely uninterested in. He will pretend to care, though; and will listen calmly and with great interest to any feedback or criticism. But never take it to heart, of course. And he will discard it almost as quickly as it is said. The reason he pretends otherwise is to keep up appearances sure, it is expected of him after all to listen to what others have to say. But also because it is another manipulative tactic he uses. And often his willingness to listen is because he has a hidden agenda. Asmodai is more interested in somebody than their minds, and therefor he doesn't really care if others believe in the same god as him. He won't treat them any different. But if they express a wish to convert or learn more about the ordirian deities, then he will instruct them. He just doesn't force his faith on others. But that doesn't mean he himself isn't a firm believer. How can he not? There are signs their devine presence are all around, at least to him. And so far his faith has only helped him to get a head in life. So he has no reason to doubt. As stated before, the man is rather manipulative, and more or less sees people as tools. He can use, and discard. He is a true narcissist, this can also be seen in his vanity. He thinks himself as the most beautiful man on earth, who only deserves the best. But this egomaniac is very subtle in his ways. He tends to take on a laid-back attitude most of the time. He doesn’t always approach others as a lofty, intimidating, and moral superior priest. He is comfortable engaging with people on their terms, appearing as easygoing and friendly. All wrapped up in a bow, of gentle tranquility. Since Asmodai isn't a loud, or energetic person. He comes off as a little sleepy at times. Even during hectic or festive events, he participates; laughs and makes merry. But he never loses himself during this time, he will always holds his composure. Except; when he doesn't. He’s tough to anger, and he doesn’t punish unreasonably. But when you drive him over the edge the violent, chaotic, maddened savagery side he also has will show itself. The impulse to scream and tear and destroy. Frenzy. In this state, the man is capable of everything.

autumn is a doorway to grieving
Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:57 pm
IC Posts
High Priest of Xaila
Asmodai Zinyra
Asmodai Zinyra
flowers for the sick and dead Z4vTQk6
flowers for the sick and dead P2vd7oz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: High priest
Have faith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempus lorem leo, nec lacinia eros mollis vel. Mauris eleifend, est sodales porttitor fringilla, sem dui ultricies nibh, nec mollis enim tortor vel risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut sollicitudin ex et iaculis sagittis. Suspendisse est sem, volutpat quis est in, porttitor bibendum ligula. Maecenas elementum id tellus eget dictum. Aenean quis arcu molestie, porta massa nec, imperdiet risus. Proin eget imperdiet tortor. Nulla facilisis ipsum a vestibulum ultricies. Suspendisse turpis libero, malesuada sed velit quis, dapibus tempor mauris. Nulla at lacinia dui, et euismod nisl.

Sed a erat a nibh pretium volutpat in sit amet tellus. Vivamus eu vulputate tortor, sed efficitur dolor. Nunc lectus mi, dapibus at est et, luctus rhoncus nunc. Maecenas sagittis arcu et nisi accumsan malesuada. Proin pharetra ut metus gravida aliquam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla bibendum, nisl vitae facilisis tempor, metus urna vulputate felis, ut iaculis odio enim quis ipsum. Morbi mollis euismod purus eget elementum. Etiam pharetra, leo eu tempus malesuada, nibh sapien euismod arcu, at suscipit nunc nulla tincidunt enim. Aliquam porta molestie aliquam. Fusce quis commodo velit. In pellentesque odio et odio fermentum vestibulum. Maecenas a mi ipsum.
"The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but, to return, and view the cheerful skies; in this, the task and mighty labor lies"
Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:35 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
flowers for the sick and dead WSN0ewN
flowers for the sick and dead HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

heroes always get remembered

legends never die

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus id nulla eget odio vehicula pellentesque a vel velit. Phasellus in ex in leo pharetra hendrerit quis quis velit. Sed non nulla vitae enim accumsan tristique a ac purus. Sed in odio condimentum, tempor ligula ac, bibendum mi. Nam vehicula id eros lobortis accumsan. Integer porttitor lacinia malesuada. Mauris in bibendum est. Duis sed ipsum orci. Vivamus hendrerit eros sit amet est ornare, sed tristique diam sollicitudin. Nunc pellentesque nisl nibh, ac vulputate ligula molestie eu. Integer vel arcu sit amet eros accumsan laoreet. “Mauris consequat, nisl ac dignissim pretium, lorem arcu finibus tellus,” .

@ tag



Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:30 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
flowers for the sick and dead WSN0ewN
flowers for the sick and dead HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...


Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:39 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Gwendolyn Aerendyl
Gwendolyn Aerendyl
milf enthousiast
flowers for the sick and dead Q681wJJ
flowers for the sick and dead 5t9CGcw

Character sheet
Age: 35
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Librarian
The four seasons come and go I gave you my winter, I gave you my summer You were my whole world but I’m letting you go Did I really love you?
I gave you the world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel iaculis ante. Phasellus venenatis, ex et interdum pellentesque, sapien dui ullamcorper mi, et sagittis leo ligula quis mauris. Cras congue varius fermentum. Vestibulum id mauris feugiat, volutpat tellus sit amet, viverra arcu. Vivamus interdum mattis mi ut fringilla. Integer venenatis faucibus leo id feugiat. Nullam sed lorem vitae mi bibendum lacinia. Etiam ultrices odio odio, eu tempus lectus tempor vitae. Donec rhoncus neque lacus, sed viverra eros commodo sit amet. Donec laoreet eu metus et aliquam. Phasellus auctor ultricies dolor, quis egestas nunc. Mauris at mauris cursus, pellentesque enim eget, fringilla nulla.

Aliquam molestie finibus imperdiet. Vestibulum interdum tristique dui, nec aliquam nisi. Duis dapibus rhoncus nisl, quis aliquam leo dictum eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare turpis gravida mauris hendrerit, ac dictum purus tempor. Donec metus nunc, ullamcorper vel nunc scelerisque, tempor pellentesque neque. Vestibulum eu sollicitudin nisl. Vivamus ac tellus blandit, sodales eros a, dictum quam. Pellentesque ultrices vulputate lobortis. Sed non tincidunt erat. Sed ornare arcu et lorem porttitor, eget hendrerit eros semper. Nulla metus nunc, iaculis vel lorem vel, blandit dictum lectus. Nulla libero mauris, lobortis non nulla et, lacinia pulvinar turpis. Mauris nec nisl sed ante ultrices porttitor et a sem.

Suspendisse et elit eu lectus lobortis commodo sed a ligula. Maecenas in odio lobortis libero aliquet egestas. Curabitur pretium, tellus id accumsan pharetra, augue libero viverra tellus, quis semper risus mauris id nisl. Nam in fringilla lacus. Aenean ac sapien id nibh aliquet interdum. Donec a lacus consectetur, aliquet sapien at, condimentum massa. Aliquam ac dignissim leo. Ut fringilla quam eros. Morbi tellus nisi, tristique a rutrum non, sagittis id nulla. Etiam placerat leo in eleifend pellentesque. Nunc nec odio consectetur, efficitur augue dictum, blandit justo. Donec mattis, diam in vulputate congue, diam justo viverra justo, eget ultrices leo lorem id magna. Morbi faucibus vel sapien et malesuada. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed in suscipit felis. Aenean mattis euismod mattis.

Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:51 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ophelia Melinoë
Ophelia Melinoë
flowers for the sick and dead BYoUESc
flowers for the sick and dead 1sEHHGD

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Traveling musician
Can rest his weary bones The weight of the world All falls away
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus quis massa non rutrum. Nulla tristique vestibulum elit quis tristique. Quisque maximus fermentum molestie. Phasellus sed metus nec turpis elementum luctus. Aliquam risus nisl, molestie ac faucibus eu, sodales vel sapien. Ut ac sodales lorem, ac semper augue. Sed rhoncus, urna vel semper porta, ligula tortor aliquam mauris, faucibus fermentum lectus orci id mauris. Suspendisse placerat magna ac ligula gravida molestie. Integer et maximus nibh, ut egestas lectus. Cras et lacinia dolor, ut viverra dui. Donec sed nibh tincidunt, convallis arcu sit amet, feugiat nibh. Phasellus sit amet congue ex, eu eleifend felis. Sed id magna at nulla posuere gravida congue quis augue. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut pellentesque malesuada pellentesque.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla turpis ipsum, lobortis nec erat eget, hendrerit ornare diam. Aliquam egestas ullamcorper fringilla. Donec eros ligula, aliquam sit amet molestie convallis, vulputate et lacus. Ut at justo sed dui laoreet bibendum ac ut sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eros magna, accumsan nec felis in, tincidunt aliquet orci. Sed in neque fermentum, tempus lorem eu, fermentum ante. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris lacinia mi neque, id tincidunt diam volutpat ut. Vestibulum finibus viverra sapien. Aenean et mi a nulla euismod tristique nec ac quam. Sed eu facilisis elit. Maecenas quis nulla maximus, consequat ex vitae, gravida lectus.

Nulla orci justo, fringilla ac velit ut, lacinia pretium velit. Duis eleifend laoreet nulla, eget accumsan magna gravida a. Integer ut fringilla erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam mattis ligula urna. Proin rutrum quam nec velit pharetra, nec fermentum leo eleifend. Nunc vel justo luctus, lobortis justo vel, efficitur nisl. Curabitur consectetur, nisl eu consequat fermentum, lorem libero dictum metus, ac convallis lacus odio nec sapien. Pellentesque vel mauris ut mi sagittis dictum eu ut orci. Nam quis metus vitae ante iaculis sodales. Etiam sagittis quis nisl varius aliquet. Nunc sodales dapibus ex sit amet auctor. Donec in pellentesque justo, eu tristique ex. Suspendisse consequat sollicitudin velit. Mauris bibendum, ipsum quis molestie tempor, odio risus elementum nisi, vitae porta urna arcu eu orci.

Good riddance

To all the thieves
To all the fools that stifled me
They've come and gone
And passed me by
Good riddance
To all

Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
flowers for the sick and dead QZrZStW
flowers for the sick and dead 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @ someone POST HERE

There is only one thing we say to death: Not today.
Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:26 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Morgan Montague
Morgan Montague
niet sans
flowers for the sick and dead OqB89Df
flowers for the sick and dead WeWTwWl

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Noblewoman

Darlin' darlin'
doesn't have a problem lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top-shelf
— Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Mon amour
Tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie
Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:50 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Calypso Sythaeryn
Calypso Sythaeryn
flowers for the sick and dead EZ8RVbt
flowers for the sick and dead FZUucqU

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being the little sister xoxo
xoxox sheets zijn moeilijk

Calypso  ϟ  "she who conceals"
Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:21 pm
IC Posts
Avalon Citizen
Calypso Sythaeryn
Calypso Sythaeryn
flowers for the sick and dead EZ8RVbt
flowers for the sick and dead FZUucqU

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being the little sister xoxo
@someone You're such a strange girl Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw, toen een onbekende drukker een zethaak met letters nam en ze door elkaar husselde om een font-catalogus te maken. Het heeft niet alleen vijf eeuwen overleefd maar is ook, vrijwel onveranderd, overgenomen in elektronische letterzetting. Het is in de jaren '60 populair geworden met de introductie van Letraset vellen met Lorem Ipsum passages en meer recentelijk door desktop publishing software zoals Aldus PageMaker die versies van Lorem Ipsum bevatten.

Calypso  ϟ  "she who conceals"
Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:33 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Lionel Winter
Lionel Winter
flowers for the sick and dead Tiz0hA0
flowers for the sick and dead 5nzLram

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Vice admiral/National hero
With the tide
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pharetra, mi vitae commodo maximus, mi neque maximus diam, at malesuada est nibh nec nulla. Nam condimentum sit amet erat id fermentum. In eros quam, pellentesque ac faucibus in, accumsan eget odio. Nunc et tellus lobortis nulla aliquet aliquam eget eget arcu. Nam mollis lacus in vestibulum dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec velit vitae mi efficitur malesuada ut eu odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque tristique, quam vel aliquet venenatis, odio nulla aliquam leo, eu mattis nibh diam nec metus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec viverra ipsum non purus ullamcorper varius. Praesent gravida ullamcorper fringilla. Etiam porttitor lacus augue, vitae condimentum urna varius eu.
@[tagged person here]

“he loves the serene brutality of the ocean, loves the electric power he felt with each breath of wet, briny air.”

Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:29 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
flowers for the sick and dead KrjnXT9
flowers for the sick and dead Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui.

My dear girl my sweetheart
Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:13 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sylvar Aerendyl
Sansa stark
flowers for the sick and dead JFPPGto
flowers for the sick and dead Fw45sC4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being a shady man
We are slytherin
sons of venom, serpents of night.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras euismod posuere varius. Pellentesque viverra gravida turpis sodales semper. Phasellus non neque iaculis, imperdiet felis at, hendrerit sem. Nam euismod ipsum sagittis lobortis egestas. Morbi in viverra est, ut suscipit lacus. Nam vel libero eleifend, bibendum enim vel, tincidunt elit. Nulla commodo a neque et bibendum. Vestibulum sit amet velit turpis. Donec imperdiet ut lorem at molestie. Sed vestibulum vehicula libero, in bibendum quam ullamcorper feugiat.

In aliquam est vitae diam aliquet, tempus suscipit enim rutrum. Sed eu blandit ante, a semper odio. Praesent accumsan hendrerit nisi sed ultricies. Suspendisse hendrerit justo in viverra dapibus. Vivamus rhoncus id justo at efficitur. Nulla mattis convallis nulla, sit amet sollicitudin nunc posuere quis. Aliquam sapien ipsum, elementum vel quam quis, hendrerit gravida lacus. In vulputate consectetur ex accumsan iaculis. Suspendisse luctus, turpis eget pharetra bibendum, dolor lectus consequat nisi, eget vehicula dolor metus nec nisi. Cras id dictum leo, quis volutpat nunc. Sed faucibus augue et condimentum accumsan. Aenean elementum faucibus est, ut feugiat sapien dignissim nec.

Proin id condimentum nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse iaculis, odio sed hendrerit porta, lacus dui rutrum nulla, ut ornare augue massa eu metus. Maecenas risus magna, ultricies vitae eleifend id, facilisis id libero. Aenean venenatis neque non dolor consectetur tempor. Suspendisse non facilisis sem. Nunc aliquam odio ac semper efficitur. Integer at est enim. In lobortis rutrum diam, ultrices auctor sapien. Phasellus luctus eu orci vel semper. Proin sit amet lacus non arcu sodales elementum vitae non metus. Ut sed sem nec ex faucibus fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur tempor ac lacus eu gravida. Ut eu auctor nulla. Vestibulum id felis a lacus pulvinar ullamcorper.


Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Cyrene Aerendyl
Cyrene Aerendyl
flowers for the sick and dead ArP6M8Q
flowers for the sick and dead Fgw3ytR

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Noblewoman

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vulputate lobortis consectetur. Donec ullamcorper, lacus eu placerat mollis, nibh quam rhoncus lorem, sed interdum elit quam id orci. Nunc id lobortis leo. Duis luctus turpis id tellus feugiat pharetra. Suspendisse potenti. Donec id orci libero. Integer quis justo in felis dictum bibendum. Suspendisse sit amet laoreet lorem, in placerat tortor. Mauris eu dui nulla. Cras quam urna, vestibulum ac laoreet id, tincidunt nec felis. Nunc malesuada suscipit erat at volutpat. Mauris elementum cursus ipsum at posuere.

Sed sed interdum dolor, eu porttitor nisl. Ut auctor ultricies nisi non euismod. Ut quis augue ut purus egestas vulputate et sed nibh. Quisque ac faucibus nulla. Morbi vitae lorem non tortor consectetur fermentum feugiat blandit turpis. Phasellus velit massa, pellentesque sed sagittis sit amet, posuere sit amet libero. In porta dignissim justo, ut convallis massa sollicitudin a. Quisque porta sed enim rutrum consectetur.


the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines.
Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Leander Eldrin
Leander Eldrin
3x raden
flowers for the sick and dead 8TEW7kj
flowers for the sick and dead PYLpH4B

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: being a pretty boy
I know I haven't seen you lately,
but you're always on my mind.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras euismod posuere varius. Pellentesque viverra gravida turpis sodales semper. Phasellus non neque iaculis, imperdiet felis at, hendrerit sem. Nam euismod ipsum sagittis lobortis egestas. Morbi in viverra est, ut suscipit lacus. Nam vel libero eleifend, bibendum enim vel, tincidunt elit. Nulla commodo a neque et bibendum. Vestibulum sit amet velit turpis. Donec imperdiet ut lorem at molestie. Sed vestibulum vehicula libero, in bibendum quam ullamcorper feugiat.

In aliquam est vitae diam aliquet, tempus suscipit enim rutrum. Sed eu blandit ante, a semper odio. Praesent accumsan hendrerit nisi sed ultricies. Suspendisse hendrerit justo in viverra dapibus. Vivamus rhoncus id justo at efficitur. Nulla mattis convallis nulla, sit amet sollicitudin nunc posuere quis. Aliquam sapien ipsum, elementum vel quam quis, hendrerit gravida lacus. In vulputate consectetur ex accumsan iaculis. Suspendisse luctus, turpis eget pharetra bibendum, dolor lectus consequat nisi, eget vehicula dolor metus nec nisi. Cras id dictum leo, quis volutpat nunc. Sed faucibus augue et condimentum accumsan. Aenean elementum faucibus est, ut feugiat sapien dignissim nec.

Proin id condimentum nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse iaculis, odio sed hendrerit porta, lacus dui rutrum nulla, ut ornare augue massa eu metus. Maecenas risus magna, ultricies vitae eleifend id, facilisis id libero. Aenean venenatis neque non dolor consectetur tempor. Suspendisse non facilisis sem. Nunc aliquam odio ac semper efficitur. Integer at est enim. In lobortis rutrum diam, ultrices auctor sapien. Phasellus luctus eu orci vel semper. Proin sit amet lacus non arcu sodales elementum vitae non metus. Ut sed sem nec ex faucibus fermentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur tempor ac lacus eu gravida. Ut eu auctor nulla. Vestibulum id felis a lacus pulvinar ullamcorper.


Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:06 am
IC Posts
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