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Lemuria - Vincent Greywell (Lemurian Council)
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Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
Lemuria - Vincent Greywell (Lemurian Council) QNxT0fR
Lemuria - Vincent Greywell (Lemurian Council) 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)

Vincent Ulysses Greywell III
A cold flame is a flame none the less.
Gender Male
Age 70
Species Mage
Magic Sun Magic
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Council member
P.O.B Moonbright
Residence Moonbright
Height 1.85m
Build Fit
Hair color Grey-blonde
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Pale


Vincent is a fitter older man than most, but his age still shows. He is a proud elder general that stands straight with piercing blue eyes. His scars from previous battles and military campaigns are often hidden by the now more prominent liver spots that started to show due to his age. His cold demeanor towards others is exemplified by his outward appearance and body language. He is often seen with swept back hair and military regalia in one form or another. If he is not wearing armor, he is wearing fine noblemen clothes that seem modest or even dreary. His cold eyes and sharp facial features make him seem as stern as he actually is.
Constellation The Ruler
Alignment Lawful Neutral

Vincent is a cold man, calculating and ruthless. Despite this, he is as lawful and strict as he is headstrong. Vincent would rather die fighting than back down, but he will not engage in a fight if he cannot ensure victory. He is a strategist in and outside of battle. His stern and dismissive demeanor has made him an excellent military commander, but a poor father and husband.
He is distant and calm, but it is mostly a façade. He is a fierce fighter and efficient warrior that burns brightly on the battlefield, which is betrayed by his proficiency in both sun magic and swordsmanship.
He is a cold and calculating opponent that will burn all in his path if they endanger his beloved realm. He now serves the realm as its stern and cold protector, enforcing the law and leading the army with cruel efficiency. Any move made to further the realm is justified.
Vincent is a stern old soldier that has served the realm long before is became a council-led government. Being a fierce monarchist and patriot, Vincent painfully looked on as the kingdom became a council-led alliance. He has always been loyal to the royal house and still is, but he did feel in his heart of hearts that abducting the throne was a great mistake. He believes that leaving the kingdom in the hands of a ruling council could put it in danger of infighting and weakness. His family had bled and fought for the kingdom during the loss of Glimmerhollow. They were unprepared for war then, Vincent wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Both as a member of the council and general of the realm, he will ensure that the Lemurian Alliance remains strong and its armies ready. If the old crown-prince would no longer be the backbone of the realm, someone has to be.
Family Tree


Father Flynn Henry Greywell II †
Mother Theodora Lemoore-Greywell †


Brother Henry Maximus Greywell I †
Sister Keyla Lynda Greywell II


SonJames Flint
Son Maximus Flynn Greywell I
Magic type Sun Magic
Expertise Pyromancy

Vincent is a battle-mage, a combat oriented pyromancer. He is a very basic combatant, focusing more on the basics of pyromancy and swordsmanship. His devotion to the basics has made him an expert in applying the basics of fire manipulation to close-quarter combat, making his fire more of a scalpel than a raging inferno. His fire manipulation and creation is precise and focused, allowing for swift and limited jabs of flame to overwhelm an opponent by systematically targeting gaps in their defense.
He is proficient utilizing in his sun magic, but tends to refine the basics and not implement them uniquely. He makes up for his lack of creative application by relying on his swordsmanship as a safeguard for his limited magical prowess. However, in recent years his age has started to effect is swordsmanship significantly.
Born Vincent Ulysses Greywell III, named so after his grandfather whom died young defending Glimmerhollow from the scourge of Ashmoor. Their family had been nobles then, but they had fled an-mass when Ashmoor assaulted the city. Their family had always been soldiers, serving the kingdom with zeal and defending their home with pride. Many of the Greywell family were slain during the siege and those that escaped made way for Moonbright. Having lost much of their wealth which flowed from the mines of Glimmerhollow, the Greywell family leaned into their military prowess and every family member since has made a career in the military. Each member of the Greywell family made it their mission to protect the realm from invaders like Ashmoor and similar threats.
Vincent’s youth as a lesser noble with dwindling wealth wasn’t as harsh as one could imagine, with his still living in relative luxury. However, the militant nature of his family did ensure that he had a frayed relationship with both his father and elder brother. He was very close with his younger sister, however, but those younger days never last.
Once he was a young man, he had already been trained in the art of war and his father ensured that his swordsmanship was next to perfect. In order to make Vincent a powerful warrior, his father sent him away to study sun magic in Al-Qahil. There he blossomed into a proud man that balanced power and pride. It was there that he met the love of his life, Myriam Rainy, a low class woman. Their love burned warm through the cold nights that the desert could bring. He was her knight in shining armor and she was his princess, but like many things such bliss could not last. Another suiter vied for her hand and challenged Vincent to a duel. It would be the last mistake that man would make. Little did Vincent know, but that man was noble born and his family vowed to avenge his death. Vincent fled Al-Quahil with Myriam, eloping together before returning to Moonbright. Due to this, Vincent was never able to refine his magical prowess to the point it could have btu it did not matter as he entered military service as soon as he returned.
The years that followed were the best years of his life. He quickly climbed the ranks as he and Myriam carved out a life for themselves in Moonbright. Being an excellent military tactician and a noble, Vincent was quickly able to become a high ranking military officer. His family had always served the royal family dutifully and Vincent was no different. When he was away on a military campaign against a den of pirates, disaster stuck. Myriam had gotten into an accident back home and died. Vincent rushed home only to find his family mourning with him. She did not suffer, but Vincent would for ever remember that the warmth left his heart that day.
Not long after that, his family arranged for him to be remarried. Into a family of higher standing. Despite his misgivings, Vincent knew that this was the only way his family could become prominent again. His marriage with his new wife, Skyla Grymwood IV, was rocky from the start. A marriage of convenience, the two of them rarely spoke or grew closer. She was as bitter and cruel as he was distant and cold. She never liked him but knew that both their family stood to gain from their marriage. The only meaning she brought into Vincent’s life were his two sons. During this time in his life, Vincent fully devoted himself to his work and became a general in due time.
Like history repeating itself, Vincent was cold and distant father. He drilled his two sons into shape and forced them to spar with the greatest weapon masters money could buy. His lessons were cruel and left his sons battered and bruised. Despite this, he never lift a finger to harm them. He was cold and calculating, only showing disappointment when the two would fail in his eyes. If the Greywell family were to become the very shield that defended the realm, they needed to be strong. Similar to his father, he sent his boys away to learn magic once they were able to show the smallest proficiency in magic. He became a worse father than his own was to him, he felt he had to be. The realm would need the Greywell family in due time, it would not fall like their ancestral home of Glimmerhollow did so long ago.
In his older years, his youngest son showed himself to be the greatest disappointment. He disowned him as it became clear he could not further the family line. There was no use for a promiscuous gay son in a noble house or the navy. Flynn Henry Greywell III would never more be member of the family. It was the choice that Vincent regretted most in his long life, often wondering where his son disappeared to.
Despite his younger son’s failings, his eldest son became a great soldier. However, due to his past with Vincent the two never became close. This connection would become even more strained when Vincent’s wife proved unfaithful. It had been a long time coming, but the dissolving of their marriage still had some fallout. The Greywell family had become quite wealthy in the meantime but luckily so did his ex-wife’s family, meaning there were few reparations. His son’s military career soon sent him away to the border fortresses, leaving Vincent alone in the capitol.
As an elder high-general from a now prominent family, Vincent was kept busy in the capitol. He became an important military advisor for the royal family. When the crown-prince abdicated the throne, the patriotic Vincent had smiles while clenching his fist in rage behind his back to the point he drew blood. The Greywell family were monarchist, loyal to the crown and to the kingdom. Despite Vincent’s misgivings on the government changing to a council ruled system, he would try to get himself appointed to this council. It was the Greywell’s duty that made them prominent after all, if the royal family would no longer serve as the protectors of the realm then the Greywell family would step up.
He sent for his son to return to the capitol after his decade long station at the border, setting him up as a prominent military officer in the capitol. This would ensure that the guards of the city were loyal to himself as well and ensuring he wouldn’t be stabbed in the back. Additionally, this set his son up as a great successor for the Greywell family’s dealings within Moonbright. As head of the family, Vincent would integrate himself into politics and make a claim for a seat on the council. Someone had to serve as the nation’s military lord and commander… And keep the young upstarts in check before they destroyed the land that his family worked their whole lives to protect.
Vincent is regarded as an expert swordsman, but his age greatly diminishes his prowess. He is also a proficient pyromancer that polished the basics into a workable close-range fighting style. He enjoys spicy food and warm weather. He disowned his youngest son and often wonders where he wound up. His eldest son serves as a high ranking military officer in the city and serves to shield his father from political foes. Vincent is a cold-hearted protector of the realm and, ironically for a council member, is a staunch monarchist.
Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:05 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Lemuria - Vincent Greywell (Lemurian Council) XuTWurPc_o
Lemuria - Vincent Greywell (Lemurian Council) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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