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Xaila - Nephthys Daetrys (Princess of Xaila)
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Princess of Xaila
Nephthys Daetrys
Nephthys Daetrys
Xaila - Nephthys Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) 385cyPI
Xaila - Nephthys Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) En0ePpm

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess

Nephthys Daetrys
She was trouble, chaos really, but her smile dared me to fall in love with her
Gender Female
Age 26 Years
Species Sun Elf
Magic  Sun Magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Princess
P.O.B Al-Qahil
Residence Al-Qahil
Faceclaim Zendaya
Build Slim
Height 178cm
Skin tone Almond
Hair color Dark Brown
Hair Texture Wavy & Curly
Eye Color Brown


Nephthys is a breathtakingly beautiful sun elf. She is considerably tall and has a slim built, and also doesn't easily put on muscle. She has a heart-shaped face with a sharp jaw and almond-shaped brown eyes. Her brown hair falls far over her shoulder and is meant to signify her intelligence (the longer the braids, the smarter the person). It is often decorated with several intricate braids that are filled with gems.  

Impressions & Attitude

When Nephthys  walks into a room, one knows she's there. She walks with an air of grace that made her seem like she was gliding when she was walking, and her very presence seemed to emanate a sunlike glow. Her beauty usually dimmed everyone else by comparison and, moreover, so does her quick wit. It is no secret that she is royalty and she can behave with a slightly haughty attitude. Nephthys  has a pleasant voice to listen to and loves to sing.


Nephthys is by all means a girly princess. She adores beautiful things: dresses made of the finest silk, jewelry that catches the light perfectly and vibrant colours. A Xailan princess dresses in shades of red, orange, yellow and gold. While Nephthys  does love these colours, and dresses in them occasionally, she also loves to be conroversial and bold. Her wardrobe consists of Xaila's traditional colours combined with shades of green, blue and purple. She also loves to wear both gold and silver jewelry. Her garments are made from the most luxurious fabrics and made to withstand the hot temperatures of her homeland. She isn't afraid to show some skin.When travelling her garments become more practical and are usually in neutral shades.
Constellation The Black Widow
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Traits charismatic - energetic - daring - courageous - passionate - dynamic
Traits clever - quick-witted -determined - unfocused - argumentative - rebellious

Quick-witted and audacious, Nephthys isn’t afraid to disagree with the status quo.  In fact, she’s not afraid to disagree with pretty much anything or anyone. Few things light her up more than a bit of verbal sparring – and if the conversation veers into controversial terrain, so much the better. Quick-thinking, she has a tremendously flexible mind, and is able to shift from idea to idea without effort.

It would be a mistake, though, to think of Nephthys as disagreeable or mean-spirited. Instead, she is knowledgeable and curious, with a playful sense of humor, and she can be incredibly entertaining. She simply has an offbeat, contrarian idea of fun. Nephthys is known for her rebellious streak. No rule is too important to be broken, or at least thoroughly tested. Sometimes she even rebels against her own beliefs by arguing the opposing viewpoint – just to see how the world looks from the other side.

While her capacity for debate is legendary, it doesn’t mean that it’s always helpful. Not every occasion calls for her default contrarianism. As a result, Nephthys often finds that her quarrelsome fun burns many bridges, often inadvertently. Unless she cultivates a bit of sensitivity, she may struggle to maintain deeper relationships.

Skills astronomy - sun magic - rhetoric - philosophy - stealth - navigation  
Unskilled at too argumentative - following rules - focus - cooking - organization 
Hobbies adventure - dancing - singing - magic - debate - breaking rules

Family Tree


Grandfather Zahair Daetrys †
Grandmother Nemiah Daetrys †

Aunts, Uncles & cousins

Uncle Atlas Daetrys
Aunt Sahirah Daetrys
Cousin (Sahirah x Atlas) Briseis

Parents & Siblings

Father Nasim Daetrys †
Mother Radhja Daetrys
Siblings Nymeria, [brother], Phaedra, Persephone, Xahena
Niblings (Nymeria x Takoda) Astrelia, Nasim II 

Nephthys adores her family. She was always closest to her father and his loss took a big toll on her otherwise energetic demeanor. She gets along with her mother fine, but the two are known to get into frequent arguments. After all, Nephthys isn't exactly the perfectly traditional princess her mother wants her to be. Yet the woman seems to regocnize herself in her daughter, especially in her quick wit, perhaps that's why the Queen gives her daughter a 'pass' every now and then. That, or she appreciates the verbal prowess of Nephthys. As of now, they have a good relationship. Her siblings are the light of her life. Xahena and her get along great because of their rebellious streak, and have always been the definition of double trouble.
Magic type Sun Magic
Expertise Light Manipulation

Nephthys’s sun magic exists of light manipulation or Lumokinesis. This means that she can create, shape and manipulate visible light. When channeling a lot of energy into her magic, her eyes are known to glow involuntarily in golden hues.

Some techniques Nephthys uses include:
  • Light energy manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate light energy.  It can be channeled to a variety of effects, such as an absence of darkness. Another way to use it is for light energy attacks.
  • Rainbow manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate rainbows. This is done by both reflection and refraction of light in water droplets in the atmosphere.
  • Blindness inducement: She can induce temporary blindness in other beings and greatly hinder opponents by taking away one of their most important sensory abilities.

While Nephthys trains, a lot, she is still far from being a master bender. Right now she is on a proficient level, but still has a long way to go. There are also several parts of her magic that remain undiscovered. Not yet trained/mastered/discovered:
  • Light weaponry: She can create or wield weaponry with power over light. She can also infuse objects (usually weapons) with light energy, empowering and energizing them. (not yet mastered)
  • Holographic manipulation: She can create, shape and manipulate holograms which are composed of light. As such, they normally are based on sight , but normally have no effect to other senses or true physical presence. It is also not an illusion, as it is made up purely of light. (just started training)
  • Light energy growth: As light energy is the antithesis of dark energy it can be used to promote growth. (not yet trained)
  • Light travel: She can teleport via light/photons, merging with or transforming into light and appearing anywhere else from the same element. (undiscovered, master level)

Like every magic user, Nephthys’s magic has its limitations. Like most magic, hers is closest to its source. When travelling outside of Xaila, she may find it harder to conjure light. Her magic is also strongest during the day. Sun magic is unpredictable and Nephthys might find it hard to control her magic when she is in an emotionally vulnerable state. Because her magic is so focused on Lumokinesis, Nephthys is not able to shape and manipulate fire. She can, however, heat up her cup of tea.
Birthdate & Place 13th of the Snow Moon 1425, Al-Qahil


Princess Nephthys Amunet Nailah Daetrys was born as the third child of the King and Queen Radhja of Xaila. She grew up in the palace of Al-Qahil together with her father, her mother and her brothers and sisters. As the third child of the King and Queen, she wasn't directly in line for the throne, but maybe she would be the spare. This manifested a great fear in Nephthys. She didn't want to be queen, she never had. So her audacious personality started to develop. She wasn't your typical princess, she was curious, opinionated and bold. Not as strong as fire, but just as free.

Nephthys wasn't what one would call an easy child. She didn't listen, and moreover, she liked to talk back to her tutors. She still learned a great deal from them but she loved to question their beliefs and ideals. The little sun elf hated anything to do with politics and history wasn't her cup of tea either. She strayed from the first and mastered the second.. eventually. She did thoroughly enjoy rhetoric, debate and astronomy. But what she loved most of all was practising her magic. Rather than making flames dance she could make light bend to her will. This only further manifested her contrarian ideas and beliefs: not everything had to be according to tradition, different was good.


As the days went by, the sun princess grew more bold and more beautiful. Nights were spent sneaking out of the palace, together with her youngest sister, and exploring the town. They painted it red, much to the dismay of their mother and the chuckles of their father. Nephthys was smart enough to read the rules before she broke them, always walking on the edge of what was right and wrong. And should she face the wrath and sharp tongue of her mother, she could usually argue her way out of it. Her life was easy, but easy was boring.

Her first trip to Lemuria changed her life for the better. She adored exploring a new land under the premise of 'forming a bridge between two countries', as her father put it. During her journey through the aquatic land she came across her first true love. A moon elf and thus, off-limits. But anything controversial, escandalo, was just her cup of tea. Their love was heated, rushed and by no means right. But it did feel like that. When she had to return to Xaila she bade goodbye to the man who had been her entire life for moons. It was suprisingly easy, so maybe it really was just a fling. Who would have thought.


As soon as Nephthys turned eightteen she would have to prove herself to not only her entire family, but her entire country. Two siblings had gone before her and now it was her turn. She drew the straw painted in orange, meaning that she would be faced with a young mountain lion. It was by no means the most dangerous predator, yet it was one suited to her. It was what Xeion had decided, after all. Armed with only her dual daggers, Nephthys felt like she had lost all of her confidence for the first time in her life. She dodged the first few attacks of the beast and started to believe all was lost. It truly was faith, however, because Xeion had armed her with something far greater than weapons: her magic. At the last moment the sun elf was able to blind the mountain lion with a blast of light. Something clicked in her head and she was able to take away the beast's vision all-together. Without it's most important sense, the beast stood no chance against her. In the only truly traditional act Nephthys had ever performed she proved herself to her family. Maybe they would stay off her case now.

A force of light, Nephthys had always glided through life without much trouble. Against all odds, her world came to a standstil when her father died only moons ago. She did not anticipate it, nor did she know how to react. For the first time in her life she did not argue with her mother or her decisions. She did not surprise guests with her quick wit and she did not train with her sister. By all means her world was filled with darkness. The first spark of hope came to her in a dream, where she believes to have been visited by her father. Or was it Xeion himself? It did not matter. She was told to just turn on her light, as it would guide her to happiness in the darkest of times.


The princess learned how to deal with her grief and shone all the more brighter for it. She has been living in Xaila all this time and is often sent to Lemuria as a good omen for the two neighbours. Perhaps she actually does some good that way, or her mother just likes having her out of the way and out of her mind. That way, Nephthys can't constantly argue with her. Nephthys doesn't really mind, at least she is free.
Fav. colour Light Blue
Fav. season Sunpeak
fav. drink Fire Whisky
Fav. food Anything spicy
Fav. animal Phoenix
Fav. flower Marigold

✹ Owns a white mare called Aella [click].
✹ Nephthys has always wanted to travel to Avalon, but has never been allowed to. She has been to Lemuria many times though.
✹ Anything labeled as 'controversial' thoroughly intrigues her.
✹ She isn't particularly strong but very stealthy. This makes her fighting style a combination of delivering quick and sharp blows and dodging attacks.
✹ She wields dual daggers.
✹ Nephthys isn't the type to get her hands dirty, but proves to be very efficient when fighting.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 9:02 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Xaila - Nephthys Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) XuTWurPc_o
Xaila - Nephthys Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:32 pm
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