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Lemuria - Solomon Emoira (Lemurian Council)
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Lemurian Council
Solomon Emoira
Solomon Emoira
Lemuria - Solomon Emoira (Lemurian Council) 4KQK15D
Lemuria - Solomon Emoira (Lemurian Council) Atsthj1

Character sheet
Age: 38 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whispers

Solomon Emoira
It's my city  and it might get shitty. And it might get gritty in the mornin' light.
Gender Male
Age 38
Species Human
Magic None
Religion The Odirian Entities
Occupation Master of Whispers (Lemurian Council)
P.O.B Al-Qahil
Residence Moonbright
Height 1.89m
Build Strong
Hair color Black, with starting gray
Hair texture Short curls
Eye Color Dark brown
Skin Tone Dark


Strong and intimidating. Those are the best describe Solomon. With his broad shoulder and slim waist, he's build like a bear and looks like one on top. Even for his relatively young age, he starts to get crowfeet around his eyes and his short beard starts to get some gray hairs. Some might say it's because of the stress he's always on. Others might argue that it's because of his history. Solomon is considered a a towering hulk, with him being almost 190cm tall, he easily towers over other people, giving even more to his intimidation factor. His deep brown eyes are often cold and calculated, almost no-one is able to find a glimpse of emotion in them. He wears easy fitted clothing, in dark or mute colours so that not much attention is placed on him. He's great in keeping a so called poker face, which makes him almost impossible to read. Solomon keeps himself a down low, wearing muting colours and no jewellery, besides one golden ring in his left earlobe, a reminder of his mother.
Constellation The Raven
Alignment Lawful Evil

Solomon is a stoic and stern man, showing little to none emotions as long as he isn't sure who he can trust. He has some trust issues, after events that happened in his history. People might find him to be cold and distant, while he observes and argues his plans with himself. If he trusts you, his voice will be warmer and more friendly, yet there will always be a little hint of caution in it. As he has learned that betrayal can happen at any moment, even under friends. He has a certain aura of secrecy around him, making him feel and look cold. His slight paranoia makes him sometimes a bit jumpy, as if he's suffering from PTSD, a diagnosis he does not accept, but deep down knows is true. While being trained in wielding a sword and dagger, his chose of weapon are actually his words. As he is a very charming person and knows how to wring information out of people with just a few words. This is also how he gets most of his intel, simply by mingling in the common folk.
An other side of Solomon is his rightfulness, he's extremely loyal to the council, but is also not afraid to use whatever necessary to keep his and other secrets safe.
Family Tree


father Scorpius Emoira
mother Asya Nara


Brother Younger Brother
Sister -


Aunts & Uncles NPC
Cousins NPC


Girlfriend So Mi†
Offspring -
Solomon is born from an interrace marriage between a Xailan Sun Elf and a Lemurian man. Born with the characteristic dark skin from his Xailan blood, he was not blessed with the pointed ears and thus deemed a normal human boy. He was names Solomon Emoira, thus wearing the family name of his father, Scorpius Emoira. His parents lived in Al-Qahil at that moment, giving him his first memories of the sand covered land. With his childhood being relatively easy-going, his father taught him some basic lessons in his trade, being a merchant. His mother was keen on keeping the boy, having him do the Proving once he reached his eighteenth birthday. However, Scorpius was ushered back to Lemuria for family business and wanted to have his son learn where he also came from. Asya decided against it, as she didn't want to leave Xaila. This made the family split, with Scorpius taking Solomon, who was only seven years old, back to Lemuria.
Being a young, dark skinned, boy within Lemuria wasn't easy. He got bullied a lot for his skin colour, even with Lemuria and Xaila being friendly to each other. His father taught him to be a better business man, slowly trying to get him to take over his business. But Solomon had other plans, as he escaped his fathers clutches and wondered off into the city of Moonbright. Hiding within inns, brothels and other places where he made himself invisible and just listened to what others had to tell. Even from a young age, he came home telling the most wonderful and colourful stories. Scorpius started to see that his boy was not made to be a merchant, but decided to still take him with him on his trips. As he couldn't stay in Moonbright forever. Solomon spent three years within the city, before he left once again with his father to visit other parts of Odiria. On their travels, Scorpius taught Solomon everything he knew about the history of the world, and the holes he filled with knowledge from books he found wherever possible. He still used his skills in talking and natural charisma to gather information for his father. Mostly about what people wanted to buy and who wanted to make a trading contract. In his free time, Solomon wondered the cities to learn as much as possible. He got a side job as a waiter in one of the bars in Raveryn, where it was easy to mingle with the people. That was only one of the small jobs that Solomon did. Within his travels with his father, he had been a waiter, a cook, a barman, a musician, a bouncer and even wanted to take a job within a brothel, but his father stopped him. Solomon and Scorpius travelled Odiria for a total of seven years, going back to Lemuria ever so often. They even visited his mother, who had moved on from the split and didn't want to see Scorpius or their son again.
Solomon ripped himself apart from his father once he hit eighteen years old. He wanted to make a name for himself, without it being in the same breath as his fathers. He took on some of his old job within Moonbright, starting as a bouncer in a tavern, he worked himself up to owner of the whole place. Yet it didn't satisfy his itch for more knowledge. However, he was successful in making his place popular enough for high ranking people to come around and make them talk. Solomon never used this information, but he kept it in the back of his head for a rainy day. Within these years, he also found his girlfriend. A lowly girl named So Mi. Solomon and So lived happily for a good couple of years, trying to start a family when he was just at the end of his twenties. One dinner went wrong, an assassination attempt on Solomon took the life of So Mi and the man started looking for who took his love from him. Within his revenge filled years, he got into contact with an underground organisation of espionage within Lemuria. He trained a few years within this organisation after enduring a gruesome initiation. Eventually he never found out who had killed his girlfriend and he had to come to terms with the fact that he would never get this closure. Now, at the age of thirty eight, Solomon has gotten an invitation. A seat in the Lemurian council got reopened and they could use both his skills and his family name to fill this spot. A challenge he would gladly take upon himself.
- Solomon is well traversed, he has been everywhere at least once, only Ashmoor had proven difficult to gain access to.
- He speaks multiple languages.
- His weapon of choice is a sword, with an off-hand dagger.
- He counts as a jack of all trades, master of none. Yet, he's highly trained in espionage.
- While being from a great house, he likes to mingle with the common folk.
- After losing his girlfriend, he never found love again.
- He's still searching for the one that ordered the assassination on him, that took his girlfriends life.
- Even as "just a human" Solomon is a force to be reckoned with. For his dexterity, street smarts and body strength.
- With his imposing build, he can be quite intimidating.
- Solomon likes animals, but his busy life never let him have a pet of his own.
- His mother basically disowned him after she and his father split, he has no idea if there are more siblings on his mothers side.
- Solomon suffers from PTSD, but will never admit it. He keeps having nightmares of his girlfriend dying in front of him with a devilish figure towering over her.
- He also is very jumpy and has trust issues, but tries to suppress them as good as possible.
- His father is still alive and is still traveling as a merchant around Odiria.
- Solomon loves the water and to spent days on the beach.
- Through his ownership of the tavern, he made a few high-ranking friends and business partners. One of them being the current head of the council.
- Solomon also only poses as a tavern keep, keeping his engagement in the secret organisation a well kept secret.
Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:22 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Lemuria - Solomon Emoira (Lemurian Council) XuTWurPc_o
Lemuria - Solomon Emoira (Lemurian Council) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:56 pm
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