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Xaila - Xahena Daetrys (Princess of Xaila)
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Princess of Xaila
Xahena Daetrys
Xahena Daetrys
Xaila - Xahena Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) Doja_h10
Xaila - Xahena Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) X12

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess, advisor

Xahena Daetrys
you're all gonna watch me
disappear into the sun
Gender Female
Age 21 y/o
Species Sun Elf
Magic Sun magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Princess
P.O.B Xaila
Residence Xailan Capital
Height 165cm
Build Average
Hair color Black
Hair texture Wavy
eye color Dark Brown
skin tone Almond


As expected from the youngest Xailan princess, Xahera mostly dresses in beautiful gowns of the representative Xailan colors. Her wardrobe is filled with shades of red, yellow and gold.

However, the Xailan princess is known amongst her kingdom for being quite the rebellious one. Whenever she leaves the palace to raid the desert for its treasures and seek out its ever unsolved mysteries, she is dressed completely within white, reflective robes to protect her from the blazing sun. These veil her face, making her almost unrecognisable.
Constellation The Serpent
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Xaila's youngest princess is a fierce and rebellious one. While she does deeply honor her roots and family, she mainly lives by her own rules. She has a sharp tounge and a fiery personality, sometimes a bit too much for people to handle. Those who she loves, she loves deeply. For her family she would go though hell and beyond, even after fighting them over the most dramatic and stupid incidents.
Family Tree


father??? Daetrys
mother ??? Daetrys

Ties of Blood

Brother ??? Daetrys
Brother ??? Daetrys
Sister ??? Daetrys
Magic type Sun Magic
Expertise The creation of fire

Xahena has inherited the same talent for fire magic as her mother. Both of the women have the same fierce personalities, making it difficult for them to control their fiery gift. Seeing her mother's burn scars as a child, Xahena became scared of training and using her fire magic. The most she'll use it for is to heat up her forgotton cup of tea, but she has never tried to create flames before. She often forgets that her magic is part of her, and uses her bow as the extension that her magic should have been.


As the youngest sister of the Daetrys family, Xahena always had lesser responsibilities than her older siblings, especially her oldest sister. Her only responsibilities were looking representative and staying out of trouble. While looking representative was never a problem for the princess who's hair has been braided every morning by maids for as long as she remembers, trouble always seems to find its way to her. Whether it was trying to escape the palace to go on adventures through the cities, to getting into fist fights with her siblings or cousins over the smallest of inconveniences. Trouble became her second name.


As she grew into the body of a woman, her family and the guards couldn't lock her up within the palace walls anymore. Preparing herself for her rebellious daughter's teenhood, her mother had drilled the customs and rules of being a princess within her small, developing brain. Even though rebellious, Xahena wasn't dumb, which made her a master in avoiding just enough trouble to be heavily punished. The worst she could sometimes expect whas a slap on the wrist from her mother, which didn't scare her much. At this age she started her lessons within the arts of the bow and arrow. Her mother had wrote some of Xaila's most excellent teachers, and she happened to be a natural.

In her late teens Xahena developted an interest within Xaila's enormous desert, The Infernal Wilds. Interest was too small of a word, actually. It became like an obsession. Most of her evenings as a pre-teen were spent reading through all the books about the desert that she could lay her little hands on. The treasures and mysteries had formed a firm grasp upon the Xailan princess. In her late teens she found out about the thrill of desert raiding. Early in the morings, before the sun awoke from his sleep, she would get up and head towards the desert with nothing but her bow, some arrows and a camel.


Her skills using the bow and arrow came in handy when it was her time to prove herself within The Sun Ring. Her drawn enemy happened to be a young sandworm, not too much of a threat. While her aim was close to perfect, she did have a hard time evading the worms swift surprise attacks from underneath the sand within the arena. Eventually she did manage to kill it without any serious injuries despite a few deep biting wounds within her legs. She still bears the small scars to this day.


As an adult, Xahena continued her desert raids. Sometimes even with her newfound friend an companion. However, until this they she has never really found something other than shattered pots or trinkets that were lost on desert travels. Nothing too exciting. Her dream of finding true treasure remains to this day. Beside raiding the desert, her mother has given her an important responsibility in hopes of keeping her rebellious daughter busy. Not too long ago she was appointed the advisor of the Crimson Dawn. Together with the generals, it is her responsibility to guide the guards within their duties, advice the guards in urgent situations and report back to the queen. This chance has given her a new sense of purpose. Her occasional desert raids are much more occasionally now, as she spends most of her time training in hopes to keep up with CD's skills.

  • Xahena has a close relationship with her siblings.
  • She dreams about finding the most beautiful of treasures within the desert.
  • The fear of her magic is a touchy subject.

Sun May 01, 2022 7:02 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Xaila - Xahena Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) XuTWurPc_o
Xaila - Xahena Daetrys (Princess of Xaila) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

Welcome to Odiria!
Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:40 pm
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