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Xaila - Rashid Daetrys (Prince of Xaila)
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Prince of Xaila
Rashid Daetrys
Rashid Daetrys
Xaila - Rashid Daetrys (Prince of Xaila) MBUw8GTG_o
Xaila - Rashid Daetrys (Prince of Xaila) 2403a93b9ec321fbbadf577856ff26a320abf5de

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Prince

Rashid Daetrys
Love and loyalty, that's what we stand for
Gender Male
Age 28 years
Species Sun elf
Magic Sun magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Prince
P.O.B Al-Quahil
Residence Al-Quahil
Height 180 cm
Build Strong/muscular
Hair color Dark brown/black
Hair texture Short dreads
Eye Color Dark brown
Skin Tone Warm toned/sun-kissed


Rashid Daetrys, known affectionately as Rash, is a vision carved from strength and allure. His hot-toned, sun-kissed skin speaks of the warm climates that have shaped his life. The sun elf’s face, a symphony of striking features, is anchored by dark, dreamy eyes that draw people in. His broad shoulders taper down to a narrow waist, sculpted with sinewy muscles that speak of dedication and strength. Rash his perfectly shaped beard, meticulously trimmed to accentuate his strong jawline, adds a touch of sophistication to his rugged masculinity. The crown of his head is adorned with short dreads that frame his face, a hint of wildness to his otherwise immaculate appearance.


Rash's attire mirrors his confident demeanor. Whether clad in traditional garments that echo the cultural heritage of his homeland or sporting more casual, tailored suits, his fashion sense exudes a blend of sophistication and effortless style. His choice of accessories, often understated yet tasteful, adds a touch of refinement to his overall appearance. Rashid's armor is a masterpiece, a blend of functionality and regal splendor that befits a warrior of his stature. The chest plate boasts sculpted lines that contour to his muscular frame while intricate designs dance across the surface, symbolizing his power and radiance.


With his towering presence coupled with his enigmatic aura, Rashid draws others to him like moths to a flame. He exudes an air of self-assuredness that borders on cockiness, confidence in his abilities, and unafraid to challenge conventions. His confidence borders on arrogance sometimes, evident in his sharp witty remarks that challenge the norms and expectations of the society around him. The sun elf possesses a razor-sharp tongue, unafraid to speak his mind or employ sarcasm with a bit of sass when the situation calls for it.
Constellation The Serpent
Alignment Neutral good

He's very much aware of his own physical allure and isn't shy about acknowledging it, often weaving jests and playful comments about his captivating appearance into conversations. His arrogance, shrouded in humor, is part of the persona he has carefully crafted, portraying himself as a shameless flirt. His casual grace and courteous demeanor are as mesmerizing as they are perilous, as they hint at a darker, more enigmatic side. Rashid navigates through life with a dangerous charm, his actions and words calculated to evoke both fascination and wariness.

Rash his outward demeanor, shrouded in arrogance and a playful vanity, serves as a shield to conceal the scars of his past, buried deep beneath layers of practiced deception and emotional fortitude. As a master of manipulation, deception, and lies, Rashid wields his skills with lethal precision, veiling his true emotions and motives behind a veil of carefully constructed facades.

Beneath the layers of manipulation and callousness lies a heart that beats fiercely for those he holds dear. His past traumas, carefully guarded and masked, fuel a fierce protectiveness for the people and causes he cares about. Rashid's willingness to sacrifice and do whatever it takes to safeguard those he loves stands, revealing the depth of his loyalty and capacity for love and compassion.
Family Tree


father Nasim Daetrys †
mother Radhja Daetrys


Sister Nephtrys Daetrys
Sister Nymeria Daerys
Sister Phaedra Daetrys
Sister Persephone Daerys
Sister Xahena Daetrys


Grandfather Zahair Daetrys †
Grandmother Nemiah Daetrys †

Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

Aunt Sahirah Daetrys
Uncle Atlas Daetrys
Cousin Briseis Daetrys
Magic type Sun magic
Expertise Fire weapon enhancement

As a sun elf warrior, he harnesses the fiery energy of the sun with his skills on the battlefield. His proficiency in enhancing weapons with flames is exemplified by his personal sword—a weapon that becomes an extension of his own blazing power. With a mere thought and a flicker of his will, Rashid envelops his sword in intense, searing flames. The fiery aura not only strengthens the blade, making it more formidable, but also serves as a scorching menace to his adversaries. He can do this with other weapons as well, but he always prefers his sword. It is his most dangerous asset.

In moments when he has no weapons at his side, Rash's command over his sun magic manifests in a different form—a whip of pure fire acting as his outstretched hand. This ethereal whip crackles and hisses, its burning tendrils capable of ensnaring foes. Its searing touch inflicts not just physical harm, but carries the scorching intensity of the sun's essence, adding an element of both control and devastation to Rashid's adversary.

Years of dedicated practice and unwavering commitment to honing his abilities have made Rashid a force to be reckoned with. His daily training regimen is a testament to his relentless pursuit of perfection, constantly pushing the boundaries of his sun magic, exploring new techniques, and expanding his arsenal of combat skills.


Rashid was born the second child to Nasim and Radhja Daetrys, king and queen of Xaila. After his birth, Radhja had been able to hide her distaste for bearing a son from the public eye, even from her own family, but Rashid always felt like she would much rather have another daughter instead. While the queen never made this very obvious, the woman left little hints for him to catch during his years of growing up. Besides, she never paid much attention to him, and it became clear that she did not care much about what happened to him.

As a young boy, Rashid’s bold and courageous personality gave him a knack for getting into all sorts of problems, sometimes even dangerous situations. He was much less careful than his sisters were, obviously. Radhja blamed his boyish nature for this, and whenever she heard stories about his adventures, she could not bring herself to show even a hint of worry in her eyes. This wounded the boy, feeling like he could not count on his mother to care about him like any mother should. He never called her out on this, nor did anyone else who noticed this. He did care deeply about his sisters, and much rather enjoyed their company, ignoring his mother for most of the time.


Eventually, when he became older, Rashid found himself in the battle ring, training to become a warrior. Only that way, the boy could still be of use to his family. He started throwing his anger and his frustration into fights. This is also where he met his ‘family by choice’, a couple of other boys from dubious backgrounds, who hated each other at first before they began forging a deep friendship based on trust and mutual respect. They were bastards, spit out by society, but great warriors. Somehow, they bonded, and Rash started relying on them. In the meantime, they also made him question his views on societal norms, and his weakness began to grow for people not born equal to the eyes of others.

This made him grow closer to one of his cousins, who was also born a bastard and was therefore frowned upon by many, even his own family. But he decided not to judge Briseis, treating her with kindness instead. At the same time, he also grew closer with one of his other cousins, Yasmin, all because her mother had lost one of her sons shortly after birth, a son she had longed for. Due to this, she had always adored Rash, feeling like he was the son she never got to keep. He felt more motherly love from her than his mother, so he liked spending time with her. Sadly enough, she died when he was eighteen years old during childbirth, and he stayed around to help Yasmin deal with her grief, having lost both her mother and another brother.


Growing up, he became pretty self-sufficient in playing acts, keeping his own personal agenda from his family. His mother continued to dislike him, making him feel like he was secretly a disappointment to her on every front, but he did not care about this anymore. He simply kept playing along with her charade while making it seem like he was not bothered at all by her disapproval. And, due to his reputation, some of his sisters could trust him with their mistakes while he tried his best to keep them from making more.

When the news was brought to his attention by Briseis, trying to master her spying, that his other cousin, Yasmin, was actually a bastard as well. Rashid took it upon himself to silence this rumor. A woman had apparently found out about the other father and threatened to make this known to the world. One way to keep her quiet was by sharing her bed, to keep her from talking, sacrificing himself for the sake of keeping his cousin safe from the same shame and ruin Briseis had to endure. After all, this gave the woman the attention she desired - being as devious and power-hungry as she was, she was more than satisfied to have a prince caught up in her sheets. Yasmin never knew about this, nor did her father, as her true heritage had been a secret that had been very well kept.

This, however, did not improve his reputation, with his people now calling him a whore behind his back. He had learned to live with his due to his dedication to keep his loved ones from getting hurt, always putting others above himself. And Yasmin, he very much loves. She is almost always around him, being his wingman when his friends are not around, keeping him sane most of the time. He protects her more fiercely than others, beating up every man who tries to hurt her feelings. The same can be said about his friends and his sisters, although, he knows his sisters are, most of the time, able to protect themselves.
- People who don’t know about Rash being related to Yasmin often think they are together due to their closeness, but they are not. He is just very protective when it comes to her. Treating her like a sister.
- Rashid has a black Arabian stallion named Shahin.
- His weapon of choice is his flaming sword.
- Due to his mask, the man is often not what he seems.
- Rash loves the night sky, often enjoying nightly walks through the city.
- He can often be found at parties, keeping his eye on his sisters and cousins.
- Often travels with the royal family to events.
- His favorite drink is red wine.
- He will never think twice about sacrificing himself for someone he loves.
- The man cares a lot about people born on the wrong side of society and will protect them in any way he can.
- Rashid calls the inner circle of people he works with (his close friends) his dreamteam
Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:17 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Xaila - Rashid Daetrys (Prince of Xaila) XuTWurPc_o
Xaila - Rashid Daetrys (Prince of Xaila) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:48 pm
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