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Lemuria - Catherine Vasilevsky (Lemurian Council)
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Lemurian Council
Catherine Vasilevsky
Catherine Vasilevsky
Lemuria - Catherine Vasilevsky (Lemurian Council) WJ5xBUx
Lemuria - Catherine Vasilevsky (Lemurian Council) LSt8Ewk

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Master of the coin

Catherine Vasilevsky
The people come to understand that wealth is not the fruit of labour but the result of organised, protected robbery.
Gender Female
Age 23
Species Human
Magic None
Religion Odirian deities
Occupation Council member
P.O.B Lemuria
Residence Moonbright
Height 1.70
Build Slender
Hair colorBlonde
Hair texture Slightly wavy
Eye Color Blue
Skin ToneMilky white


It is often said that the first thing people notice about Catherine, is her striking appearance. This is not too surprising, considering her features generally fall well within the beauty standards society has ordained for women. Her hair is fairly straight; and although it has the tendency to curl up by itself naturally, she often uses various styling tools to embolden that trait. While her hair color definitely is blond. The exact shade often varies; it can appear platinum one minute and downright strawberry the next. It really depends on outside factors; such as the way the light shines on it. Often, she likes to wear her hair up. "Out of modesty!" She always says, but really its because she feels it exposes her fine neck and broad shoulders. Which she feels are aspects of the body that are not talked about enough. The build Catherine possess is a slim one. Being tall, is a trait that was once absent in her family. But thanks to strategic marriages, it has managed to become a dominant trait. Because of this fact, Catherine is often taller then most other maidens. Her skin is like porcelain; but what did you expect from someone who does her utmost to avoid the sun? Or at the very least wears several clothing items to protect her skin whenever she does go outside. 
Constellation the ruler
Alignment lawful evil

Eccentric is a good word to describe this one. She often says and does things in a rather strange manner. But not in a offputting way. No in fact; it's rather endearing to many people. Since she often behaves herself in such a exuberant manner, that its hard to get annoyed by it. Especially since it's more of an act than anything else. And so she knows exactly when to tone it down, or when to amp it up. She wears this generally kind and cheerful mask to fool others. Since deep down, she is quite the money hungry monstrel. She is greedy beyond belief, and is always scheming to extort money from people. Since she believes all the riches belong to her. Normally this would be seen as a flaw, but not within the Vasilevsky family. They see it as a virtue. And thus Catherine is encouraged by them to revel in this kind of behavior. Thus, it should come as no surprise that she is simply wearing a mask to get close to people. To win their trust. So she can more easily rob them of every penny they have and getting away with it.
Family Tree


fatherNikolay Vasilevsky
motherAngelina Romanov


Brother none
Sister none


Aunts & UnclesSeveral
Cousins Several
Catherine is born in a very imporant and influential Lemurian family. Though they weren't always that way. Not very long ago the family was nothing more than a group of beggars. They didnt even have a surname. "Vasilevsky" Isnt a last name, its the name of the small town they originally hailed from. A distant ancestor; also named Catherine sought to change that. And so, she did everything she could to change the tides of her family fortune. She lied, potted, and pried her way to the top. Very soon, she was running nothing short of a mafia-like organization. Her scams were legendary and able to rack up lots of gold coins. And even when she eventually passed away, her decends were determined contine what she had started. Although the family was now far from being destitute they still aren't happy with their place in society. And so, slowly but surely they managed to arrange political advantages marriages. So they could climb the social ladder. This wasn't as hard as it seems, since there were plenty of noble houses who were short on cash. And willing to turn a blind eye to the families and all their ways  if in the end they got a large dowry in return. The family was quick to change adapt so they could fit it as best as they could. They bought the finest dresses and  secured the best teachers from around the globe to educate their young. And over the years they became one of the elite. They worked closely with the crown, since the monarchy could always use some more money. And the Vasilevsky family was notorious for finding new ways to garner more revenue for the royal family, mostly within the rule of the state. Although they did bend them a bit. Money would always be a center point for the family, since their biggest fear is losing it all and being once again reduced to the peasants they once were. And they feel that money, is the only thing in the world that can protect them from that fate. This is ingrained in the mind of the young Catherine, and this was probably the only thing that set her childhood from other children of her rank.This borderline obsession with wealth. She soon began all sorts of schemes to perfect this skill of fraud. As a young girl from grown adult. Her passion never changed. It only got worse over time. The family Vasilevskiy usually tries to keep everything at least somewhat within the rules. But Catherine throws that more and more in the wind. She's not reckless, but more willing to take risks. And to hurt others. So when she was appointed as one of the Lemurian council, it was as no surprise she was chosen as the "Keeper of the privy purse" Meaning she was supposed to go over everything concerning money, be it for the council or for the whole kingdom. Its an immense honor of course, and she tries her best to not to lose the position. But also meet her own desires. Its like walking a tight rope for her. She tries to keep everything in balance. But probably won't succeed.


-Her favorite color is green
-She has a sweet tooth
-Plays the violin
Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:03 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Lemuria - Catherine Vasilevsky (Lemurian Council) XuTWurPc_o
Lemuria - Catherine Vasilevsky (Lemurian Council) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:06 pm
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