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Lemuria - Ezriel Elaéydar (Head of the Lemurian Council)
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Head of the Lemurian Council
Ezriel Elaéydar
Ezriel Elaéydar
Lemuria - Ezriel Elaéydar (Head of the Lemurian Council) US9JF1to_o
Lemuria - Ezriel Elaéydar (Head of the Lemurian Council) Ez10

Character sheet
Age: 26 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Council Head

Ezriel Elaéydar
but in all chaos, there is calculation
Gender Male
Age 26 y/o
Species Lycanthrope
Magic None
Religion Odirian deities
Occupation Council head
P.O.B Lemuria
Residence Moonbright
Height 179cm
Build Average
Hair color Black
Hair texture Wavy
eye color Brown
skin tone Fair


Always having to look representative, Ezriel dresses mostly within the colors of Lemuria. Blue or teal cloaks or tunics, decorated with silver details. His clothing is often layered, wearing white or ivory coloured blouses underneath the top layer, often paired with a pair of either dark or light colored trousers, depending on the rest of this clothing.
Constellation The Hunter
Alignment Chaotic Good

Ezriel is a quiet young man, generally not speaking unless needed. His great sense of justice is driven by is human genetics, wanting to make Lemuria the first kingdom in which species plays no role within someone's prestige. He takes his new role as council head very seriously, which makes some people think of him as arrogant. Under this mask, however, hides an anxious young man. Terrified of his secret coming out, and going into the history books as the banished and cursed Lemurian crown prince.  
Family Tree


father Alastor Elaéydar
mother Helena Elaéydar


Sister ??? Elaéydar
Sister??? Elaéydar


Aunts & Uncles ???
Cousins ???

The crown prince

Born the eldest son of Alastor en Helena, Ezriel Elaéydar had his fate written out for him from the second his lungs breathed in air for the first time. This newborn baby with raven black hair would one day rule over Lemuria. He didn't inherit is father moon elf genetics, which was clear from the start. With his jet black hair and human ears he definitely took after his mother, the moon mage Helena. With Lemuria's progression towards social equality between humans and elves, his father didn't think much about it. He was honored to have a son that took after his wife.

Ezriel grew up as an average crown prince, receiving two little sisters during his childhood years. At the age of six, when his second sister was born, Helena didn't make it through her daughter's birth. Her third pregnancy was a heavy one, and so was the birthing of her third child. While the handmaiden of the castle, a moon mage with an expertise in healing, tried her best at healing Lemuria's Queen, nothing could save her. The family was left behind with the greatest grief one could imagine. When the news rapidly spread throughout the kingdom, all of Lemuria mourned with them.

After this event, it became a lot more quiet within Lythrania's castle walls. Halls once filled with laughter and kids chasing after illusional rabbits that their mother would cast for them, where now empty. The care of the royal children laid within the hands of the handmaidens, barely seeing their father anymore. His once loving father started turning more cold towards his children, especially his youngest daughter. Over the years, many positions of mages were swapped out with moon elves, leaving Ezriel questioning. His conlcusion: His father was probably dissappointed within the moon mage not being able to save his wife, maybe even wondering if a moon elf's healing would have. With his expertise being illusions as well, he couldn't have been able to do it himself either. Would this be a step backwards in terms of Lemuria's social equality?

The bite

Many years rapidly flew by as the royal family carried on with their usual duties. In the meantime, Ez had learned to wield the sword. Swordfighting was something that put his ever processing mind to rest, so he'd spend every spare hour practicing. It was at that particular moment when he got into a fight with his father. According to him, Ez was neglecting his duties as the crown prince. Often skipping important meetings he had to attend, etc. The crown prince couldn't care less about meetings within a room full of moon elves, being the only human and clearly frowned upon by some. After a heavy argument, Ez ran past his father and began to run. He needed to clear his mind before lashing out some disrespectful things against his father, which remained the King after all.

Ezriel went through the gate of Lythrania, soon entering the small forest on the Lemurian isles with only his sword. At least nobody would follow him here. As a way to manage his anger, he grabbed his sword again and started his practice. Less careful and precise than normally, with only the full moon to keep him company.

At least, so he thought. Before he could even notice the footsteps, he got crushed by the weight of his attacker. With the moon being his only source of light, it took him a while to recognise the creature attacking him. A lycanthrope. With this sword he tried to fight off the the beast-like creature, being able to deal some damage in the meantime. The two of them got tangled up within a fight that seemed to last eternally to the crown prince. But eventually, after giving all of his strength, he managed to pierce his sword through the beast's shoulder, sending it off into the woods whining. His heart had never beat so fast in his entire life. The adrenaline from the fight made his wounds go unnoticed, until he started to calm down again. Beside the scratches on his body, there was one wound that made his stomache turn. The bite wound in his upper-left arm. This night would change his life forever. Ez was twenty years old at the day of this event.

The crown

For five years, he had to keep his new identity a secret already. His rebel-status increased, as he fled the city during every full moon, hardening the relationship between him and his father even further. At the night of the attack, not only his physical form changed. So did his entire life and personality.

Ezriel was twenty-two when he had to face his father on his death bed as a mysterious illness struck him, most likely a curse from a dark mage. Both moon elves and mages tried their best to heal their king, but nothing could be done anymore. Even while their relationship had its cracks, he sat beside his old man until the end. His last wish was for Ezriel to find a suiting wife to rule beside him, as Helena had been for him. At twenty-two the Crown Prince was orphaned, meaning the greatest responsibility of his live was about to rest upon his shoulders. The crown.

The council

Not long after his crowning, he decided to do something no kingdom had ever dared before. Over de years, Lemuria had taken many steps back in terms of its progression. To fix this once and for all, Ezriel decided to bid the monarchy farwell. Not only for this reason, however. A King wouldn't be able to flee the city every full moon without going unnoticed. His secret would be out in no-time. This measure had to be taken in order for his own safety, too. He sent word to the five families closest to the Elaéydar family, to send one trusted family member each to the city of Moonbright. With a new method of reign, a new capital was chosen. Lythrania would be trusted to Governor Vylasar, as Moonbright became Lemuria's new capital city and home to the council.

  • Ezriel has never shown interest within magic, even when he was still be able to become a moon mage.

Thu May 19, 2022 12:26 am
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Lemuria - Ezriel Elaéydar (Head of the Lemurian Council) XuTWurPc_o
Lemuria - Ezriel Elaéydar (Head of the Lemurian Council) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

Welcome to Odiria!
Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:41 pm
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