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Lemuria - Vasilisa Aerendyl (Lemurian Council)
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Lemurian Council
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Vasilisa Aerendyl
Lemuria - Vasilisa Aerendyl (Lemurian Council) FryYapa
Lemuria - Vasilisa Aerendyl (Lemurian Council) F3cc5b2f8c941a91823d9f2dbc5cbdc2ecdc6aa8

Character sheet
Age: 25 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Council Member

Vasilisa Aerendyl
and the stars blinked as they watched her carefully, jealous of her shine
Gender Female
Age 24 years
Species Moon Elf
Magic Moon Magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Council Member
P.O.B Silvercrest
Residence Moonbright
Faceclaim Emilia Clarke
Build Slim, Feminine
Height 157cm
Skin tone Fair
Hair color White
Hair Texture Wavy
Eye Color Blue/Brown


Often described as ethereal and angelic, Vasilisa is a captivating and beautiful young woman. Most notable is her almost white hair, which looks truly white when in the sun. Her hair is wavy and falls far over her shoulders. She has a soft face with a pair of piercing eyes. Which colour they are, nobody knows. She has heterochromatic eyes, both blue and brown, even with a few specks of green throughout. Like other moon elves, she has a set of pointy ears.

Impressions & Attitude

She stands only at 157 cm, making her quite short. It is the only part of her that doesn’t seem moon-elf like. Vasilisa speaks with great passion and conviction, especially when standing up for her ideals. At other times, however, she often chooses to be soft-spoken and understated, preferring to keep the peace rather than challenge others.


When first looking at her, it is undeniable that she is a noble woman. She dresses in the finest robes that are often very well made and perfectly signify her status in the world. The clothes she wears are in mild hues of blue and purple and she dislikes wearing bright colours. Her jewelry is mostly silver and she has an affinity for stars. Her hair, which is arguably her most unique feature, is always done and with several braids in it. The more formal the occasion, the more braids.
Vasilisa often wears gloves. While some think it is because she's a noblewoman, it's actually to hide the scars in her palms. She digs her nails in them as a relief for mental pain from her healing magic and to keep her focused.
Constellation The Empress
Alignment Lawful Good
Traitskind - compassionate - selfless - empathetic - principled - altruistic
Traitspatient - idealistic - intelligent - overly critical - reserved - sensitive

Vasilisa is a very friendly, kind and compassionate young woman. She has a good heart and usually tries to reach out. Whilst she is reserved herself, the way she communicates is warm and friendly. Seeing anyone in pain troubles her greatly, especially when it's people she cares about. She's a heavy believer in the Odirian Deities and believes in doing right by them. Even though she's quite idealistic, she's not an idle dreamer.

Extremely skilled in social interactions, she was often a highlight of the Silvercrest social crowd with her natural charisma. Yet it tired her out because it involved too many head games. She's an introvert at heart and every now and then needs some time alone to decompress, recharge, and process her thoughts and feelings. In her mind it is best to carefully think out a plan before action. She greatly enjoys studying and often excelled at subjects.

Despite her strength, Vasilisa can be quite fragile at times, mostly due to the negative effects her healing magic has on her mind. Whilst she is still only intermediately experienced in it, she always feels a great need to help the wounded, be it a human or an animal. If she practices too much she can experience such emotional turmoil that she searches for an outlet for the mental pain. She's very susceptible to addiction and often forgets to take care of herself. Even though her father made her vow not to practise as much as she used to and take the opportunity to rest, she continues to study her magic in the hopes of helping people.

Skills healing - astronomy - socialization - gaining trust - research
Unskilled atprone to burnout & depression - mental selfcare - self-defense - sewing
Hobbies cloud-watching - astronomy - reading - taking strolls

Family Tree


Great-grandfather Valandil Aerendyl †
Great-grandmother Anaïre Aerendyl †

Other Aerendyls

Granduncle Lysandil Aerendyl
Grandaunt Iminyë Aerendyl
First Cousin OR Galathil Aerendyl
Second Cousin (Galathil x Ingwë Aerendyl) Sylvar Aerendyl
First Cousin OR Arwyn Aerendyl
Second Cousin (Arwyn x Fëanor Eldrin) Liliandil Eldrin
First Cousin OR Vanemor Aerendyl
Second Cousin (Vanemor x Aradi Xineli †) Inana Aerendyl †, Cyrene Aerendyl

Granduncle Idril Aerendyl †
Grandaunt Eärwyn Aerendyl †
First Cousin OR Finwë Aerendyl †
Second Cousin (Finwë x Lúthrien Fenrora) Elenwë Fenrora


Grandfather Oropher Aerendyl †
Grandmother Delphine Aerendyl

Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

Uncles & Aunts Evandyr Aerendyl, Cassiel Aerendyl †, Gwendolyn Aerendyl
Cousins (Evandyr x Lyrassia Shae-Aerendyl †) Ceres, Meleys, Rhydian, Rhiannon
Cousin (Cassiel † x Amarië Aerendyl †) Balaemor Aerendyl
Cousin (Gwendolyn x Ailmon Wynmoira †) Luvon Wynmoira †

Parents & Siblings & Niblings

Father Andreas Aerendyl
Mother Saelwyn Aerendyl
Siblings Elros, Castor, Lysanthir, Silas, Anaïre
Nephews & Nieces (Elros x Lavinia †) Andreas II (10), Orophin (6), Delfyne (2)

The noble and most ancient Aerendyl family is one of the oldest and wealthiest moon elf families in Odiria and place great importance on their supremacy over other creatures such as humans and mages. Though the family is inclined to blood-purity, they are unwilling to practice inbreeding and accept marrying half-bloods.

Vasilisa’s relationship with her family is complicated. On the one hand, she adores them. On the other end, she doesn’t fully agree with their traditional views. She wants nothing more than to see her family members happy and for them to have a good future. Her father is someone she greatly respects, and she'll forever be his little precious girl. She is particularly close to her mother, who she takes after physically as well. Lissa's kind nature is something she got from her mother.

Magic type Moon Magic
Expertise (Proficient) Healing
Expertise (Cimpetent) Waterbending

Vasilisa is a descendant of a powerful line of moon elves. Like the rest of her family, she too was blessed with moon magic. Even though she displayed an early affiniation for it, it took her a while to find her area of expertise, or rather, areas. Early on in her training, it became clear Vasilisa would never become a true expert waterbender the way her father was. Yet she displayed a much greater gift for healing. The more she practices her healing, the better she gets. The only downside is that it decreases her waterbending abilities. As of right now her healing is better than her waterbending.

As a waterbender, Vasilisa is able to shape and manipulate water. She is able to move it around and change it from one state to the other. She has learned how to move larger bodies of water but this takes more focus. With some effort she can create ice and snow, as well as make water boil.

She has an exceptional affinity for healing, much greater than that for waterbending. She can cure damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones and restore vitality. The greater the wound, the greater the effort needed by Lissa. The patient must be alive though, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed. Using too much takes not only a physical but a mental toll on her. Her sensitivity makes her want to use her powers when she sees something hurt or killed. Using too much of her healing powers can lead to a decay into insanity. Ways to numb the darkness that comes with her healing magic include drinking or other substances, yet Lissa doesn’t indulge in these. Having a soulmate to share her darkness with could also greatly help, but she hasn’t found him/her yet.

Birthdate & Place 30th of the Mead Moon 1428, Silvercrest


For more information about the most noble and ancient Aerendyl family, see the application of Governor Andreas Aerendyl [click]:


Vasilisa Rhaella Aerendyl was born into the Aerendyl family. Her father Andreas Aerendyl is the current Governor of Silvercrest. Aside from being an expert waterbender, he’s a well-known warrior with his infamous longsword. Andreas is strict and noble, just like his forefathers. By the people of Silvercrest he is known as a respected and fair ruler. Her mother Saelwyn Aerendyl has a softer nature and personality, but is just as strict on their family’s views as Andreas is. Saelwyn has the divine talent of casting illusions. Both Vasilisa’s parents are moon elves. She was blessed with several siblings as well.

She was raised by strict parents, never having anything to complain about. She is spoiled, surely, but who can blame her with such a family? The young girl was a beauty, which guaranteed she would one day capture the hearts of many. The girl received the best possible education in all of Odiria and it became clear she adored studying. She excelled in many subjects, most notably: history, politics and astronomy. She's also a very proficient equestrian. She showed an affinity for magic from a young age but it took her longer to find her expertise.


When Vasilisa found out she possessed the gift of waterbending she was overjoyed. Training started when she was fifteen, under her father himself. It soon became clear however that she would never become as proficient as he was, no matter how hard she tried. She desperately trained and trained, feeling as if she had failed him.
When she was sixteen she spotted a fallen bird with a broken wing. The girl slowly took it in her hands and suddenly, the bird flew away as if nothing had even been wrong. Incidents like these occurred after these but Lissa kept them to herself, thinking she must have some affinity for healing as well, yet it surely wouldn’t be anything great.


At age nineteen, something irregular occured. Andreas returned from a battle on the borders of Lemuria greatly wounded. The young elf willed her father to be better as she sat by his bedside as she put her hands on him. Suddenly, her father awoke and the wound in his chest was nothing more than a scar. It became clear that Vasilisa had found her second expertise and at that, the much greater one.

“Vladimir did great things. He was adored by many, and was said to be able to make plants bloom when he walked past. He was said to bring back those he loved from the brink of death with just a touch of his hand.”

He did great things- so could she.

When Lissa found her second expertise, her parents were overjoyed. Great were the tales of the Aerendyls with healing magic. The greatest were those of the founder of their family: Vladimir Aerendyl. He was said to have been one of the greatest healers of all time, if not the greatest -in his family’s words he surely was-. Vasilisa started her training in healing, which had the focus over her waterbending. After all, she had shown great capability in it.

The older she became, the more painful practicing her healing abilities became, oftentimes resulting in migraine or headaches. As a very sensitive person, emotions of both herself and others played a big role in her magic. She became obsessed with learning more about her gift, so much so that it became unhealthy. She wanted to help the world with what she could do and would overuse her magic in order to become better. Seeing others in pain would serve as both her greatest strength and her greatest downfall.

Her parents noticed this, beginning to worry for their darling daughter. Vasilisa started to look for an outlet for the pain she experienced during her training. And whilst she hated the pain, Lissa still saw her gift as exactly that: a way to help others. Even though she hid this well, her parents were too afraid she wouldn't be able to reach her full potential if she continued like this. Her father forbade his daughter to study magic by herself when she was twenty-one in order to save her from herself. After all, the great Vladimir was said to have episodes as dark as Lissa’s too. A decay into madness was an easy path to get lost on.


At age twenty-four, a tragedy struck the family. Vasilisa’s uncle, Cassiel Aerendyl, died of old age. Having worked in the Lemurian Council to the new King, as well as the Council to the old King, he was considered a wise and vital man to the realm. As was tradition, a new member of the council would be provided by the Aerendyl family. While Andreas wasn’t particularly fond of what the new King Ezrael had done by demoting the monarchy, he was still eager to keep in his good graces. Vasilisa was quickly picked by her father, who saw it as a way to give his daughter a purpose. And a safe purpose at that.

Vasilisa travelled to Moonbright to take her family’s place in the council and to advise the former prince. Vasilisa's uncle held the position of Chancellor. The Chancellor is a diplomat who handles domestic affairs, as well as those with regard to the other kingdoms. A Chancellor is often the one to help the Head of the Council with the decisions that have to be made. The position entails representing the Head of the Council and overseeing the city. It is allowed to make decisions if the former prince is absent, but mostly has to make sure everything goes well until Ezriel is back. Lissa was rather nervous to take on this position but with the notable encouragement of her father, she followed in her uncle's footsteps.

Little does she know these aren’t the only plans her family has for her future..
Fav. colour Azure Blue
Fav. season Frostcrown
fav. drink White Wine
Fav. food Crab Cakes
Fav. animal Snowy Owl
Fav. flower Tone Blue Violets

✶ Is often called 'Lissa' by family and friends
✶ Adores animals of all kinds
Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:32 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Lemuria - Vasilisa Aerendyl (Lemurian Council) XuTWurPc_o
Lemuria - Vasilisa Aerendyl (Lemurian Council) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

Welcome to Odiria!
Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:42 pm
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