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Keres Rizal
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Xaila Citizen
Keres Rizal
Keres Rizal
Keres Rizal R4dj4eY
Keres Rizal EP35j7b

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Assassin

Keres Neith Rizal
Those dark and flashy eyes, that will hunt you in the night
Gender Female
Age 22
ReligionThe Odirian Deities
ResidenceAlways on the road/run
Height 1.65
Build Toned
Hair color Black
Hair texture Straight
Eye ColorLight blue
Skin Tone Slightly tanned


Keres is a Xailan, born and raised. And yet you wouldn't say that when you look at her. For she has none of the features typically attributed to people from that region. Keres has rather pale skin, not entirely so- she is a little on the tan side. But not nearly enough as one would expect her to be. But then again, Keres doesn't spend much of her time in the sun. Like many of her peers. This woman spends her time more hiding in the shadows. Something which is also a little unusual are her light blue eyes. Keres does have long, thick, hair which is as dark as the night. It is often allowed to flow freely, and on the rare occasions it is done up in a style. It is usually a very simple one. The clothing she wears is often on the practical side, too. This isn't to say, however, that she doesn't carry herself with a certain sense of style. Since she definitely does. 

Keres has a very lean build, almost athletic. Which gives her some visible muscles. Especially when she exchanges in a very physical act, like running. Keres has large, sharp eyes.  A clearly defined jawline, A petite nose. And plump lips. Often coated in a thick red lipstick. Her skin is also very smooth, not a bump or scar can be found on it. Keres isn't very tall, however, only standing about 1.65 in length. 
Constellation The serpent
AlignmentNeutral evil

Keres isn't a particularly nice person, she is snarky and argumentative. Mostly just for the sake of it. She likes arguing and irritating others. Bringing them down with her words, and even actions. Though one wouldn't really be able to tell, since she doesn't show her enjoyment.  Keres isn't a very expressive person, she usually keeps her face in one mode; and one mode only. A cold and distant one. An unreadable one. One that almost never smiles. She is, despite this, not a very loud person. She hardly if ever raises her voice. Or her tone for that matter. So when she does; on the rare occasion, decide to change it. It is immediately noticeable. And not something to be taken lightly. For only under extreme circumstances would she ever do so. This woman has little sense or morality, well she does know when something is morally wrong. It just doesn't bother her. She has no feeling of guilt or pride. Making her the perfect killer, really; which is what she is. Life, has little to no value to Keres. It is simply a flame, one that she has no problem with blowing out. This isn't to say that she likes it, either. She simply sees it as her job. One that pays very well, and forces others to respect her. Keres is rather intelligent, one has to be really in her line of work. But then again, because of this. She is really more street smart than anything else. She knows how to quickly adapt to a change in situation. How to evade law enforcement. Her academic skills are rather basic. She knows how to read and write, knows how to calculate numbers to a certain degree. But not much beyond that. Seeing all this; it is easy to think that she is a terrible person. And in many ways she is. But she isn't without her redeeming qualities. Keres does actually care, more than would expect her too. About the people close to her. And she really does want to help, and protect them. She just doesn't always know how to best express this. 
Family Tree


father Jorgen Rizal
mother Zayna Zinyra


Brother Lubayd Zinyra
Brother Zuhayr Rizal


Daughter Nadia Cerwyn (?)
Magic type Sorcery
Expertise Divination

Keres' magic is undoubtedly Rizal. Though, thanks to her Zinrya heritage, it isn't without that influence. Keres can look into the future, but mostly only for a few seconds or so. Definitely not years or decades. Thus, questions like "Will I marry the love of my life." or "How many children will I end up having?" Aren't really for her. She can channel her power, and read what action another person will take next. And thus she, in turn, knows how to react. This ability comes in handy in things like fights, where she can predict where someone will hit her, and thus she can dodge out of the way. Keres mostly uses her magic for her job. She is an assassin, and thus usually only has one chance to bring down her target. In this situation, she uses her magic to see which method she should use. For when it comes to the actual death of someone, her future reading ability is broadened significantly. Though, it is a complicated. One that requires many steps. She goes through every possible method one can choose to off a person, in her head. There are, however, often hundreds of possibilities. Though only usually a few are actually usable. She picks out the best ones, and compares them to each other. And then, based on that, decides which future will become a reality. This is a rather time-consuming process that takes a lot of time. 

In both cases, however, a lot can still go wrong. Sometimes she doesn't take the "right" route. This has happened before. Furthermore, her magic can be a little slow sometimes. So she doesn't have the time to predict someone's next move. And lastly, this takes a lot of energy from her. 
Keres was born as the youngest child, and only daughter. Born to Zayna Zinrya en Jorgen Rizal. Despite her parents being connected to two of sorcerer families. She was brought up in a very modest way. Her parents weren't anything special after all; not even having the magic that belonged to their respective lineages. They were simple, average people. Living their own life, in their corner of the world. The young girl was given the name Zinrya after her birth, just like her brother before her. Despite not being sure yet if she even possessed magic at all, or if it had; as was the case with her parents. Skipped a generation. Keres wasn't an only child, yet, for the first few years of her life. It did seem that way. As one of her brothers had died in a tragic accident. One of her uncle's had dropped him when he was just a baby. And the other was shipped away to Ravaryn. Thus, Keres was spoiled rotten by her parents. They tolerated her every behavior, granted her every wish. This was fine for a while, but the older she got. The more outrageous her demands became. When she didn't get her way, she would scream, cry and lash out. Her parents were too weak to correct this. And thus it only got worse and worse. Until; other family members finally started to stand up against her too. Supporting her parents. Because of this, Keres was never able to form a bond with any of her aunts and uncles. Or even her grandparents, who she hated the most. It did, however. This strict new way of handling her. Though it did change her completely. Before, Keres was rowdy, loud, and domineering. But she slowly started to change in a quiet, cold and mysterious. She wasn't such a handful as before. Or at least not in the same way. When she was just 7, her brother came back. But it changed very little. She rarely if ever saw him. As he was always hiding away in his room. And thus never formed any sort of bond with him. Keres went to a public school for a very long time. Where, she was, got in trouble a lot. She was known for manipulating her fellow students. And causing infighting, heartbreak and low self-esteem issues. To her so - called classmates and so-called "friends." At first nothing much was done to combat this, the adults around her figured that this was just a phase she would grow out of. But she never did. Not even when she was punished. She never stopped, her mothedes just became more sneaky. Harder to track down. Until one day, a fellow student had enough. And attacked her. 

They beat her down mercilessly. She was bed bound for at least a couple of months. Broken ribs, deep wounds that almost turned to everlasting scares. The whole event really shook her to her core. Keres didn't return to the school. Her parents instead arranged private tutors for their daughter. But she wasn't much interested in learning about typical school subjects anymore, history, mathematics- they weren't really worth learning. That sort of knowledge, couldn't protect you. Couldn't- help you in dire situations. It was all worthless, really. With this mindset, Keres started to fall behind in her studies. In everything really. She had become like her brother, a hermit. Never leaving her room or the house. After a while, her parents arranged a for a very special type of master. To come and teach her. And hopefully set her on the right path. The man was named Haban. He was a skilled fighter, survivalist and traveler. But more than that; he shared a lot in common with Keres. Having a troubled upbringing, and a gift for manipulating those around him. But he was able to turn his life around. And become a righteous and good man. Keres took to him almost immediately. He became a sort of father figure to her. Even if they didn't always see eye to eye. But when they argued, they always found away to make up again. He was actually the sort of person the young woman needed in her life. And she really started to change for the better. Once, when they were training, Keres was able to trigger her magic for the very first time. And after that, she officially changed her name to Rizal. Which really was a turning point for her. Her lack of magic had always eaten away at her, deep down. But in one day, that - had all but disappeared. And it was, in her eyes, all thanks to her mentor. Who continued to train her, and helped her cultivate her abilities even more. 

One day when she and her mentor were out together gathering some supplies for a trip they were going to go on. Her mentor was attacked by some people from his past. People who wanted revenge. Haban fought back, but there were too many of them. And he had Keres too to think about, in an attempt to save her from the attackers. He threw himself at them, knowing that he won't survive it. Thanks to this, Keres was able to escape. Make it back home safe. She immiedltly told her parents what had happend. And they went to repported the incident to law inforcment. But- nothing happend. Keres was promised that there were people on the case. And that the criminals would eb caught. But days became weeks, and weeks turned into months and still nothing. The young woman had enough. And started to take matters into her own hands. It was a grueling process, finding the men that had killed her mentor. They were hard to track down, and even harder to kill. But she manged, too, with the skills that Haban had taught her. And her own magic. She killed them slowly, one by one. Some went quick and others - almost cost her own life. But eventually it was done. And Keres, Keres, found that she had a knack for murdering. But she wasn't the only one. The woman had caught the attention of some rather shady people, and they were impressed with her. They told her she had a real talent, one she shouldn't let go to waste. And so she didn't. Keres became an assassin. And worked predominantly in underground circles. 

This didn't go entirely unnoticed by her parents, they weren't sure what she was up to. But they knew, that it was bad. And so they tried to stop her. But there was no stopping her anymore. She was almost an adult, after all, and she was making her own money. She didn't need them. And so when Keres passed her proving. She left her. Never to return. 

Keres has been all over Odiria since, taking hit jobs where ever she goes. Once, when she was in Lemuria, she had an encounter with a boy. One that lead to her becoming pregnant. Something she didn't want; she didn't want to have to raise a child. She wasn't cut out for such a thing. And so she gave her daughter up completely. 
- Her relationship with her daughter is complicated. She gave her away. Because she felt like she wasn't fit to raise a child
- Has told no one about her bastard child, and probably never will. 
- Actually really likes animals, and takes good care of them. She often feeds cats and dogs she finds wondering the streets.
- Black is her favorite color
- Eats spicy food like it's nothing.
- Very skilled fighter
- Knows a lot about poisons and narcotics too
- Has an array of different weapons in her possession
- Contacting her for a mission, is usually tricky. As she (obviously) doenst advertise her services openly
- One usually goes through a "middle man" 
- Does take any job, for any reason, as long as the pay is good
- Connected to the different crime organizations.
Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:08 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Keres Rizal XuTWurPc_o
Keres Rizal MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:33 pm
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